1430s BC

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The 1430s BC is a decade which lasted from 1439 BC to 1430 BC.

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  1. Aspin, Jehoshaphat (1816). A Systematic Analysis of Universal History from the Creation to the Present Time: Presenting a Compendium of History, Chronology, Geography, and Genealogy, Where-in is Exhibited a General View of Every Country, Kingdom, Empire, and State, of which Any Records Remain... Methodically Arranged and Illustrated with Explanatory and Critical Remarks, Tables of Comparative Chronology, and Geographical Maps, Ancient and Modern; Historical Charts; and Accurate Genealogical Tables of All the Illustrious Families of Ancient and Modern Times. To which is Prefixed an Introductory Essay, on the Nature, Definitions, and Classifications of History and Chronology, and the Systems of Various Writers. Printed at the Caxton Press, by Nuttall, Fisher, and Dixon. p. 222. Retrieved 25 February 2024.
  2. Weeden, Mark; Ullmann, Lee Z. (20 May 2022). Hittite Landscape and Geography. BRILL. p. 23. ISBN   978-90-04-34939-1 . Retrieved 25 February 2024.