1859 in philosophy

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List of years in philosophy

1859 in philosophy





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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Edmund Husserl</span> Austrian-German philosopher (1859–1938)

Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl was an Austrian-German philosopher and mathematician who established the school of phenomenology.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Edith Stein</span> Jewish-German Catholic nun, theologian and philosopher (1891–1942)

Edith Stein, OCD was a German Jewish philosopher who converted to Catholicism and became a Discalced Carmelite nun. She is canonized as a martyr and saint of the Catholic Church; she is also one of six patron saints of Europe.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Phenomenology (philosophy)</span> Philosophical method and schools of philosophy

Phenomenology is the philosophical study of objectivity and reality as subjectively lived and experienced. It seeks to investigate the universal features of consciousness while avoiding assumptions about the external world, aiming to describe phenomena as they appear to the subject, and to explore the meaning and significance of the lived experiences.

Continental philosophy is typically a term used as an umbrella term for philosophies prominent in continental Europe. Michael E. Rosen has ventured to identify common themes that typically characterize continental philosophy. These themes proposed by Rosen derive from a broadly Kantian thesis that knowledge, experience, and reality are bound and shaped by conditions best understood through philosophical reflection rather than exclusively empirical inquiry.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gilbert Ryle</span> British philosopher (1900–1976)

Gilbert Ryle was a British philosopher, principally known for his critique of Cartesian dualism, for which he coined the phrase "ghost in the machine." He was a representative of the generation of British ordinary language philosophers who shared Ludwig Wittgenstein's approach to philosophical problems.

Neurophenomenology refers to a scientific research program aimed to address the hard problem of consciousness in a pragmatic way. It combines neuroscience with phenomenology in order to study experience, mind, and consciousness with an emphasis on the embodied condition of the human mind. The field is very much linked to fields such as neuropsychology, neuroanthropology and behavioral neuroscience and the study of phenomenology in psychology.

In Hellenistic philosophy, epoché is suspension of judgment but also "withholding of assent".

Alexandre Koyré, also anglicized as Alexander Koyre, was a French philosopher of Russian origin who wrote on the history and philosophy of science.

Psychologism is a family of philosophical positions, according to which certain psychological facts, laws, or entities play a central role in grounding or explaining certain non-psychological facts, laws, or entities. The word was coined by Johann Eduard Erdmann as Psychologismus, being translated into English as psychologism.

Georg Misch was a German philosopher.

<i>Philosophy of Arithmetic</i>

Philosophy of Arithmetic: Psychological and Logical Investigations is an 1891 book about the philosophy of mathematics by the philosopher Edmund Husserl. Husserl's first published book, it is a synthesis of his studies in mathematics, under Karl Weierstrass, with his studies in philosophy and psychology, under Franz Brentano, to whom it is dedicated, and Carl Stumpf.

Bracketing means looking at a situation and refraining from judgement and bias opinions to wholly understand an experience. The preliminary step in the philosophical movement of phenomenology is describing an act of suspending judgment about the natural world to instead focus on analysis of experience. Suspending judgement involves stripping away every connotation and assumption made about an object. Its earliest conception can be traced back to Immanuel Kant who argued that the only reality that one can know is the one each individual experiences in their mind. Edmund Husserl, building on Kant’s ideas, first proposed bracketing in 1913, to help better understand another’s phenomena.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Eugen Fink</span> German philosopher

Eugen Fink was a German philosopher.

Dermot Moran is an Irish philosopher specialising in phenomenology and in medieval philosophy, and he is also active in the dialogue between analytic and continental philosophy. He is currently the inaugural holder of the Joseph Chair in Catholic Philosophy at Boston College. He is a member of the Royal Irish Academy and a founding editor of the International Journal of Philosophical Studies.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Jitendra Nath Mohanty</span> Indian philosopher (1928–2023)

Jitendra Nath Mohanty was an Indian philosopher. He served as emeritus professor of philosophy at Temple University. Born in Cuttack, in 1928 in Orissa, India, Mohanty had a distinguished career where he stood first in all public examinations and in B.A. Presidency College, Kolkata and M.A. examination at the University of Calcutta. Subsequently, he did a Ph.D. from University of Göttingen in 1954. In his long academic career, he taught at the University of Burdwan, University of Calcutta, New School for Social Research, University of Oklahoma, Emory University, and Temple University and held visiting professorships at many renowned universities.

<i>Logical Investigations</i> (Husserl) 1900–1901 book by Edmund Husserl

The Logical Investigations is a two-volume work by the philosopher Edmund Husserl, in which the author discusses the philosophy of logic and criticizes psychologism, the view that logic is based on psychology.

<i>The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology</i> 1936 book by Edmund Husserl

The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology: An Introduction to Phenomenological Philosophy is an unfinished 1936 book by the German philosopher Edmund Husserl.

1900 in philosophy

These are the following events that have transpired during 1938 concerning the realm or topic of philosophy:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Burt C. Hopkins</span> American philosopher

Burt C. Hopkins is an American philosopher. He is an Associate Member of the University of Lille, Permanent Faculty member of the Summer School of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, former Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Seattle University (1989-2016) and Permanent Secretary of the Husserl Circle.


  1. Beyer, Christian. "Edmund Husserl". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP). Retrieved 14 February 2013.