Second gas effect

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During induction of general anesthesia, when a large volume of a gas (e.g. nitrous oxide) is taken up from alveoli into pulmonary capillary blood, the concentration of gases remaining in the alveoli is increased. This results in effects known as the "concentration effect" and the second gas effect. These effects occur because of the contraction of alveolar volume associated with the uptake of the nitrous oxide. Previous explanations by Edmond I. Eger and Robert K. Stoelting have appealed to an extra-inspired tidal volume due to a potential negative intrapulmonary pressure associated with the uptake of the nitrous oxide.[ citation needed ]


There are two extreme breathing patterns and the extra-inspired tidal volume is an artificial construct associated with one of these patterns. [1] Thus it is the volume change that actually causes the effects.[ citation needed ]

An applicable example from Stedman's medical dictionary

When a constant concentration of an anesthetic such as halothane is inspired, the increase in alveolar concentration is accelerated by concomitant administration of nitrous oxide, because alveolar uptake of the latter creates a potential subatmospheric intrapulmonary pressure that leads to increased tracheal inflow.

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. At room temperature, it is a colourless non-flammable gas, and has a slightly sweet scent and taste. At elevated temperatures, nitrous oxide is a powerful oxidiser similar to molecular oxygen.

Respiratory system Biological system in animals and plants for gas exchange

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Halothane General anaesthetic

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In the study of inhaled anesthetics, the concentration effect is the increase in the rate that the Fa /Fi ratio rises as the alveolar concentration of that gas is increased. In simple terms, the higher the concentration of gas administered, the faster the alveolar concentration of that gas approaches the inspired concentration. In modern practice it is only relevant for nitrous oxide since other inhaled anesthetics are delivered at much lower concentrations due to their higher potency.

Blood–gas partition coefficient, also known as Ostwald coefficient for blood–gas, is a term used in pharmacology to describe the solubility of inhaled general anesthetics in blood. According to Henry's law, the ratio of the concentration in blood to the concentration in gas that is in contact with that blood, when the partial pressure in both compartments is equal, is nearly constant at sufficiently low concentrations. The partition coefficient is defined as this ratio and, therefore, has no units. The concentration of the anesthetic in blood includes the portion that is undissolved in plasma and the portion that is dissolved. The more soluble the inhaled anesthetic is in blood compared to in air, the more it binds to plasma proteins in the blood and the higher the blood–gas partition coefficient.


  1. Korman, B.; Mapleson, W. W. (May 1997). "Concentration and second gas effects: can the accepted explanation be improved?". British Journal of Anaesthesia. 78 (5): 618–625. doi: 10.1093/bja/78.5.618 . PMID   9175984.