1966 International Cross Country Championships

Last updated
1966 International Cross Country Championships
Organisers ICCU
DateMarch 20
Host city Rabat, Morocco Flag of Morocco.svg
Venue Souissi Racecourse
Distances7.5 mi (12.1 km) men
4.35 mi (7.0 km) junior men
Participation134 athletes from
15 nations

The 1966 International Cross Country Championships was held in Rabat, Morocco, at the Souissi Racecourse on March 20, 1966. A report on the event was given in the Glasgow Herald. [1]


Complete results for men, [2] junior men, [3] medallists, [4] and the results of British athletes [5] were published.


7.5 mi (12.1 km)
Ben Assou El Ghazi
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
36:22.1 Derek Graham
Four Provinces Flag.svg  Ireland
36:29.6 Tracy Smith
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Junior Men
4.35 mi (7.0 km)
Mike Tagg
Flag of England.svg  England
21:26.4 Roy Young
Flag of England.svg  England
21:35.3 Eddie Knox
Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland
MenFlag of England.svg  England 59Flag of France.svg  France 79Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 184
Junior MenFlag of England.svg  England 8Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 21Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 28

Individual Race Results

Men's (7.5 mi / 12.1 km)

Gold medal icon.svg Ben Assou El Ghazi Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 36:22.1
Silver medal icon.svg Derek Graham Four Provinces Flag.svg  Ireland 36:29.6
Bronze medal icon.svg Tracy Smith Flag of the United States.svg  United States 36:32.2
4 Roy Fowler Flag of England.svg  England 36:41
5 Michel Jazy Flag of France.svg  France 36:50
6 Ron Hill Flag of England.svg  England 36:52
7 Tim Johnston Flag of England.svg  England 36:54
8Mike FrearyFlag of England.svg  England 36:55
9 Ahmed Zammel Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 36:55
10 Guy Texereau Flag of France.svg  France 37:04
11 Noel Tijou Flag of France.svg  France 37:04
12 Lachie Stewart Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 37:11
13Bernard MaroquinFlag of France.svg  France 37:14
14 Ian McCafferty Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 37:20
15Tim BriaultFlag of England.svg  England 37:24
16 Jim Alder Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 37:27
17Guy CailletFlag of France.svg  France 37:28
18Ali KhamassiFlag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 37:28
19Gerry NorthFlag of England.svg  England 37:30
20 Antonio Ambu Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 37:31
21Gottfried ArnoldFlag of Germany.svg  West Germany 37:40
22Ahmed OukbouchFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 37:44
23Yves MartinageFlag of France.svg  France 37:47
24 Michel Bernard Flag of France.svg  France 37:51
25Hedi HamrouniFlag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 37:52
26 Doug Brown Flag of the United States.svg  United States 37:55
27Mohamed BensaidFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 37:55
28 François Lacour Flag of France.svg  France 37:55
29Chris LoosleyFlag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 38:02
30 Henri Clerckx Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 38:03
31Hans GerlachFlag of Germany.svg  West Germany 38:08
32Werner DösseggerFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 38:11
33Eamon O'ReillyFlag of the United States.svg  United States 38:12
34John LinakerFlag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 38:13
35 Labidi Ayachi Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
36Hans-Joachim LiessFlag of Germany.svg  West Germany
37John HillenFlag of England.svg  England
38Tom BacheFlag of the United States.svg  United States
39John HammondFlag of England.svg  England
40 Tom O'Riordan Four Provinces Flag.svg  Ireland
41Hammadi Ben MohamedFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
42Leon MoreelsFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
43 Mhedheb Hannachi Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
44Michael KimballFlag of the United States.svg  United States
45Luigi ContiFlag of Italy.svg  Italy
46Mohamed SaidFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
47Moha OualiFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
48Andy BrownFlag of Scotland.svg  Scotland
49Jim McNamaraFour Provinces Flag.svg  Ireland
50Herb LorenzFlag of the United States.svg  United States
51 Albien van Holsbeek Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
52Cyrille van GeertFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
53Allal Ben SaoudiFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
54Arno KrausseFlag of Germany.svg  West Germany
55Denis JouretFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
56Rabah Ben OthmanFlag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
57Oskar LeupiFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 38:42
58Hansruedi KnillFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 38:45
59Frans van der HoevenFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
60 Jean Fayolle Flag of France.svg  France
61Osvaldo SegradaFlag of Italy.svg  Italy
62Alfons IdaFlag of Germany.svg  West Germany
63Bruce MortensenFlag of the United States.svg  United States
64 Abdelkader Zaddem Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
65Peter KubickiFlag of Germany.svg  West Germany
66Harry SimpsonFour Provinces Flag.svg  Ireland
67 Roger Robinson Flag of England.svg  England
68Gerry WilliamsFlag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales
69Hedydd DaviesFlag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales
70Alberto BargnaniFlag of Italy.svg  Italy
71Jozef CallensFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
72Gioacchino De PalmaFlag of Italy.svg  Italy
73Bouabib ChaouiFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
74Hans RüdisühliFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 39:27
75Said BenmaguiniFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
76Edgar FriedliFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 39:42
77Donato D'AgostinoFlag of Italy.svg  Italy
78James JohnstoneFlag of Scotland.svg  Scotland
79Julien LaureynsFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
80Rachid Ben NaceurFlag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
81Walter DietikerFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 39:45
82Tony MurphyFour Provinces Flag.svg  Ireland
83 Fred Bell Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales
84Roy MackFlag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales
85Jean-Pierre DelloyeFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
86Tony HopkinsFour Provinces Flag.svg  Ireland
87Georg KaiserFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 40:42
88Bob ScharfFlag of the United States.svg  United States
89Tom EdmundsFlag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales
90Fergus MurrayFlag of Scotland.svg  Scotland
91Nick BartonFlag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales
92J. EvansFlag of Gibraltar.svg  Gibraltar
93J. MacedoFlag of Gibraltar.svg  Gibraltar
94A. RyanFlag of Gibraltar.svg  Gibraltar
95J. ChapporyFlag of Gibraltar.svg  Gibraltar
96GomezFlag of Gibraltar.svg  Gibraltar
97de TorresFlag of Gibraltar.svg  Gibraltar
98BucklenFlag of Gibraltar.svg  Gibraltar
Renato De PalmasFlag of Italy.svg  Italy DNF

