List of mottos and halls of the livery companies

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The livery companies and guilds of the City of London are listed below.


Livery companies

Livery company# [1] Company nameMottoLanguageTranslationLivery HallRef
Honourable Company of Air Pilots 81Air PilotsPer Cælum Via NostraLatinOur Way Is By The HeavensAir Pilots House, Southwark
Worshipful Society of Apothecaries 58ApothecariesOpiferque Per Orbem DicorLatinI Am Called a Bringer of Help Throughout the World Apothecaries' Hall, Black Friars Lane
Worshipful Company of Arts Scholars 110Art ScholarsArtes in urbe colamusLatinWe foster Arts (with)in the city
Worshipful Company of Arbitrators 93ArbitratorsLaw and CustomEnglish
Worshipful Company of Builders' Merchants 88Builders' MerchantsStat Fortuna DomusLatinThe Fortune of the House Continues
Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers 22Armourers and BrasiersWe Are OneLatinArmourers' Hall
Worshipful Company of Bakers 19BakersPraise God For AllEnglishBakers' Hall, Harp Lane
Worshipful Company of Barbers 17BarbersDe Praescientia DeiLatinFrom the Foreknowledge of GodBarbers-Surgeons' Hall, Wood Street
Worshipful Company of Basketmakers 52BasketmakersLet Us Love One AnotherEnglish
Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths 40BlacksmithsBy Hammer and Hand All Arts Do StandEnglish
Worshipful Company of Bowyers 38Bowyers Crécy, Poitiers, Agincourt N/A
Worshipful Company of Brewers 14BrewersIn God Is All Our TrustEnglishBrewers' Hall, Aldermanbury Square
Worshipful Company of Broderers 48BroderersOmnia De SuperLatinAll From Above
Worshipful Company of Butchers 24ButchersOmnia Subiecisti Sub Pedibus, Oves Et BovesLatinThou Hast Put All Things Under Man's Feet, All Sheep and OxenButchers' Hall, Bartholomew Close
Worshipful Company of Carmen 77CarmenScite, Cite, CertoLatinSkilfully, Swiftly, Surely
Worshipful Company of Carpenters 26CarpentersHonour GodEnglishCarpenters' Hall, Throgmorton Avenue, London Wall
Worshipful Company of Chartered Accountants 86Chartered AccountantsTrue and FairEnglish
Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects 98Chartered ArchitectsFirmnesse, Commodite, DelyteEnglish
Worshipful Company of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators 87Chartered SecretariesService with IntegrityEnglish
Worshipful Company of Chartered Surveyors 85Chartered SurveyorsModus ab InitioLatinMethod from the Very Beginning
Worshipful Company of Clockmakers 61ClockmakersTempus Rerum ImperaturLatinTime is the Commander of All Things
Worshipful Company of Clothworkers 12ClothworkersMy Trust Is in God AloneEnglishClothworkers' Hall, Dunster Court, Mincing Lane
Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers 72CoachmakersSurgit Post Nubila PhoebusLatinThe Sun Rises After The Clouds
Worshipful Company of Constructors 99ConstructorsConstruction Cum Honore
[ dubious ]
Build with Honour
Worshipful Company of Cooks 35CooksVulnerati Non VictiLatinWounded Not Conquered
Worshipful Company of Coopers 36CoopersLove as BrethrenEnglishCoopers' Hall, Devonshire Square
Worshipful Company of Cordwainers 27CordwainersCorio et ArteLatinLeather and Art
Worshipful Company of Curriers 29CurriersSpes Nostra DeusLatinOur Hope is in God
Worshipful Company of Cutlers 18CutlersPour Parvenir A Bonne Foy Anglo-Norman French To Succeed Through Good FaithCutlers' Hall, Warwick Lane
Worshipful Company of Distillers 69DistillersDrop as Rain, Distil as DewEnglish
Worshipful Company of Drapers 3DrapersUnto God Only Be Honour and GloryEnglishDrapers' Hall, Throgmorton Avenue, Throgmorton Street
Worshipful Company of Dyers 13DyersDa Gloriam DeoLatinGive Glory to GodDyers' Hall, Dowgate Hill
Worshipful Company of Educators 109EducatorsPer Doctrinam ad LucemLatinThrough Learning to Light
Worshipful Company of Engineers 94EngineersCertare IngenioLatinUse Skills to the Best of One's Abilities
Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners 97Environmental CleanersTergere Est ServareLatinTo Clean Is To Preserve
Worshipful Company of Fan Makers 76Fan MakersArts and Trade UnitedEnglish
Worshipful Company of Farmers 80FarmersGive Us Our Daily BreadEnglishFarmers & Fletchers Hall, Cloth Street
Worshipful Company of Farriers 55FarriersVi et VirtuteLatinBy Strength and by Virtue
Worshipful Company of Feltmakers 63FeltmakersDecus et TutamenLatinAn Ornament and a Safeguard
Worshipful Company of Fishmongers 4FishmongersAl Worship Be To God OnlyEnglishFishmongers' Hall, London Bridge (City end)
Worshipful Company of Fletchers 39FletchersTrue and SureEnglishFarmers & Fletchers Hall, Cloth Street
Worshipful Company of Founders 33FoundersGod, The Only FounderEnglishFounders' Hall, Cloth Fair
Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters 64FrameknittersSpeed, Strength and Truth UnitedEnglish
Worshipful Company of Fruiterers 45FruiterersDeus Dat IncrementumLatinGod Gives the Increase
Worshipful Company of Firefighters 103FirefightersFlammas Oppugnantes Fidimus DeoLatinFighting Fire, We Trust in God
Worshipful Company of Fuellers 95FuellersIn carbone robur nostrumLatinOur Strength is in coal
Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers 83Furniture MakersStraight and strongEnglishFurniture Makers' Hall, Austin Friars
Worshipful Company of Gardeners 66GardnersIn The Sweat Of Thy Brows Shalt Thou Eate Thy BreadEnglish
Worshipful Company of Girdlers 23GirdlersGive Thanks To GodEnglishGirdlers' Hall, Basinghall Avenue
Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers 71Glass SellersDiscordia FrangimurLatinDiscord Weakens
Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass 53GlaziersLucem Tuam Da Nobis DeoLatinO God, Give Us Your LightGlaziers' Hall, London Bridge (Southwark)
Worshipful Company of Glovers 62GloversTrue Hands and Warm HeartsEnglish
Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers 74Gold and Silver Wyre DrawersAmicitiam Trahit AmorLatinLove Draws Friendship
Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths 5GoldsmithsJustitia Virtutum ReginaLatinJustice is Queen of VirtuesGoldsmiths' Hall, Foster Lane
Worshipful Company of Grocers 2GrocersGod Grant GraceEnglishGrocers' Hall, Princes Street
Worshipful Company of Gunmakers 73Gunmakersno mottoGunmakers' Hall, Commercial Road (Tower Hamlets)
Worshipful Company of Haberdashers 8HaberdashersServe and ObeyEnglishHaberdashers' Hall, West Smithfield
Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers 104Cum Scientia ServimusLatinWith Knowledge We Serve [2]
Worshipful Company of Horners 54Hornersno motto
Worshipful Company of Information Technologists 100Information TechnologistsCitoLatinSwiftlyInformation Technologists' Hall, Bartholomew Close
Worshipful Company of Innholders 32InnholdersHinc Spes AffulgetLatinHence Hope Shines ForthInnholders' Hall, College Street
Worshipful Company of Insurers 92InsurersOmnium DefensorLatinProtector of AllInsurers' Hall (closed) [3]
Worshipful Company of International Bankers 106A Natione ad NationemLatinNation to Nation [4]
Worshipful Company of Ironmongers 10IronmongersGod Is Our StrengthEnglishIronmongers' Hall, Aldersgate Street
Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers 41Join Loyalty With LibertyEnglish
Worshipful Company of Launderers 89Cleanliness is next to GodlinessEnglishLaunderers' Hall, [note 1] London Bridge (Southwark)
Worshipful Company of Leathersellers 15Soli Deo Honor et GloriaLatinHonour and Glory to God AloneLeathersellers' Hall, Garlick Hill
Worshipful Company of Lightmongers 96LightmongersDominus illuminatio mea et Salus meaLatinThe Lord is my light and my help [5]
Worshipful Company of Loriners 57no motto
Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards 75Corde Recto Elati OmnesLatinWith an Upright Heart All Are Exalted
Worshipful Company of Management Consultants 105Change through WisdomEnglish
Worshipful Company of Marketors 90Mercatura Adiuvat OmnesLatinMarketing Benefits Everyone
Honourable Company of Master Mariners 78Loyalty and ServiceEnglish HMS Wellington, Temple Pier
Worshipful Company of Masons 30God is our GuideEnglish
Worshipful Company of Mercers 1Honor DeoLatinHonour to GodMercers' Hall, Ironmonger Lane
Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors 6 [note 2] Concordia Parvae Res CrescuntLatinIn Harmony Small Things GrowMerchant Taylors' Hall, Threadneedle Street
Worshipful Company of Musicians 50Preserve HarmonyEnglish
Worshipful Company of Needlemakers 65They Sewed Fig Leaves Together And Made Themselves ApronsEnglish
Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers 28Amor Queat ObedientiamLatinLove Can Compel ObediencePainters' Hall, Little Trinity Lane
Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers 70Recipiunt Foeminae Sustentacula NobisLatinWomen Receive Support From Us
Worshipful Company of Paviors 56God Can Raise To Abraham Children of StoneEnglish
Worshipful Company of Pewterers 16In God is all my TrustEnglishPewterers' Hall, Oat Lane
Worshipful Company of Plaisterers 46Let Brotherly Love ContinueEnglishPlaisterers' Hall, London Wall
Worshipful Company of Plumbers 31Justicia Et PaxLatinJustice and Peace
Worshipful Company of Poulters 34PoultersRemember Your OathEnglish
Worshipful Company of Saddlers 25SaddlersHold Fast, Sit Sure; Our Trust Is In GodEnglishSaddlers' Hall, Gutter Lane
Worshipful Company of Salters 9SaltersSal Sapit OmniaLatinSalt seasons everything (implies that "Wit improves discourse")Salters' Hall, Fore Street
Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers 84Scientific Instrument MakersSine Nobis Scientia LanguetLatinScience Languishes Without Us
Worshipful Company of Scriveners 44Scribite ScientesLatinWrite, Ye Learned Ones (formerly: Litera Scripta Manet translated as The Written Word Remains)
Worshipful Company of Security Professionals 108Res Homines LibertatesLatinProperty, People and Liberty
Worshipful Company of Shipwrights 59ShipwrightsWithin the Ark Safe ForeverEnglish
Worshipful Company of Skinners 7 [note 2] SkinnersTo God Only Be All GloryEnglishSkinners' Hall, Dowgate Hill
City of London Solicitors’ Company 79SolicitorsLex Libertatis OrigoLatinFreedom's foundation is the Law [6] [7]
Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers 60Spectacle MakersA Blessing to the AgedEnglish
Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers 47Stationers and Newspaper MakersVerbum Domini Manet in EternumLatinThe Word of the Lord Endures ForeverStationers' Hall, Ave Maria Lane
Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers 21Tallow ChandlersEcce Agnus Dei Qui Tollit Peccata MundiLatinBehold the Lamb of God, Who Takes Away the Sins of the WorldTallow Chandlers' Hall, Dowgate Hill
Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers 107Tax AdvisorsVeritas Caritas ComitasLatinTruth Charity Fellowship [8]
Worshipful Company of Tin Plate Workers 67Amore Sitis UnitiLatinMay You Be United In Love
Worshipful Company of Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Blenders 82Producat TerraLatinOut of the Earth
(May the Earth bring forth)
Worshipful Company of Turners 51By Faith I ObteigneEnglishBy Faith I Obtain
Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers 37In God Is All Our TrustEnglish
Worshipful Company of Upholders 49Sustine BonaLatinUphold the Good
Worshipful Company of Vintners 11Vinum Exhilarat AnimumLatinWine Cheers the MindVintners' Hall, Upper Thames Street
Worshipful Company of Water Conservators 102Nulla vita sine aquaLatinNo life without water
Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers 20Truth is the LightEnglishWax Chandlers' Hall, Gresham Street
Worshipful Company of Weavers 42Weave Truth With TrustEnglish
Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights 68God Grant UnityEnglish
Worshipful Company of Woolmen 43Lana Spes NostraLatinWool Is Our Hope
Worshipful Company of World Traders 101Commerce and honest friendship with allEnglish
Worshipful Company of Actuaries 91ActuariesExperience ForetellsEnglish

