Plantar cuneonavicular ligaments

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Plantar cuneonavicular ligaments
From cuneiform
To navicular
Latin ligamenta cuneonavicularia plantaria
TA A03.6.10.519
FMA 44257
Anatomical terminology

The Plantar cuneonavicular ligaments are fibrous bands that connect the plantar surface of the navicular bone to the adjacent plantar surfaces of the three cuneiform bones.

Navicular bone bone of the ankle

The navicular bone is a small bone found in the feet of most mammals.

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Flexor hallucis brevis muscle

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Flexor digitorum brevis muscle

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Plantar interossei muscles

In human anatomy, plantar interossei muscles are three muscles located between the metatarsal bones in the foot.

Quadratus plantae muscle

The quadratus plantae is separated from the muscles of the first layer by the lateral plantar vessels and nerve. It acts to aid in flexing the 2nd to 5th toes and is one of the few muscles in the foot with no homolog in the hand.

Long plantar ligament

The long plantar ligament is a long ligament on the underside of the foot that connects the calcaneus with the cuboid bone.

The transverse metatarsal ligament is a narrow band which runs across and connects together the heads of all the metatarsal bones; it is blended anteriorly with the plantar (glenoid) ligaments of the metatarsophalangeal articulations.

Dorsal talonavicular ligament

The dorsal talonavicular ligament is a broad, thin band, which connects the neck of the talus to the dorsal surface of the navicular bone; it is covered by the Extensor tendons.

Plantar calcaneocuboid ligament

The plantar calcaneocuboid ligament is a ligament on the bottom of the foot that connects the calcaneus to the cuboid bone. It lies deep to the long plantar ligament.

Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament

The plantar calcaneonavicular ligament is a complex of three ligaments on the underside of the foot that connect the calcaneus with the navicular bone.

Intermetatarsal joints

Intermetatarsal joints - The base of the first metatarsal is not connected with that of the second by any ligaments; in this respect the great toe resembles the thumb.

Intercuneiform joints

The intercuneiform joints are the joints the cuneiform bones.

Fifth metatarsal bone

The fifth metatarsal bone is a long bone in the foot, and is palpable along the distal outer edges of the feet. It is the second smallest of the five metatarsal bones. The fifth metatarsal is analogous to the fifth metacarpal bone in the hand

First metatarsal bone

The first metatarsal bone is the bone in the foot just behind the big toe. The first metatarsal bone is the shortest of the metatarsal bones and by far the thickest and strongest of them.

The Plantar cuboideonavicular ligament is a fibrous band that connects the plantar surfaces of the cuboid and navicular bones.

The Plantar intercuneiform ligaments are fibrous bands that connect the plantar surfaces of adjacent cuneiform bones.