5th Motorized Division (France)

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The French 5th Motorized Division was a French Army division active during World War II.


World War 2

Battle Of France

During the Battle of France in May 1940 the division contained the following units:

The division was set to defend the Western side of the Meuse, however with the rapid advancement of German units, the French Army could only form a thin defense line. While the 5th Motorized Division were able to get into their positions, to the South the 18th Infantry Division (France) had only got six of its battalions into positions, and so on 13 May the 5th Motorized was sent to reinforce the 18th Division. [1]

The division was an active division which had existed during peacetime. It was a fully motorized Infantry Division.


  1. Pappila, Ove (2009). "Rommel and the German 7th Panzer division in France 1940: The Initial Days of the Campaign" (PDF). Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences . p. 88. Retrieved 22 February 2025.