The Achaei were an ancient people of Scythia, mentioned by Strabo (11.2, together with the Zygoi, Heniochi, and Cercetae and Macropogones) and by Pliny (4.26.2). Pliny mentions a Portus Achaeorum at the mouths of the Danube. The name has been interpreted to mean "river dwellers", from an Indo-European word for "water" (Latin aqua, Old High German aha; Wissowa, Pauly's Real-Encyclopadie s. v. Achaei)
Rhinocorura or Rhinocolura was the name of a region and associated town and rivers lying between Ancient Egypt and the Land of Israel. The name may refer explicitly to:
Cius, later renamed Prusias on the Sea after king Prusias I of Bithynia, was an ancient Greek city bordering the Propontis, in Bithynia and in Mysia, and had a long history, being mentioned by Herodotus, Xenophon, Aristotle, Strabo and Apollonius Rhodius.
The Zygii or Zygians were described by Strabo as a nation to the north of Colchis. He wrote:
And on the sea lies the Asiatic side of the Bosporus, or the Syndic territory. After this latter, one comes to the Achaei and the Zygii and the Heniochi, and also the Cercetae and the Macropogones. And above these are situated the narrow passes of the Phtheirophagi (Phthirophagi); and after the Heniochi the Colchian country, which lies at the foot of the Caucasian, or Moschian, Mountains.
Percote or Perkote was a town or city of ancient Mysia on the southern (Asian) side of the Hellespont, to the northeast of Troy. Percote is mentioned a few times in Greek mythology, where it plays a very minor role each time. It was said to be the home of a notable seer named Merops, also its ruler. Merops was the father of Arisbe, Cleite, and two sons named Amphius and Adrastus who fought during the Trojan War. As an ally of Troy, Percote sent a contingent to help King Priam during the Trojan War - though this contingent was led not by Merops's sons, but by Asius, son of Hyrtacus, according to Homer's Iliad, one native from Percote was wounded in the Trojan War by Antilochus, two natives from Percote were killed in the Trojan War by Diomedes and Ullysses. The Meropidae instead lead a contingent from nearby Adrastea. A nephew of Priam, named Melanippus, son of Hicetaon, herded cattle (oxen) at Percote, according to Homer.
Larissa or Larisa (Λάρισα) Phrikonis was a Bronze Age city in the Aegean Region of Turkey. It is in the immediate vicinity of Menemen, in the district of İzmir province. The ruins of the city are on a hill top next to today's Buruncuk village. The main road to Çanakkale from İzmir skirts the same hill, making a considerable curve to the northwest. It must also be emphasized that Larissa is very close to the Gediz River, which formed a fertile plain on its own delta, with the alluvial soil carried from the Anatolian inland.
Scylletium or Scolacium was an ancient seaside city in Calabria, southern Italy. Its ruins can be found at the frazione of Roccelletta, in the comune of Borgia, near Catanzaro, facing the Gulf of Squillace.
The Medulli were a Gallic tribe dwelling in the upper valley of Maurienne, in the modern region of Savoie, during the Roman period.
The Cercetae are an ancient people of Scythia mentioned by Strabo and Pliny the Elder. They are one of many ancient tribes of the Northwestern Caucasus which are the ancestors of modern Circassians. The name "Cercetae" apparently was the basis of the name of the people that arose later - the Circassians. The ethnonym itself of presumably Iranian origin or derived from the κερκέτηζ, is a kind of "stern oar”, and is the nickname given to them by the Greeks due to their skill in the sea business.
Ariana, the Latinized form of the Ancient Greek Ἀρ(ε)ιανή Ar(e)ianē, originating from the Old Persian word Ariyanem (Ariana) meaning "The Land of the Aryans", similar to the use of Āryāvarta. It was a general geographical term used by some Greek and Roman authors of the ancient period for a district of wide extent between Central Asia and the Indus River, comprising the eastern provinces of the Achaemenid Empire that covered the whole of modern-day Afghanistan, as well as the easternmost part of Iran and up to the Indus River in Pakistan.
Alexandria Prophthasia also known as Alexandria in Drangiana was one of the seventy-plus cities founded or renamed by Alexander the Great. The town was founded during an intermediate stop between Herat, the location of another of Alexander's fortresses, and Kandahar.
Daedala or Daidala was a city of the Rhodian Peraea in ancient Caria, or a small place, as Stephanus of Byzantium says, on the authority of Strabo.
Thynias was a town of ancient Thrace on the coast of the Pontus Euxinus on a promontory of the same name, mentioned by numerous ancient authors. It was located north of Salmydessus, which was probably at one time in the territories of the Thyni, although Strabo speaks of the district as belonging to the people of Apollonia. According to Pliny the Elder, the town was placed a little to the south of the promontory.
