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Agrogeology is the study of the origins of minerals known as agrominerals and their applications. These minerals are of importance to farming and horticulture, especially with regard to soil fertility and fertilizer components. These minerals are usually essential plant nutrients. Agrogeology can also be defined as the application of geology to problems in agriculture, particularly in reference to soil productivity and health. This field is a combination of a few different fields, including geology, soil science, agronomy, and chemistry. The overall objective is to advance agricultural production by using geological resources to improve chemical and physical aspects of soil.



The first agrogeology project to receive major funding was the Tanzania-Canada project (1989). This project took place in southern Tanzania as a way to assist farmers in increasing soil productivity by finding and testing local raw materials. However, the use of raw materials as fertilizer is a practice that dates back to the 1800s. Erling Bjarne Johnson discovered the nitrophosphate process in the years 1927–28. [1]

Rock phosphate as fertilizer

A common problem faced in agriculture is dealing with soils lacking in phosphorus. Phosphorus, along with nitrogen and potassium, is an important element in determining plant development and health. A high percentage of traditional fertilizers intended to mend phosphorus-deficient soils end up becoming insoluble complexes in the soil. This presents a need for constant reapplication. Rock phosphate, also known as phosphorite, can be used as a sustainable, cost-effective method to mend problems associated with plant growth. [2]

Rock phosphate is mined from clay deposits that contain phosphorus. It can be found on across South Africa, Canada, sea beds, and sea mounts in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. These rocks are mostly sedimentary, one example being limestone.

Unlike other elements that are soluble and easily accessible, rock phosphate needs to be processed in order to make the phosphorus in them available for plant and soil intake. Currently, there are a few ways of processing rock phosphate. Microbial solubilization of rock phosphate through fungi has been found to be able to break down inorganic phosphate into soluble forms by processes that produce organic acids.

Residual dust from mining has also been used in conjunction with processed fertilizer in order to improve plant development. A study in Zimbabwe suggests that this mixture increases plant growth, phosphorus levels, and organic carbon. [3] [4]

Commercial fertilizers mine and process rock phosphate using chemistry. [5] Phosphorite is mined primarily by surface methods using draglines and bucket wheel excavators. Once it is ground and impurities are removed, water and sulfuric acid is added to the phosphate rock which generates gypsum crystals, a way of getting rid of what we don't want, leaving phosphorus as an acidic liquid. To raise phosphorus levels, impurities are precipitated out and any excess water is evaporated. Then vapor ammonia is applied to the liquid phosphorus and the end products are phosphorus granules.

Multi-nutrient rock fertilizers

Multi-nutrient rock fertilizers are slow releasing fertilizers that contain micro-nutrients, such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium, as well as smaller amounts of macro-nutrients like phosphorus. [6] The idea is to mimic natural weathering that happens to parent material in the soil over long periods of time.

With industrial fertilizers becoming more of an issue, both for farmers as costs continue to increase [7] and environmentalists with ecological concerns, many people have been searching for alternatives. While using multi-nutrient rock fertilizers can't replace industrial fertilizers, it does have other benefits. Where chemical fertilizers only introduce one or two nutrients, these rock fertilizers introduce a wide range of nutrients to the soil environment. This is important for nutrient deprived soils, such as after heavy agricultural production. [8] Other benefits of these rock fertilizers include raising the pH of the soils and being able to locally source materials from mining waste. This method is not without downsides: it requires a high amount of application, the release rate of nutrients is slow, and as compared to industrial fertilizers, it's not as effective as other agronomic methods.

List of other raw materials used in agriculture

Apatite - a major source of slow release of phosphate in acidic soils.

Carbonate - contains liming materials used to solve problems of acidity and related toxicities.

Malachite – useful for correction of copper deficiencies

Scoria – useful as a mulching material to conserve soil water and provide slow release of nutrients.

Zeolite – useful in conserving nitrogen and releasing phosphorus from apatite couple reaction, also raises pH


Using raw materials could drastically improve agricultural production as it is both cost-effective, easily accessible, and sustainable. Agrogeology, although still in development, is proving to be of agronomic importance for crop cultivation and yield, resulting in solving issues regarding food shortage and the economy associated with farming.

Scientists who specialize in agrogeology are termed agrogeologists.

