1997 United Parcel Service strike

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United Parcel Service strike of 1997
Part of Labor Unions
DateAugust 1–19, 1997 (1997-08-01 1997-08-19)
(18 days)
United States
185,000 Teamsters

The United Parcel Service strike of 1997, led by International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) President Ron Carey, started on August 4, 1997, and involved over 185,000 Teamsters (IBT members). [1] The strike effectively shut down United Parcel Service (UPS) operations for 15 days [2] and costs UPS hundreds of millions of dollars. [3] The strike was a victory for the union, resulting in a new contract that increased their wages, secured their existing benefits and gave increased job security. [4]


Union history

President Ron Carey had followed in his father's footsteps to become a UPS driver, and Union member. [5] Carey rose to Presidency of the Teamsters Union in the early 1990s, and was heavily supported by Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) President Ken Paff, mainly because of Carey's support of Union Democracy. TDU influence on the IBT was a major factor in the collective bargaining tactics used to negotiate the 1997 UPS Contract: militancy, union democracy, and rank-and-file intensive tactics. [6]

Due to the Teamsters' demands for full-time jobs, job security, and higher pay, the 1997 UPS strike was a turning point in American labor history. Thousands of workers were motivated by a comprehensive contract campaign coordinated by union president Ron Carey. Under the motto "Part-Time America Won't Work," the union brought together full-time and part-time workers through rallies, petition campaigns, and workplace actions.

Strategic partnerships also helped the strike. UPS air operations were grounded when the Independent Pilots Association respected the picket lines, despite their history of disagreements with the Teamsters. The International Transport Workers Federation provided international assistance by coordinating solidarity initiatives throughout Europe.

For a deeper look at the union's tactics and broader labor implications, explore the detailed histories from the Teamsters for a Democratic Union and The Stansbury Forum.

https://jacobin.com/2017/08/ups-strike-teamsters-logistics-labor-unions-work https://www.labornotes.org/2017/08/1997-ups-strike-beating-big-business-business-unionism


Contracts between UPS and their Union workers were set to be renegotiated in 1997, and general grievances against the company centered around job security, wages, and part-time employee status. [7] Bob Herbert, of The New York Times wrote that the UPS strike "is best seen as the angry fist-waving response of the frustrated American worker, a revolt against the ruthless treatment of workers by so many powerful corporations." [8]

The main reason for the strike was UPS's heavy reliance on part-time workers. The Teamsters Union said that part-timers were underpaid, did not receive benefits, and had less opportunities for full-time work. A more thorough explanation of UPS's labor policies could improve the article's detail. This may include data showing that 60% of UPS workers were part-timers at the time, which was a significant cause of friction for the union.

In the 1970s, UPS had begun a process of replacing many full-time workers with part-time employees. [9] [10] In the 1980s, the wages of these part-time workers was cut to just $8 per hour. [11] According to research performed by Teamsters, almost two-in-three workers were classified as part-time, and receiving part-time compensation and benefits. [12] Surveys conducted by Teamster leaders stated that "90 percent of part-timers at UPS ranked the creation of more full-time jobs with full-time pay as a top bargaining priority". [6]

The Bureau of Labor Statistics cites the 1993 UPS injury rate as 14 percent, compared with the industry average 8 percent. [13]


Prior to the 1997 UPS strike, Carey had already organized four successful strike campaigns. [14] In preparation for the strike, UPS workers who had joined the Teamsters completed questionnaires designed to determine key grievances. Pre-strike rallies were held, and a petition with 100,000 signatures of Teamster members supporting the new contract negotiations and demands was completed. The impending strike also had its own website, as well as a dedicated hot-line for workers to stay connected. Efforts were made to ensure that both part-time and full-time workers' demands were being included, and therefore that they would continue to support each other. The expectation was that many workers would simply cross the picket lines and resume working. [1] [7]

Management's Reaction and Public Messaging

Ahead of the strike, UPS management launched a vigorous public relations campaign to discredit the Teamsters as irrational and out of touch in an attempt to weaken the union's efforts. The business stressed how dependable it is and how a strike may affect customers and businesses.

"They're trying to stage a Broadway production of Les Misérables, and what we're seeing is a high school production of Annie Get Your Gun," a UPS representative said in response to a poorly attended Teamsters rally in August 1997.[8] This statement expressed management's opinion that the strike would end because there would be insufficient support from the workforce.

Final Steps Before the Strike

Despite UPS's confidence, the Teamsters rejected the company's final contract offer on August 2, 1997.[7] The breakdown in negotiations, coupled with the union's months of preparation and mobilization, set the stage for the nationwide strike that began just days later on August 4, 1997. The 15-day strike would go on to become one of the most successful labor actions in modern U.S. history, forcing UPS to meet many of the Teamsters' key demands and securing a landmark victory for the labor movement.

The strike

The strike began August 4, 1997, and was the largest strike in terms of striking workers that the country had seen thus far. [15] Almost 100 percent of UPS workers who were members of the Teamster Union were involved in the strike. [16] During the strike, UPS losses were over $600 million. [17]

Carey said regarding the strike, "People will be celebrating our victory over corporate greed. This fight with UPS shows what working people can accomplish when they all stick together. The UPS workers stood up to throw away worker approach and the nation's working people stood behind us. And now we're going to go out there to other workers who want to fight for that great American dream." [18]


During the strike, the Teamster Union had paid out around $10 million to workers manning the picket lines. [18] After 15 days, the Teamsters and UPS came to a five-year contract agreement that ended the strike. In addition, the starting pay rate of $8 per hour for part-timers was to be raised by 50 cents, while drivers were to make an additional $3.10 on top of their average $19.95 hourly rate, and part-time workers would be granted an additional $4.10 hourly. [6]

The way in which the union was structured meant that all Teamsters would receive synonymous benefits, regardless of what company they actually worked for. These benefits were controlled by the Teamsters multi-employer pension fund. UPS wanted to back out of the plan, and offer their workers a new pension plan that UPS would control. [6] Ultimately, UPS agreed to keep their workers in the union benefits plan. [19] [3]

UPS agreed that they would from now on be required to discuss any future package weight limit increases with the Teamsters.

National Impact:

In addition to highlighting organized labor's declining power in the 1990s, the strike showed that unions could still organize and secure significant concessions. In other fields, it sparked labor activism.

To address the unavailability of full-time positions, UPS agreed to stop subcontracting, with the exception of peak times and to create 10,000 full-time jobs from part-time positions. [6]

See also



Featherstone, L. (2008). Selling Women Short: The Landmark Battle for Workers’ Rights at Wal-Mart. Basic Books. Lichtenstein, N. (2002). State of the Union: A Century of American Labor. Princeton University Press. Journal Articles:

Bronfenbrenner, K. (1999). “The Power of Strong Unions: The Impact of the UPS Strike on Labor and Business.” Labor Studies Journal, 24(1), 3-18. Milkman, R. (1998). “Organizing the Unorganized: Lessons from the UPS Strike.” New Labor Forum, 2(1), 45-52. Newspaper Articles:

Greenhouse, S. (1997, August 20). "UPS Strike Ends with Union Victorious." The New York Times. Becker, E. (1997, August 25). "UPS Strike's Lessons for Labor and Business." Washington Post. Web Sources:

Teamsters Union. (1997). UPS Strike Summary Report. Retrieved from teamster.org. U.S. Department of Labor. (1997). Labor-Management Relations Overview. Retrieved from dol.gov. Reports:

Economic Policy Institute. (1998). The Economic Impact of the 1997 UPS Strike. Washington, DC: EPI.

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