![]() Palace of the Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana | |
Formation | 4 March 1768 |
Founder | Empress Maria Theresa |
Type | Learned society |
Location | |
President | Roberto Navarrini (2019– ) |
Website | accademianazionalevirgiliana |
The Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana di Scienze Lettere ed Arti (in English, National Virgilian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts) is an Italian scientific institution.
The main aims of the Academy are the production of original studies in every field of knowledge, the promotion of scientific research, the deepening of knowledge of Virgil and his works as well as the history of Mantua and its territory, the coordination and dissemination of culture.
The Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana has its headquarters in the Palazzo dell'Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana in Mantua, Italy. [1]
The Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana is part of a long tradition of literary and artistic associations that arose in Mantua during the Gonzaga era.
In the 17th century, the Accademia degli Invitti was active in Mantua and in 1648 took the name Accademia dei Timidi. Very active in the life of the city, its activities were oriented towards stage performances and dissertations in prose and verse, in Latin and Italian.
Joseph II, co-ruler with his mother, Empress Maria Theresa, informed Count Firmian, the governor of Lombardy, on 20 July 1767 of his intention to reform the Accademia dei Timidi and open it up to scientific studies. It was decided that the choice of its members should be extended to the intellectual elite of the whole of Austrian Lombardy and that the renewed academy should be divided into four classes: Philosophy, Mathematics, Experimental Physics and the Humanities.
The formal act of establishment of the Academy by Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria is dated 4 March 1768. Under the name "Reale Accademia di Scienze e Belle Lettere" (Royal Academy of Science and Letters), the Academy became, during the Habsburg period, a true university institution, famous in Italy and abroad. It was merged in 1775 with the Academy of painting and sculpture.
The Academy's activities included studies and research in every field of knowledge of the time. It stimulated studies on the most important problems of the time, in particular on hydraulics and public waters, on hygienic conditions and on medical-surgical topics. [2]
Following Napoleon Bonaparte's Italian Campaign and the consequent new territorial layout of the city of Mantua, a new plan for the Academy was decided, and it changed its name, assuming the title Accademia Virgiliana on 31 May 1797.
After the Congress of Vienna, important names of renowned scholars, both national and international, were associated with the Academy, including Lazzaro Spallanzani, Cesare Beccaria, Alessandro Volta and Pietro Vincenzo Monti. [3] Emperor Franz Joseph revitalised the Accademia Virgiliana and, by imperial decree of 22 January 1865, added it the name "Regia".
The activity of the Academy was not changed by the plebiscite of 1866, which sanctioned the annexation of the province of Mantua to the Kingdom of Italy. With Royal Decree No. 2376 of 16 October 1934, the Royal Virgilian Academy of Mantua was given a new statute. The proclamation of the Italian Republic did not interfere with the work of the Academy, which took on its present name in 1981, following Presidential Decree no. 371 of 2 May 1981. [4]
The seat of the Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana is the palace of the Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana, built on the plot previously occupied by a Gonzaga residence and the premises of the Accademia dei Timidi. [5] [6]
In the palace, designed by Giuseppe Piermarini and Paolo Pozzo in the neoclassical style, is the Teatro Scientifico (Scientific Theater) by Antonio Galli da Bibbiena, with a bell-shaped plan and four tiers of superimposed boxes, intended for the Academy's solemn events and inaugurated in 1769. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart played here on 16 January 1770, when he was thirteen-year-old. [5] [7]
The Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana is governed by its statute, approved by decree no. 1151 of the President of the Italian Republic on 19 December 1983 [8] and integrated by the decree of the Minister for Cultural and Environmental Heritage of 24 April 1996. [1]
The academic body is composed of ordinary academicians, no more than 90; honorary academicians, no more than 10; pro tempore honorary academicians, no more than 10; corresponding members, no more than 60; supernumerary academicians.
Ordinary academicians and corresponding members belong to one of the three classes of the Academy: the Class of Letters and Arts, the Class of Moral Sciences and the Class of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences; for each class there are 30 ordinary academicians and 20 corresponding members. [1]
Since 1863 the Academy has been publishing the volumes of the "Atti e Memorie" (Acts and Memoirs) and carries out an intense editorial activity. [9]
The Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana institutes, every two years, the International Virgil Prize, aimed at promoting studies on the figure and work of the great Latin poet, divided into two sections: the "Vergilius Prize" and the "Mantua Prize" (the latter is reserved for scholars who are under 40 years of age at the date of the announcement). [9]
The Academy's library currently holds a large collection of over 40,000 books.
The music archive has 426 manuscript scores from the 18th century. The collection includes mainly scores of musicians active in the 18th century, such as Johann Christian Bach, Baldassarre Galuppi and Francesco Salieri. Many scores feature works by Pietro Metastasio.
The historical archive of the Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana in Mantua dates back to the time of its foundation. The documentary material preserved reflects on the one hand the progressive sedimentation of the documentation produced by the administrative and accounting activities of the Institute, and on the other hand the peculiar scientific and literary production, fruit of the cultural exercise of the academicians.
A section of the historical archive containing the handwritten dissertations (about 550 are preserved, divided into 20 envelopes, from envelopes 42 to 61) of those who took part, between 1768 and 1796, in the competitions announced by the Academy for the four classes of Philosophy, Mathematics, Physics and Fine Arts; also the monthly dissertations read by the academicians during the periodic meetings and divided into various subject groups: Education, Philosophy, Natural History, Hydraulics, Arts and Crafts, Fine Literature, History, Fine Arts and Music, Archaeology, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Hygiene and Surgery, Agronomy, Legislation, Criticism, Mathematics.
Hundreds of prints are digitised in the prints collection section, each with a specific data sheet. [9]
The title of Prefect was used from 1767 to 1797 and from 1799 to 1934; the title of President from 1797 to 1799 and from 1934 to the present. [9]
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Francesco Severi was an Italian mathematician. He was the chair of the committee on Fields Medal on 1936, at the first delivery.
The Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna is a public tertiary academy of fine art in Bologna, in Emilia-Romagna in northern Italy. It has a campus in Cesena.
The Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia is a public tertiary academy of art in Venice, Italy.
Mauro Picone was an Italian mathematician. He is known for the Picone identity, the Sturm-Picone comparison theorem and being the founder of the Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, presently named after him, the first applied mathematics institute ever founded. He was also an outstanding teacher of mathematical analysis: some of the best Italian mathematicians were among his pupils.
Lamberto Cesari was an Italian mathematician naturalized in the United States, known for his work on the theory of surface area, the theory of functions of bounded variation, the theory of optimal control and on the stability theory of dynamical systems: in particular, by extending the concept of Tonelli plane variation, he succeeded in introducing the class of functions of bounded variation of several variables in its full generality.
Gaetano Fichera was an Italian mathematician, working in mathematical analysis, linear elasticity, partial differential equations and several complex variables. He was born in Acireale, and died in Rome.
Antonio Signorini was an influential Italian mathematical physicist and civil engineer of the 20th century. He is known for his work in finite elasticity, thermoelasticity and for formulating the Signorini problem.
Guido Zappa was an Italian mathematician and a noted group theorist: his other main research interests were geometry and also the history of mathematics. Zappa was particularly known for some examples of algebraic curves that strongly influenced the ideas of Francesco Severi.
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Accademia Nazionale d'Arte Drammatica Silvio D'Amico is a national drama school in Rome, Italy. Founded in 1936 by the theatrical theorist, critic, and writer Silvio D'Amico, the academy is the only state school for the training of actors and directors. Funded jointly by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Academy grants academic degrees equivalent to Bachelor of Arts as well as master's degrees. Its value comes from being the only school in Italy to be recognized by the Prime Minister / Department of Performing Arts and the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research.
Accademia often refers to:
The Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara is a public tertiary academy of art in Carrara, in Tuscany, Italy. It was founded on 26 September 1769 by Maria Teresa Cybo-Malaspina, duchess of Massa and princess of Carrara; but its origins go back to 1757, when, on the advice of the sculptor Giovanni Domenico Olivieri, she founded the Accademia di San Ceccardo in which sculpture, architecture and painting were to be taught. To house it, she commissioned Filippo del Medico to design and build a new building ; in 1807, by order of Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi, the accademia was moved the Palazzo del Principe. The school of architecture was at first under Filippo del Medico; Giovanni Antonio Cybei was head of the school of sculpture.
Dionigi Galletto was an Italian mathematician and academician.
The Teatro Bibiena di Mantova was made by Antonio Galli da Bibbiena in 1767-1769 and decorated in 1773–1775 with a facade of Piermarini designed by Paolo Pozzo (1741–1803).
Luigi Amerio, was an Italian electrical engineer and mathematician. He is known for his work on almost periodic functions, on Laplace transforms in one and several dimensions, and on the theory of elliptic partial differential equations.
Dario Graffi was an influential Italian mathematical physicist, known for his researches on the electromagnetic field, particularly for a mathematical explanation of the Luxemburg effect, for proving an important uniqueness theorem for the solutions of a class of fluid dynamics equations including the Navier-Stokes equation, for his researches in continuum mechanics and for his contribution to oscillation theory.
Carlo Miranda was an Italian mathematician, working on mathematical analysis, theory of elliptic partial differential equations and complex analysis: he is known for giving the first proof of the Poincaré–Miranda theorem, for Miranda's theorem in complex analysis, and for writing an influential monograph in the theory of elliptic partial differential equations.
Gianfranco Cimmino was an Italian mathematician, working mathematical analysis, numerical analysis, and theory of elliptic partial differential equations: he is known for being the first mathematician generalizing in a weak sense the notion of boundary value in a boundary value problem, and for doing an influential work in numerical analysis.
The following is a timeline of the history of the city of Mantua in the Lombardy region of Italy.