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Agrominerals</span>

Agrominerals are minerals of importance to agriculture and horticulture industries for they can provide essential plant nutrients. Some agrominerals occur naturally or can be processed to be used as alternative fertilizers or soil amendments. The term agromineral was created in the 19th century and is now one of the leading research topics for sustainable agriculture. These geomaterials are used to replenish the nutrients and amend soils. Agrominerals started with small uses most often seen in hobbyist gardening but are moving to a much larger scale such as commercial farming operations that take up 100's acres of land. In this transition the focus changed to be more on ground nutrients, mainly on the three major plant nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Two of the three elements are only being harvested from a geomaterial called potash. Alternative sources are being researched, due to potash finite supply and cost.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Phosphate solubilizing bacteria</span> Bacteria

Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) are beneficial bacteria capable of solubilizing inorganic phosphorus from insoluble compounds. P-solubilization ability of rhizosphere microorganisms is considered to be one of the most important traits associated with plant phosphate nutrition. It is generally accepted that the mechanism of mineral phosphate solubilization by PSB strains is associated with the release of low molecular weight organic acids, through which their hydroxyl and carboxyl groups chelate the cations [an ion that have positive charge on it.] bound to phosphate, thereby converting it into soluble forms. PSB have been introduced to the Agricultural community as phosphate Biofertilizer. Phosphorus (P) is one of the major essential macronutrients for plants and is applied to soil in the form of phosphate fertilizers. However, a large portion of soluble inorganic phosphate which is applied to the soil as chemical fertilizer is immobilized rapidly and becomes unavailable to plants. Currently, the main purpose in managing soil phosphorus is to optimize crop production and minimize P loss from soils. PSB have attracted the attention of agriculturists as soil inoculums to improve the plant growth and yield. When PSB is used with rock phosphate, it can save about 50% of the crop requirement of phosphatic fertilizer. The use of PSB as inoculants increases P uptake by plants. Simple inoculation of seeds with PSB gives crop yield responses equivalent to 30 kg P2O5 /ha or 50 percent of the need for phosphatic fertilizers. Alternatively, PSB can be applied through fertigation or in hydroponic operations. Many different strains of these bacteria have been identified as PSB, including Pantoea agglomerans (P5), Microbacterium laevaniformans (P7) and Pseudomonas putida (P13) strains are highly efficient insoluble phosphate solubilizers. Recently, researchers at Colorado State University demonstrated that a consortium of four bacteria, synergistically solubilize phosphorus at a much faster rate than any single strain alone. Mahamuni and Patil (2012) isolated four strains of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from sugarcane (VIMP01 and VIMP02) and sugar beet rhizosphere (VIMP03 and VIMP 04). Isolates were strains of Burkholderia named as VIMP01, VIMP02, VIMP03 and VIMP04. VIMP (Vasantdada Sugar Institute Isolate by Mahamuni and Patil) cultures were identified as Burkholderia cenocepacia strain VIMP01 (JQ867371), Burkholderia gladioli strain VIMP02 (JQ811557), Burkholderia gladioli strain VIMP03 (JQ867372) and Burkholderia species strain VIMP04 (JQ867373).

Agrocarbon is the international brand name of biochar products produced by 3Ragrocabon. 3Ragrocarbon is owned and operated by Terra Humanities LTD, a Swedish ecological-innovation technology and engineering company. 3RAgrocarbon utilizes patented 3R zero-emission Pyrolysis to create environmentally friendly bio-char and soil-nutrient enrichment products. The firm is headquartered in Hungary where its main production facility is located. The company is supported by, and partnered with the European Union on several projects focused on eco-safe agricultural and soil nutrient initiatives. The Agrocarbon is applied in all formulations, from stand alone biofertilizer to any combination as compost or soil activator. The refined and formulated Agrocarbon products are multi effect used for sustainable soil and carbon negative environmental and climate protection improvements. This includes economical food crop production and forest nursery, biological pest control, natural fertilization, soil moisture retention, restoration of soil biodiversity and natural balance.

Korean natural farming (KNF) is an organic agricultural method that takes advantage of indigenous microorganisms (IMO) to produce rich soil that yields high output without the use of herbicides or pesticides.

Seventeen elements or nutrients are essential for plant growth and reproduction. They are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), boron (B), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni) and chlorine (Cl). Nutrients required for plants to complete their life cycle are considered essential nutrients. Nutrients that enhance the growth of plants but are not necessary to complete the plant's life cycle are considered non-essential, although some of them, such as silicon (Si), have been shown to improve nutrent availability, hence the use of stinging nettle and horsetail macerations in Biodynamic agriculture. With the exception of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which are supplied by carbon dioxide and water, and nitrogen, provided through nitrogen fixation, the nutrients derive originally from the mineral component of the soil. The Law of the Minimum expresses that when the available form of a nutrient is not in enough proportion in the soil solution, then other nutrients cannot be taken up at an optimum rate by a plant. A particular nutrient ratio of the soil solution is thus mandatory for optimizing plant growth, a value which might differ from nutrient ratios calculated from plant composition.


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