2022 Zambian census

Last updated
2022 Census of Zambia

  2010 August 18, 2022 - September 14, 20222032 

General information
Country Zambia
Census topics
  • People and population
  • Families and living arrangements
  • Nationality
  • Education
  • Economic Characteristics
  • Religion
AuthorityZambia Statistics Agency (ZamStats)
Website www.zamstats.gov.zm
Total population19,610,769 (33.3%Increase2.svg)
Most populous province Lusaka (3,093,617)
Least populous province Muchinga (922,213)

The 2022 census of Zambia was a detailed enumeration of the Zambian population that became the sixth national census in the country since independence. It began on August 18, 2022 and concluded by September 14, 2022. [1] It became Zambia's first-ever digitally conducted population census. [2]



The Zambia Statistics Agency is mandated to conduct the Census of Population and Housing (CPH) every 10 years as per Statistics Act No. 13 of 2018. The Census was supposed to be conducted in 2020 but was postponed to November 2021 due to funding challenges. In November 2021, the census failed to take place due to delays in procurement of materials needed for the census. [3] The 2022 census became the sixth conducted in independent Zambia; the first was conducted in 1969 and thereafter, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010. [4]


Zambia Statistics Agency conducted the sixth census of population and Housing. The enumeration and data collecting exercise was carried out from 18 August to 14 September 2022 by 45,000 Enumerators and Supervisors. [5]


Zambia's population by 2022 had increased to a total of 19,610,769; where the female population was 10,007,713 and the male population was 9,603,056. [6] [7]

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  2. "Zambia's first-ever electronic population census in financial deficit".
  3. "Postponed 6th National census of Population and Housing creates room for consultation – Dr Musokotwane".
  4. "Help Zambia conduct population census".
  5. "Confusion erupt, multitudes turn for census recruitment". Lusaka Times. 3 August 2022. Retrieved 5 August 2022.
  6. ZamStats Staff (December 23, 2022). "Zambia's population up to 19,610,769 in 2022 from 13,092,666 in 2010". ZamStats. Retrieved February 5, 2023.
  7. ZamStats Staff (December 23, 2022). "Trend in population size, Zambia 1969 - 2022". ZamStats. Retrieved February 5, 2023.