1972 International Cross Country Championships

Last updated

1972 International Cross Country Championships
Organisers ICCU
Date18 March
Host city Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England Flag of England.svg
Venue Coldhams Common
Distances7.5 mi (12.1 km) men
4.35 mi (7.0 km) junior men
2.8 mi (4.5 km) women
Participation200 athletes from
15 nations

The 1972 International Cross Country Championships was held in Cambridge, England, at the Coldhams Common on 18 March 1972. A report on the men's event was given in the Glasgow Herald. [1] This was the last competition organized by the International Cross Country Union (ICCU). The organization of the event was transferred to the IAAF as recommended as a result of the meeting of the IAAF cross-country committee that year in London. It was continued as IAAF World Cross Country Championships. [2] From then on, the event was open for all IAAF members whereas before, non-ICCU members were only allowed to compete after special invitation.


Complete results for men, [3] junior men, [4] women, [5] medallists, [6] and the results of British athletes [7] were published.


7.5 mi (12.1 km)
Gaston Roelants
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
37:43 Mariano Haro
Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain
38:01 Ian Stewart
Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland
Junior Men
4.35 mi (7.0 km)
Aldo Tomasini
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
23:20 Jim Brown
Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland
23:35 Franco Fava
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
2.8 mi (4.5 km)
Joyce Smith
Flag of England.svg  England
16:11 Eileen Claugus
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
16:13 Rita Ridley
Flag of England.svg  England
MenFlag of England.svg  England 84Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 94Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 140
Junior MenFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 19Flag of England.svg  England 22Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 26
WomenFlag of England.svg  England 22Flag of the United States.svg  United States 40Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 64

Individual Race Results

Men's (7.5 mi / 12.1 km)