Caryanda or Karyanda was a city on the coast of ancient Caria in southwestern Anatolia. Stephanus of Byzantium describes it as a city and harbour (λίμην) near Myndus and Cos. But λιμήν, in the text of Stephanus, is an emendation or alteration: the manuscripts have λίμνη ('lake'). Strabo places Caryanda between Myndus and Bargylia, and he describes it, according to the common text, as "a lake, and island of the same name with it;" and thus the texts of Stephanus, who has got his information from Strabo, agree with the texts of Strabo. Pliny simply mentions the island Caryanda with a town; but he is in that passage only enumerating islands. In another passage he mentions Caryanda as a place on the mainland, and Pomponius Mela does also. Scylax of Caryanda, one of the most famous mariners and explorers of ancient times, was a native of Caryanda. He lived in the late 6th and early 5th centuries BCE and served the Persian king Darius I.
Canae was, in classical antiquity, a city in ancient Aeolis, on the island of Argennusa in the Aegean Sea off the modern Dikili Peninsula on the coast of modern-day Turkey, near the modern village of Bademli. Today Argennusa has joined the mainland as the Kane Promontory off the Dikili Peninsula. Canae is famous as the site of the Battle of Arginusae in 406 B.C.
Coryphas or Koryphas, also known as Coryphantis or Koryphantis (Κορυφαντίς), was one of the settlements of the Mytilenaeans, on the coast of ancient Aeolis, opposite to Lesbos, and north of Atarneus. It is evidently the same place which appears in the Tabula Peutingeriana under the name Corifanio, between Adramyttium and Elateia — which may be another name of Heraclea. Strabo mentions Coryphantis and Heraclea, and "after them, Attea." The oysters of Coryphas are mentioned by Pliny the Elder.
Attea was a coastal town of ancient Mysia or of Aeolis. If we follow the order of Strabo's enumeration, it lay between Heracleia and Atarneus. It has been conjectured that it is the same place which is named Attalia in the Peutinger Table. Pliny the Elder mentions an Attalia in Mysia, but he places it in the interior; and he also mentions the Attalenses as belonging to the conventus of Pergamum. It seems, then, there is some confusion in the authorities about this Attalia; and the Lydian Attalia of Stephanus of Byzantium and this Attalia of Pliny may be the same place. Also, attempts to equate the town with Attaea, a later bishopric near Ephesus, have likewise proved unsatisfactory.
Cremaste or Kremaste was a town in ancient Troad. Xenophon speaks of the town and the plain nearby "where there are the gold mines of the Abydeni." Strabo mentions the gold mines of Astyra which town is nearby. Gold mines belonging to Lampsacus are mentioned by Pliny the Elder and by Polyaenus; and they may be the same as those of Cremaste, as the town was generally between Abydus and Lampsacus.
Carambis or Karambis was an ancient Greek city of ancient Paphlagonia, on a promontory of the same name. The town is mentioned in the Periplus of Pseudo-Scylax and by Pliny the Elder. The name occurs as Carambas in the Peutinger Table.
Artace or Artake was a town of ancient Mysia, near Cyzicus. It was a Milesian colony. It was a seaport, and on the same peninsula on which Cyzicus stood, and about 40 stadia from it. in Greek mythology, Artace is mentioned as the place where the argonauts changed the stone anchor of the Argo for a larger one. Artace was burnt, together with Proconnesus, during the Ionian Revolt, in the reign of Darius I. Probably it was not rebuilt for quite some time, for Strabo in the 1st century does not mention it among the Mysian towns: but he speaks of a wooded mountain of the name, with an island of the same name near to it, the same which Pliny the Elder calls Artacaeum. Timosthenes, quoted by Stephanus of Byzantium, also gives the name Artace or Artake to a mountain, and to a small island, one stadium from the land. In the time of Procopius, Artace had been rebuilt, and was a suburb of Cyzicus.
Salmydessus or Salmydessos, also Halmydessus or Halmydessos (Ἁλμυδισσός), was a coast-town of ancient Thrace, on the Euxine, about 97 kilometres (60 mi) northwest of the entrance of the Bosporus. The eastern offshoots of the Haemus here come very close to the shore, which they divide from the valley of the Hebrus. The people of Salmydessus were thus cut off from communication with the less barbarous portions of Thrace, and became notorious for their savage and inhuman character, which harmonised well with that of their country, the coast of which was extremely dangerous. Aeschylus, who incorrectly places the town in Asia Minor, describes Salmydessus as "the rugged jaw of the sea, hostile to sailors, step-mother of ships;" and Xenophon informs us, that in his time its people carried on the business of wreckers in a very systematic manner, the coast being marked out into portions by means of posts erected along it, and those to whom each portion was assigned having the exclusive right to plunder all vessels and persons cast upon it. This plan, he says, was adopted to prevent the bloodshed which had frequently been occasioned among themselves by their previous practice of indiscriminate plunder. Strabo describes this portion of the coast of the Euxine as "desert, rocky, destitute of harbours, and completely exposed to the north winds;" while Xenophon characterises the sea adjoining it as "full of shoals." The earlier writers appear to speak of Salmydessus as a district only, but in later authors, as Apollodorus, Pliny the Elder, and Pomponius Mela, it is mentioned as a town.