1925 Calgary municipal election

Last updated

1925 Calgary municipal election
Flag placeholder.svg
  1924 December 16, 1925 1926  
Candidate George Harry Webster
Popular voteAcclaimed

Mayor before election

George Harry Webster

Elected mayor

George Harry Webster

The 1925 Calgary municipal election was held on December 16, 1925 to elect a Mayor and seven Aldermen to sit on Calgary City Council. Along with positions on Calgary City Council, five trustees for the public school board. Mayor George Harry Webster was acclaimed following the close of nominations. The three candidates for the separate school board P. V. Burgard, John Burns and A. J. MacMillan were also acclaimed.


Calgary City Council is governed under "Initiative, Referendum and Recall" which is composed of a Mayor, Commissioner and twelve Aldermen, all elected to staggered two year terms. Six Aldermen: Frederick Johnston, Thomas H. Crawford, Frederick Ernest Osborne, Fred J. White, Neil I. McDermid, and John Walker Russell elected in 1924 continued in their positions.

A number of plebiscites were held, all requiring a two-thirds majority to pass.


The election was held under the Single Transferable Voting/Proportional Representation (STV/PR) with two year's term for candidates. [1] [2]



Quota for election was 1,277.

PartyCandidateVotes %CountElected
Dominion Labor Andrew Davison 2,00719.57%1stGreen check.svgY
Dominion Labor Frank Roy Freeze 1,94418.95%1stGreen check.svgY
Civic Government Association Robert Cadogan Thomas 1,59115.51%1stGreen check.svgY
Dominion Labor Robert H. Parkyn 1,10410.76%2ndGreen check.svgY
Civic Government Association Thomas Alexander Hornibrook 1,08410.57%3rdGreen check.svgY
Civic Government Association Sam S. Savage 7136.95%8thGreen check.svgY
Civic Government Association Harry W. Ross 6886.71%8thGreen check.svgY
Independent Thos. Vickers 4844.72%
Independent D. McPherson 3383.29%
Independent George D. Batchelor 3052.97%
Total valid votes10,258

Public School Board

Quota for election was 1,608.

PartyCandidateVotes %CountElected
Civic Government Association Fred S. Selwood 2,37924.62%1stGreen check.svgY
Independent A. B. Singleton 1,70817.68%1stGreen check.svgY
Dominion Labor Thos. B. Riley 1,52815.81%3rdGreen check.svgY
Civic Government Association A. C. Newcomb 1,25613.00%2ndGreen check.svgY
Independent Evelyn Leacock 1,18112.22%4thGreen check.svgY
Independent Amelis Turner 96910.03%
Independent W. E. Turner 6426.64%
Total valid votes9,663


Bridge Bylaw

Bridge bylaw for an expenditure of $22,000 to replace Nose Creek Bridge. Required a two-thirds majority to pass. - Defeated

Bridge BylawVotes %

School Clinic

School Clinic Vote. Required a simple majority to pass - Carried

School ClinicVotes %

See also

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The 1928 Calgary municipal election was held on December 12, 1928 to elect a Commissioner and six Aldermen to sit on Calgary City Council. Along with positions on Calgary City Council, three trustees for the Public School Board, two trustees for the Separate School Board, and three questions put before the voters.

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The 1931 Calgary municipal election was held on November 18, 1931 to elect a Mayor and six Aldermen to sit on Calgary City Council. Along with positions on Calgary City Council, four trustees for the Public School Board, three trustees for the Separate School Board, and three questions put before the voters. Calgary City Council governed under "Initiative, Referendum and Recall" which is composed of a Mayor, Commissioner and twelve Aldermen all elected to staggered two year terms. Mayor Andrew Davison and six Aldermen: Lloyd Hamilton Fenerty, Ralph William Patterson, John Walker Russell, Wilmot Douglas Milner, Fred J. White, and Charles Edward Carr elected in 1930 continued in their positions.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">1935 Calgary municipal election</span> Election in Alberta, Canada

The 1935 Calgary municipal election was held on November 20, 1935, to elect a Mayor and six Aldermen to sit on Calgary City Council. Along with positions on Calgary City Council, three trustees for the Public School Board, and three trustees for the Separate School Board were elected. Nominations closed on November 4, 1935.


  1. "Calgary Voters Fill City Council Slate". The Calgary Daily Herald. No. 4552. December 17, 1925. p. 1. Retrieved March 6, 2020.
  2. "Calgary's 1926 Municipal Government". The Calgary Daily Herald. No. 4552. December 17, 1925. p. 16. Retrieved March 6, 2020.