Alberta Stock Exchange

Last updated
Alberta Stock Exchange
Type Regional stock exchange
Location Calgary, Alberta, Canada
ClosedNovember 29, 1999

The Alberta Stock Exchange (ASE) was a stock exchange based in Calgary, Alberta, established in 1913. [1] It featured mostly mining, resource exploration, and oil sands stocks. The ASE was the original listing exchange for Bre-X, one of the biggest corporate frauds in Canadian history. [2]

On November 29, 1999, the ASE was merged into the Canadian Venture Exchange (CDNX), along with the Vancouver Stock Exchange (VSE) and the minor-cap stocks from the Bourse de Montréal (MSE). The corporate headquarters of the new CDNX remained in Calgary.

See also


  1. "Alberta Stock Exchange fonds". Glenbow Museum . Retrieved 2013-09-28.
  2. A Lode of Lies: How Bre-X Fooled Everyone Washington Post May 18, 1997