Junior Men's (4.35 mi / 7.0 km)

Gold medal icon.svg Mike Tagg Flag of England.svg  England 21:26.4
Silver medal icon.svg Roy Young Flag of England.svg  England 21:35.3
Bronze medal icon.svg Eddie Knox Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 21:40.6
4 Eddy Van Butsele Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 21:45
5David AtkinFlag of England.svg  England 21:45
6 Jony Dumon Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 21:48
7John CaineFlag of England.svg  England 21:49
8Colin MoxsomFlag of England.svg  England 21:54
9 Hamdouni Sghaier Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 22:00
10Jim BrennanFlag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 22:09
11Gaston HelevenFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 22:14
12Larbi OukadaFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 22:15
13Belgacem BammouFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 22:17
14Mejjati LahcenFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 22:26
15 Alistair Blamire Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 22:35
16Francesco AmanteFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 22:35
17Roberto GrazzaniFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 22:42
18Antonio GiancanterinoFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 22:46
19Mohamed KretifFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 22:46
20Giuseppe ArdizzoneFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 22:55
21Johan JanssensFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
22 Emiel Puttemans Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
23CherkaouiFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
24Hedi LadjiliFlag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
25 Carlos Lopes Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
26 Gaetano Pusterla Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
27 Hamida Gamoudi Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
28Frank SteelFlag of Scotland.svg  Scotland
29José LourençoFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
30José RainhaFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
31Ahmed HamdoucheFlag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
32Mokhtar DjedidiFlag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
33Kamali BenmissiFlag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
34Omar LerariFlag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
35Mokhtar LouichiFlag of Algeria.svg  Algeria

