Agreement forest

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In the mathematical field of graph theory, an agreement forest for two given (leaf-labeled, irreductible) trees is any (leaf-labeled, irreductible) forest which can, informally speaking, be obtained from both trees by removing a common number of edges.


Agreement forests first arose when studying combinatorial problems related to computational phylogenetics, in particular tree rearrangements. [1]


Recall that a tree (or a forest) is irreductible when it lacks any internal node of degree 2. In the case of a rooted tree (or a rooted forest), the root(s) are of course allowed to have degree 2, since they are not internal nodes. Any tree (or forest) can be made irreductible by applying a sequence of edge contractions.

An irreductible (rooted or unrooted) tree T whose leaves are bijectively labeled by elements of a set X is called a (rooted or unrooted) X-tree. Such a X-tree usually model a phylogenetic tree, where the elements of X (the taxon set) could represent species, individual organisms, DNA sequences, or other biological objects.

Two X-trees T1 and T2 are said to be isomorphic when there exists a graph isomorphism between them which preserves the leaf labels. In the case of rooted X-trees, the isomorphism must also preserves the root.

Given a X-tree T and a taxon subset Y ⊆ X, the minimal subtree of T that connects all leaves in Y is denoted by T(Y). When T is rooted, then T(Y) is also rooted, with its root being the node closest to the original root of T. This T(Y) subtree needs not be a Y-tree, because it might not be irreductible. We therefore further define the restricted subtree T|Y, which is obtained from T(Y) by suppressing all internal nodes of degree 2, yielding a proper Y-tree.

Agreement forests

An agreement forest for two unrootedX-trees T1 and T2 is a partition {X1, X2, ..., Xk} of the taxon set X satisfying the following conditions:

  1. T1|Xi and T2|Xi are isomorphic for every i ∈ {1,2,...,k} and
  2. the subtrees in { T1(Xi) : i ∈ {1,2,...,k} } and { T2(Xi) : i ∈ {1,2,...,k} } are vertex-disjoint subtrees of T1 and T2, respectively.

The set partition {X1, X2, ..., Xk} is identified with the forest of restricted subtrees F = {T|X1, T|X2, ..., T|Xk}, with either T=T1 or T=T2 (the choice of it begin irrelevant because of condition 1). Therefore, an agreement forest can either be seen as a partition of the taxon set X or as a forest (in the classical graph-theoretic sense) of restricted subtrees.

The size of an agreement forest is simply its number of components. Intuitively, an agreement forest of size k for two phylogenetic trees is a forest which can be obtained from both trees by removing (k-1) edges in each tree and subsequently suppressing internal nodes of degree 2.

Rooted case

Acyclic agreement forests

A raffinement on the above definition can be made, resulting in the concept of acyclic agreement forest. An agreement forest F for two X-trees T1 and T2 is said to be acyclic if each of its tree components can be numbered in such a way that if the root of one component XiF is an ancestor of the root of another component XjF in either T1 or T2, then the number assigned to Xi is lower than the number assigned to Xj.

Another characterization of acyclicity in agreement forest is to consider the directed graph GF that has vertex set F and a directed edge (Xi, Xj) if and only if i ≠ j and at least one of the two following conditions hold:

  1. the root of T1(Xi) is an ancestor of the root of T1(Xj) in T1
  2. the root of T2(Xi) is an ancestor of the root of T2(Xj) in T2

The directed graph GF is called the inheritance graph associated with the agreement forest F, and we call F acyclic if GF has no directed cycle.

Optimization problems

A (rooted, unrooted, acyclic) agreement forest F for T1 and T2 is said to be maximum if it contains the smallest possible number of elements (i.e. it has the smallest size). In this context, it is the agreement between the two trees which is maximized: it explains why computing a maximum agreement forest actually means minimizing its number of components. This leads to two different (but related) optimization problems. In both cases, we choose to minimize |F| − 1 rather than |F|, because the former corresponds to the number of cuts to be done in each tree in order to obtain F.


  1. Jotun Hein; Tao Jiang; Lusheng Wang; Kaizhong Zhang (1996). "On the complexity of comparing evolutionary trees". Discrete Applied Mathematics. 71 (1–3): 153–169. doi: 10.1016/S0166-218X(96)00062-5 .

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