Gold medal icon.svg Gaston Roelants Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 37:43
Silver medal icon.svg Mariano Haro Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 38:01
Bronze medal icon.svg Ian Stewart Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 38:20
4 Tapio Kantanen Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 38:25
5 Trevor Wright  [ pl ]Flag of England.svg  England 38:26
6 Pekka Päivärinta Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 38:28
7 Eric de Beck Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 38:31
8 Tony Simmons Flag of England.svg  England 38:36
9 Haddou Jaddour Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 38:43
10 Lucien Rault Flag of France.svg  France 38:47
11 Mohamed Ben Abdelsalem Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 38:50
12Mejjati LahcenFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 38:52
13 Moumoh Haddou Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 38:56
14 Juan Hidalgo Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 39:04
15 Allan Rushmer Flag of England.svg  England 39:16
16 Colin Robinson Flag of England.svg  England 39:16
17 Karel Lismont Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 39:21
18 Grenville Tuck Flag of England.svg  England 39:28
19 Malcolm Thomas Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 39:33
20 Jim Alder Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 39:35
21 Tony Ashton Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 39:37
22 Keith Angus Flag of England.svg  England 39:38
23 José Maiz Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 39:39
24 Amakdouf Layachi Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 39:40
25Ghazi Ben LahcenFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 39:40
26 Gabriele Barbaro Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 39:42
27 Lachie Stewart Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 39:43
28 Neil Cusack Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 39:45
29Fritz RüegseggerFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 39:47
30Gerry StevensFlag of England.svg  England 39:48
31Christian DudouetFlag of France.svg  France 39:49
32Pat GilsemanFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 39:52
33 Mohamed Sghir Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 39:54
34 René Goris Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 39:58
35 Jean-Yves Le Flohic Flag of France.svg  France 40:01
36 Alistair Blamire Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 40:02
37Ben Abdel KaderFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 40:03
38Francois BlommaertsFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 40:04
39Rauno MattilaFlag of Finland.svg  Finland 40:06
40 Tom O'Riordan Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 40:07
41 Renato Martini Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 40:10
42 Santiago de la Parte Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 40:13
43Gilbert HanssensFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 40:15
44 Andrew McKean Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 40:16
45Raimo KarsikasFlag of Finland.svg  Finland 40:17
46 Noel Tijou Flag of France.svg  France 40:18
47 René Jourdan Flag of France.svg  France 40:18
48Hans LangFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 40:22
49Carlos PérezFlag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 40:23
50 Eddy Rombaux Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 40:29
51Marcel LechevallierFlag of France.svg  France 40:32
52 Paddy Coyle Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 40:35
53 Bill Robinson Flag of England.svg  England 40:36
54Mikko Ala-LeppilamppiFlag of Finland.svg  Finland 40:37
55 Albrecht Moser Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 40:40
56Toni ZimmermannFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 40:41
57 Frank Grillaert Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 40:47
58 Steve Kenyon Flag of England.svg  England 40:49
59Sean O'SullivanFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 40:51
60 Bernie Plain Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 40:52
61 Franco Veronese Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 40:53
62John BuckleyFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 40:59
63 Dennis Fowles Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 41:01
64Franco AmbrosioniFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 41:01
65Alfons SidlerFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 41:02
66Giovanni PizziFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 41:09
67Jörg WeberFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 41:10
68Alan CassFlag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 41:12
69Jean-Pierre OuineFlag of France.svg  France 41:13
70Antoine BorowskiFlag of France.svg  France 41:21
71Francesco De MenegoFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 41:27
72Walter FähndrichFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 41:27
73 Dick Wedlock Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 41:28
74Luigi ContiFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 41:29
75John PhelanFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 41:30
76 John Myatt Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 41:34
77Rafael GarcíaFlag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 41:36
78Jean-Paul Le GallFlag of France.svg  France 41:37
79Frank GreallyFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 41:38
80 Mario Binato Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 41:52
81 Ian McCafferty Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 41:54
82 John Jones Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 41:54
83 Javier Álvarez Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 41:56
84Johan JanssensFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 41:57
85Veijo SallinenFlag of Finland.svg  Finland 42:09
86Ramon TasendeFlag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 42:19
87 Padraig Keane Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 42:26
88Gerry HannonUlster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 42:31
89 Ian Morrison Ulster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 42:36
90 Julio Gude Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 42:45
91Jim WightFlag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 42:47
92 Dic Evans Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 42:56
93Primo GretterFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 42:56
94 Jim McGuinness Ulster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 43:19
95Nigel EvansFlag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 43:31
96Brian BrookesFlag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 43:43
97 Roy Kernoghan Ulster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 43:46
98 John McLaughlin Ulster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 44:24
99Ian CottonUlster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 44:35
100Kevin MorganUlster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 45:29
101 Ernie Cunningham Ulster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 45:59
102Tom QuinnUlster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 46:16

Junior Men's (4.35 mi / 7.0 km)

Gold medal icon.svg Aldo Tomasini Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 23:20
Silver medal icon.svg Jim Brown Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 23:35
Bronze medal icon.svg Franco Fava Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 23:45
4 David Black Flag of England.svg  England 23:48
5 Larbi M'Hidra Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 23:58
6 Barry Smith Flag of England.svg  England 24:04
7Ahmed RoubialFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 24:07
8 Ricardo Ortega Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 24:09
9 Fernando Cerrada Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 24:18
10 José Haro Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 24:21
11 Kamel Guemar Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 24:21
12 Dennis Coates Flag of England.svg  England 24:31
13Paul BannonFlag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 24:33
14Mohamed ChahinFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 24:43
15 Luca Bigatello Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 24:46
16 Léon Schots Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 24:53
17 Peter Ratcliffe Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 24:55
18Mark BroeckxFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 24:57
19Robin WalkerFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 24:59
20 Laurence Reilly Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 25:01
21 Abdelkrim Djelassi Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 25:03
22Ben Aissa Ben JellounFlag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 25:06
23Ronald MacDonaldFlag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 25:13
24Franz BühlerFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 25:14
25Hanspeter StauffacherFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 25:17
26 Eamonn Coghlan Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 25:18
27Taieb MerdassiFlag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 25:19
28 Brian Donovan Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 25:20
29 Robert Lismont Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 25:21
30Francisco MoreraFlag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 25:23
31 Tony Staynings Flag of England.svg  England 25:28
32Desmond O'ConnorFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 25:32
33 John Davies Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 25:37
34Franky CalusFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 25:41
35 Julian Goater Flag of England.svg  England 25:42
36Lakhdar BoulkhoukhFlag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 25:50
37 Steve Slocombe Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 25:51
38 Hugo Wey Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 25:53
39 Abdelmadjid Mada Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 26:03
40 Richard Samuels Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 26:05
41Mohamed MoussaFlag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 26:16
42Mohamed Ben TayebFlag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 26:23
43Paul MoeyaertFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 26:24
44Mohamed OuertaniFlag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 26:26
45Tom HeskethUlster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 26:34
46Michael TreacyFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 26:40
47Phil EnglishFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 26:57
48Roberto VolpiFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 26:58
49 Dessi Martin Ulster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 27:00
50 Lawrie Spence Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 27:04
51Paul YoungerUlster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 27:25
52Martin DonaldsonUlster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 28:19
José Luis Ruiz Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain DNF
Mario BrembillaFlag of Italy.svg  Italy DNF