Companies without liveries

Company of Watermen and Lightermen At the Commandment of our SuperiorsEnglish Watermen's Hall, St-Mary-at-Hill [9]
Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks Unitas societatis stabilitasLatinUnity is the support of Society [10]

Guilds and companies awaiting livery

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Worshipful Company of Cutlers</span> Livery company of the City of London

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers</span> Livery company of the City of London

The Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers is one of the livery companies of the City of London. The Armourers' Guild was established in 1322; it received a royal charter in 1453. Other companies, including the Armour Repairers, merged with the Armourers. In 1708, brass workers joined the company, which was renamed as the Armourers' and Brasiers' Company. The company does support the metallurgy industry, but does not retain a close association with its original trade, as is the case with a majority of livery companies. It exists primarily as a charitable establishment.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Worshipful Company of Saddlers</span> Livery company of the City of London

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Worshipful Company of Carpenters</span> Livery company of the City of London

The Worshipful Company of Carpenters is a livery company of the City of London. The Carpenters were traditionally different from a fellow wood-crafting company, the Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers, in that carpenters utilised nails while joiners used adhesives to attach wood.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Worshipful Company of Curriers</span> Livery company of the City of London

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Worshipful Company of Paviors</span> Livery company of the City of London

The Worshipful Company of Paviors is one of the livery companies of the City of London. The Paviors can trace their history back to medieval times; they were responsible for the paving and maintenance of London's streets. It received a royal charter from Queen Elizabeth II in 2004. The company is no longer a trade association for or a regulator of London's road constructors. Today, it focuses on the promotion of excellence in all areas of construction.

The City of London Solicitors' Company is one of the 111 livery companies of the City of London. The company was formed in 1908; the City granted it Livery status in 1944. The company received a royal charter in 1958. Prior to 1969, when the City of London Law Society was formed, the company functioned as a law society for the city's solicitors. Today, the company mainly functions as a charitable body. The company is not to be confused with the London Solicitors UK legal firm.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers</span> Livery company of the City of London

The Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers is one of the 111 livery companies of the City of London. It ranks 84th in the order of precedence for the livery companies.

The Worshipful Company of Chartered Surveyors is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. The organisation was granted Letters Patent in May 1977. The Company promotes surveying by awarding scholarships.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Worshipful Company of Marketors</span> Livery company of the City of London

The Worshipful Company of Marketors is one of the 111 livery companies of the City of London. The company was founded in 1975.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Worshipful Company of Insurers</span> Livery company of the City of London

The Worshipful Company of Insurers is one of the 111 livery companies of the City of London. It ranks 92nd in the City Livery Companies' order of precedence. Its motto is Omnium Defensor, Latin for Protector of All and its church is St Lawrence Jewry.

The Worshipful Company of Lightmongers is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. The Lightmongers, or sellers of electric lights, were organised into the Guild of Lightmongers in 1967. The Guild became a Livery Company in 1984. The Company promotes the lighting industry by awarding prizes and scholarships. Also, it is an institution that supports general charities.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Worshipful Company of Firefighters</span> Livery company of the City of London

The Worshipful Company of Firefighters is one of the 111 livery companies of the City of London. The Company's aim is to promote the development and advancement of the science, art and the practice of firefighting, fire prevention and life safety. It operates essentially as a charitable organisation, and also encourages professionalism and the exchange of information between members and others who work in allied fields.

The Worshipful Company of International Bankers is one of the livery companies of the City of London. Its members are current or former members of the financial services industry, primarily banking. It is based in a building in Austin Friars, near Liverpool Street station.

The Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers is a livery company of the City of London. It draws its membership from tax advisers and other taxation-related practitioners.

The Company of Entrepreneurs is a Company without Livery and an aspirant Livery Company of the City of London. It successfully petitioned the Court of Aldermen for Guild status in 2014 with ambitions to become a full Livery Company by 2024. It is a membership and charitable organisation formed of men and women connected with the City of London who have invested their own time and financial resources in establishing and running successful businesses and enterprises. Its motto is Dare, Create, Succeed


  1. "List of Livery Companies by Precedence" (PDF). Livery Companies of the City of London . Retrieved 2 May 2020.
  2. "Royal Charter and By Laws - The Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers" (PDF). 31 October 2014.
  3. "Livery Halls, by dining capacity". Livery Companies of the City of London. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  4. "History | Worshipful Company of International Bankers". Retrieved 2020-05-03.
  5. "History of the Company". Lightmongers. Retrieved 2020-05-03.
  6. "The Cook and The Butler clients - Solicitors of the City of London Company". Retrieved 2020-05-03.
  7. "Worshipful Company of Solicitors". Retrieved 2020-05-03.
  8. "Associated Livery Companies". Great St Bartholomew. Retrieved 2020-05-03.
  9. "The Armorial Bearings". The Company of Watermen and Lightermen of the River Thames. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  10. "The Coat of Arms". The Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  11. PR Guild Website
  12. Judge, Paul (November 2015). "Introduction" (PDF). Dare Create Succeed (1): 3. Retrieved 3 May 2020.


  1. Launderers' share Glaziers' Hall with Glaziers' and Scientific Instrument Makers'
  2. 1 2 The Skinners' and Merchant Taylors' Companies alternate their precedence each year. See also: At sixes and sevens