1610s in piracy

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This timeline of the history of piracy in the 1610s is a chronological list of key events involving pirates between 1610 and 1619.




















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See also 1719 in piracy, 1721 in piracy and Timeline of piracy.

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This timeline of the history of piracy in the 1600s is a chronological list of key events involving pirates between 1600 and 1609.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Tinniswood, Adrian (2010). Pirates of Barbary: corsairs, conquests, and captivity in the seventeenth-century Mediterranean. New York: Riverhead Books. ISBN   9781594487743.
  2. "Pirates of the Hebrides and the execution of Captain Peter Love". The Scotsman. 13 February 2017. Retrieved 11 July 2022.
  3. "South Land to New Holland - The Seynbrief". 2011-03-21. Archived from the original on 2011-03-21. Retrieved 2022-07-13.
  4. Butts, Edward (16 January 2008). "Sir Henry Mainwaring". The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 11 July 2022.
  5. 1 2 Clive Malcolm Senior, An Investigation of the Activities and Importance of English Pirates, 1603-40 (University of Bristol, PhD thesis, 1973), p. 88-91
  6. 1 2 Burns, Alan. History of the British West Indies. Allen & Unwin. OCLC 557499386.
  7. "Knights of England". Internet Archive. Retrieved 11 July 2022.