Team Results


1Flag of England.svg  England Roy Fowler
Ron Hill
Tim Johnston
Mike Freary
Tim Briault
Gerry North
2Flag of France.svg  France Michel Jazy
Guy Texereau
Noel Tijou
Bernard Maroquin
Guy Caillet
Yves Martinage
3Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco Ben Assou El Ghazi
Ahmed Oukbouch
Mohamed Bensaid
Hammadi Ben Mohamed
Mohamed Said
Moha Ouali
4Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia Ahmed Zammel
Ali Khamassi
Hedi Hamrouni
Labidi Ayachi
Mhedheb Hannachi
Rabah Ben Othman
5Flag of the United States.svg  United States Tracy Smith
Doug Brown
Eamon O'Reilly
Tom Bache
Michael Kimball
Herb Lorenz
6Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland Lachie Stewart
Ian McCafferty
Jim Alder
John Linaker
Andy Brown
James Johnstone
7Flag of Germany.svg  Federal Republic of Germany Gottfried Arnold
Hans Gerlach
Hans-Joachim Liess
Arno Krausse
Alfons Ida
Peter Kubicki
8Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Henri Clerckx
Leon Moreels
Albien van Holsbeek
Cyrille van Geert
Denis Jouret
Frans van der Hoeven
9Four Provinces Flag.svg  Ireland Derek Graham
Tom O'Riordan
Jim McNamara
Harry Simpson
Tony Murphy
Tony Hopkins
10Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Antonio Ambu
Luigi Conti
Osvaldo Segrada
Alberto Bargnani
Gioacchino De Palma
Donato D'Agostino
11Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland Werner Dössegger
Oskar Leupi
Hansruedi Knill
Hans Rüdisühli
Edgar Friedli
Walter Dietiker
12Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales Chris Loosley
Gerry Williams
Hedydd Davies
Fred Bell
Roy Mack
Tom Edmunds
13Flag of Gibraltar.svg  Gibraltar J. Evans
J. Macedo
A. Ryan
J. Chappory
de Torres

Junior Men's

1Flag of England.svg  England Mike Tagg
Roy Young
David Atkin
2Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Eddy van Butsele
Johnny Dumon
Gaston Heleven
3Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland Eddie Knox
Jim Brennan
Alistair Blamire
4Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco Larbi Oukada
Belgacem Bammou
Mejjati Lahcen
5Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Francesco Amante
Roberto Grazzani
Antonio Giancanterino
6Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia Hamdouni Sghaier
Hedi Ladjili
Hamida Gamoudi
7Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal Carlos Lopes
José Lourenço
José Rainha
8Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria Ahmed Hamdouche
Kamali Benmissi
Omar Lerari


An unofficial count yields the participation of 134 athletes from 15 countries.

See also


  1. Athletics - Scotland Sixth in International - Murray's Poor Performance - What heartbreak there was in the Scottish camp here this afternoon when we again finished sixth in the International Cross-country Union championships although with an improvement in pointage of 102 over last year..., Glasgow Herald, March 21, 1966, p. 4, retrieved October 3, 2013
  2. Magnusson, Tomas (March 24, 2007), INTERNATIONAL CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS - 12.1km CC Men - Rabat Souissi Racecourse Date: Sunday, March 20, 1966, Athchamps (archived), archived from the original on August 6, 2007, retrieved October 3, 2013{{citation}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  3. Magnusson, Tomas (March 24, 2007), INTERNATIONAL CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS - 7.0km CC Men - Rabat Souissi Racecourse Date: Sunday, March 20, 1966, Athchamps (archived), archived from the original on August 28, 2007, retrieved October 3, 2013{{citation}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  4. INTERNATIONAL CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS, Athletics Weekly, retrieved September 24, 2013