Women's (2.8 mi / 4.5 km)

Gold medal icon.svg Joyce Smith Flag of England.svg  England 16:11
Silver medal icon.svg Eileen Claugus Flag of the United States.svg  United States 16:13
Bronze medal icon.svg Rita Ridley Flag of England.svg  England 16:19
4 Josee van Santberghe Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 16:20
5 Margaret Coomber Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 16:31
6 Paola Pigni Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 16:34
7 Sheila Carey Flag of England.svg  England 16:42
8 Jean Lochhead Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 16:43
9 Caroline Walker Flag of the United States.svg  United States 16:45
10 Giuseppina Torello Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 16:47
11 Ann Yeoman Flag of England.svg  England 16:49
12Joan AllisonFlag of England.svg  England 16:52
13 Mary Lynch Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 16:55
14 Beth Bonner Flag of the United States.svg  United States 16:57
15Deborah RothFlag of the United States.svg  United States 17:03
16Tena AnexFlag of the United States.svg  United States 17:03
17 Mary Stewart Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 17:05
18Angela LovellFlag of England.svg  England 17:09
19 Christine Haskett Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 17:10
20 Deirdre Foreman Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 17:11
21 Bronwen Cardy Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 17:19
22 Ann Cumming Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 17:19
23 Ann Barrass Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 17:21
24 Margherita Gargano Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 17:26
25Jane HillFlag of the United States.svg  United States 17:30
26 Bernadette van Roy Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 17:31
27 Rosemary Stirling Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 17:33
28 Waltraud Egger Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 17:35
29Mary SpeedmanFlag of Scotland.svg  Scotland 17:36
30Susan BarnesFlag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 17:37
31 Carmen Valero Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 17:51
32 Liève van den Broeck Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 17:54
33Mary KellyFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 17:57
34 Thelwyn Bateman Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 18:13
35Beatrice LambertFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 18:18
36 Marion Hepworth Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 18:29
37Lesley JohnFlag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales 18:32
38 Magda Versluys Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 18:43
39Lutgard van BremptFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 18:48
40Grazia Bertoldo RetterFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 18:56
41 Pamela Reece Ulster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 19:09
42Christine GleesonFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 19:25
43Angela KirkpatrickUlster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland 21:13
Zina BonioloFlag of Italy.svg  Italy DNF

Team Results


1Flag of England.svg  England Trevor Wright  [ pl ]
Tony Simmons
Allan Rushmer
Colin Robinson
Grenville Tuck
Keith Angus
2Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco Haddou Jaddour
Mohamed Ben Abdelsalem
Mejjati Lahcen
Moumoh Haddou
Amakdouf Layachi
Ghazi Ben Lahcen
3Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Gaston Roelants
Eric de Beck
Karel Lismont
René Goris
Francois Blommaerts
Gilbert Hanssens
4Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland Ian Stewart
Jim Alder
Lachie Stewart
Alistair Blamire
Andrew McKean
Dick Wedlock
5Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain Mariano Haro
Juan Hidalgo
José Maiz
Santiago de la Parte
Carlos Pérez
Rafael García
6Flag of France.svg  France Lucien Rault
Christian Dudouet
Jean-Yves Le Flohic
Noel Tijou
René Jourdan
Marcel Lechevallier
7Flag of Finland.svg  Finland Tapio Kantanen
Pekka Päivärinta
Rauno Mattila
Raimo Karsikas
Mikko Ala-Leppilamppi
Veijo Sallinen
8Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Neil Cusack
Pat Gilseman
Tom O'Riordan
Paddy Coyle
Sean O'Sullivan
John Buckley
9Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales Malcolm Thomas
Tony Ashton
Bernie Plain
Dennis Fowles
Alan Cass
John Jones
10Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland Fritz Rüegsegger
Hans Lang
Albrecht Moser
Toni Zimmermann
Alfons Sidler
Jörg Weber
11Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Gabriele Barbaro
Renato Martini
Franco Veronese
Franco Ambrosioni
Giovanni Pizzi
Francesco De Menego
12Ulster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland Gerry Hannon
Ian Morrison
Jim McGuinness
Roy Kernoghan
John McLaughlin
Ian Cotton

