The Sacred Wood

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The Sacred Wood is a collection of 20 essays by T. S. Eliot, first published in 1920. Topics include Eliot's opinions of many literary works and authors, including Shakespeare's play Hamlet , and the poets Dante and Blake. [1]

One of his most important prose works, "Tradition and the Individual Talent", which was originally published in two parts in The Egoist , is a part of The Sacred Wood.

The essay "Philip Massinger" contains the famous line (often misquoted) "Immature poets imitate, mature poets steal". [2]

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  1. Eliot, T. S. (10 July 1997). The Sacred Wood and Major Early Essays - Google Book Search. ISBN   9780486299365 . Retrieved 2008-10-15.
  2. "T. S. Eliot." Wikiquote, . 29 Oct 2015, 12:22 UTC. 21 Nov 2015, 22:51 <>