3500 may refer to:
A locomotive or engine is a rail transport vehicle that provides the motive power for a train. If a locomotive is capable of carrying a payload, it is usually rather referred to as a multiple unit, motor coach, railcar or power car; the use of these self-propelled vehicles is increasingly common for passenger trains, but rare for freight trains.
A diesel locomotive is a type of railway locomotive in which the power source is a diesel engine. Several types of diesel locomotives have been developed, differing mainly in the means by which mechanical power is conveyed to the driving wheels. The most common are diesel-electric locomotives and diesel-hydraulic.
An electric locomotive is a locomotive powered by electricity from overhead lines, a third rail or on-board energy storage such as a battery or a supercapacitor. Locomotives with on-board fuelled prime movers, such as diesel engines or gas turbines, are classed as diesel-electric or gas turbine-electric and not as electric locomotives, because the electric generator/motor combination serves only as a power transmission system.
A diesel–electric transmission, or diesel–electric powertrain, is a transmission system for vehicles powered by diesel engines in road, rail, and marine transport. Diesel–electric transmission is based on petrol–electric transmission, a transmission system used for petrol engines.
The British Rail Class 35 is a class of mixed-traffic B-B diesel locomotive with hydraulic transmission. Because of their Mekydro-design hydraulic transmission units, the locomotives became known as the Hymeks. They were numbered D7000-D7100.
PKP classification system is a system of assigning letters and numbers to series and individual locomotives used by the PKP - Polish national railroad operator.
5700 may refer to:
On the UK rail network, multiple working is where two or more traction units are coupled together in such a way that they are all under the control of one driver.
5300 may refer to:
The Rolls-RoyceC range was a series of in-line 4, 6 and 8 cylinder diesel engines used in small locomotives, railcars,construction vehicles, and marine and similar applications. They were manufactured by the Rolls-Royce Oil Engine Division headed by William Arthur Robotham to 1963, initially at Derby and later at Shrewsbury, from the 1950s through to 1970s.
3400 may refer to:
3300 or variant, may refer to:
3200 may refer to:
6400 or variation, may refer to:
9400 may refer to:
The NS 4000 was a series of express steam locomotives of the Dutch Railways from 1945 to 1956.
9020 may refer to:
3020 may refer to:
3150 may refer to: