2018 vote of no confidence in the government of Nicola Zingaretti

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On 1 December 2018, a motion of no confidence in the government of Nicola Zingaretti proposed by the centre-right coalition, which was rejected with 26 votes against and 22 in favor, with one no-vote from a Forza Italia member and three absents. [1]


After the Lazio regional election, 2018 it came to a hung parliament. The Centre-left coalition only won 25 of the 51 seats, but won the presidential election, just ahead of the center-right candidate Stefano Parisi with 32.9% to 31.2%. The Zingaretti's government is supported by two splits from Forza Italia (Pino Cangemi) and the League (Enrico Cavallari). [2]

In the other regional elections in 2018 in the Lombardy, in Molise, the in Friuli-Venezia Giulia and in Trentino won the Centre-right coalition.

On November 22, the Centre-right parties announced the motion of no confidence. [3]

On November 23, Sergio Pirozzi declared his support for the Motion of no confidence. [2]

On November 29, Enrico Cavallari declared that he didn't support the Motion of no confidence, Claudio Fazzone the regional coordinator of Forza Italia sayed, that the motion can not be reached by Cavallari anymore [4] and Pino Cangemi declared his support. [5]

On December 1, the opposition failed with the vote of no confidence against Zingaretti, by the absence of Sergio Pirozzi, Pasquale Ciacciarelli (FI) and Enrico Cavallari and the no-vote of Laura Cartaginese (FI).


Motion of no confidence
Ballot →1 December 2018
Required majority →26 out of 51 ‹See TfM› ☒
22 / 51
26 / 51
0 / 51
3 / 51
Sources [6] [7]