Junior Men's

1Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Aldo Tomasini
Franco Fava
Luca Bigatello
2Flag of England.svg  England David Black
Barry Smith
Dennis Coates
3Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco Larbi M'Hidra
Ahmed Roubial
Mohamed Chahin
4Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain Ricardo Ortega
Fernando Cerrada
José Haro
5Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland Jim Brown
Paul Bannon
Laurence Reilly
6Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Léon Schots
Mark Broeckx
Robert Lismont
7Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Robin Walker
Eamonn Coghlan
Desmond O'Connor
8Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales Peter Ratcliffe
Brian Donovan
John Davies
9Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria Kamel Guemar
Lakhdar Boulkhoukh
Abdelmadjid Mada
10Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland Franz Bühler
Hanspeter Stauffacher
Hugo Wey
11Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia Abdelkrim Djelassi
Taieb Merdassi
Mohamed Moussa
12Ulster Banner.svg  Northern Ireland Tom Hesketh
Dessi Martin
Paul Younger


1Flag of England.svg  England Joyce Smith
Rita Ridley
Sheila Carey
Ann Yeoman
2Flag of the United States.svg  United States Eileen Claugus
Caroline Walker
Beth Bonner
Deborah Roth
3Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland Margaret Coomber
Mary Stewart
Christine Haskett
Ann Barrass
4Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Paola Pigni
Giuseppina Torello
Margherita Gargano
Waltraud Egger
5Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Mary Lynch
Deirdre Foreman
Ann Cumming
Mary Kelly
6Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales Jean Lochhead
Bronwen Cardy
Susan Barnes
Thelwyn Bateman
7Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Josee van Santberghe
Bernadette van Roy
Liève van den Broeck
Magda Versluys


An unofficial count yields the participation of 200 athletes from 15 countries.

See also


  1. Marshall, Ron (20 March 1972), 'Major rethink' after Scots' failure - Scotland's leading cross-country officials propose to have what one of them called a "major rethink" on the senior men's team who performed so abominably in Saturday's International championships at Cambridge..., Glasgow Herald, p. 4, retrieved 4 October 2013
  2. IAAF to Control Cross-country - International cross-country is all set to come under the exclusive direction of the International Amateur Athletic Federation, who governs world track and field athletics..., Glasgow Herald, 20 March 1972, p. 4, retrieved 5 October 2013
  3. Magnusson, Tomas (24 March 2007), International Cross Country Championships - 12.1km CC Men - Cambridge Coldhams Common Date: Saturday, March 18, 1972, Athchamps (archived), archived from the original on 6 August 2007, retrieved 4 October 2013{{citation}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  4. Magnusson, Tomas (20 January 2006), International Cross Country Championships - 7.0km CC Men - Cambridge Coldhams Common Date: Saturday, March 18, 1972, Athchamps (archived), archived from the original on 17 May 2006, retrieved 4 October 2013{{citation}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  5. Magnusson, Tomas (10 July 2006), International Cross Country Championships - 4.5km CC Women - Cambridge Coldhams Common Date: Saturday, March 18, 1972, Athchamps (archived), archived from the original on 16 October 2007, retrieved 4 October 2013{{citation}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  6. INTERNATIONAL CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS, Athletics Weekly, retrieved 24 September 2013