Algernon Brashear Jackson (1878-1942) was a prominent African American physician, surgeon, writer, and columnist who contributed profoundly to the National Negro Health Movement, an organization which sought to uplift African Americans by educating them on preventative medicine and public health. He was also well known for being a founding member of the Sigma Pi Phi fraternity and pioneering an effective treatment for rheumatism.
Jackson was born in Princeton, Indiana, on May 21, 1878, to Charles A. Jackson and Sarah L. (née Brashear) Jackson. [1] His mother was a public school teacher in the area and received an extensive education at several institutions, including Indiana University, University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, and Drexel Institute. [2] He married Elizabeth A. Newman on June 20, 1920, in Media, Pennsylvania. [3] He died on October 22, 1942, in his home in Washington, D.C., at age 64. [4]
Jackson attended Indiana University for his undergraduate education and then continued on to Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, where, in 1901, he earned his M.D. [5] He completed additional post-graduate work at Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania. He then became an assistant surgeon at Philadelphia Polyclinic Hospital—an institution run exclusively by white physicians. [6] He was the first and only black surgeon to work at the hospital at that time and kept the position for thirteen years. [2] Jackson ran in rather privileged circles within the African American community and had clear ties to Booker T. Washington (via the National Negro Health Movement) [7] and Henry McKee Minton (a well-established doctor of a notoriously wealthy African American family), among others.
In 1907, Jackson cofounded the Mercy Hospital School for Nurses and undertook the position of Surgeon-in-Chief, which he maintained for 15 years before becoming the hospital's Superintendent. He continued in this position for 9 more years until 1921, at which point he left to accept a job at Howard University. He was succeeded as Superintendent by friend and fellow co-founder of Sigma Pi Phi, Henry McKee Minton. [8] From 1921 to 1934 he was a professor of bacteriology and public health, from 1921 to 1925 he was the director of the School of Public Health, and from 1926 to 1928 he was physician in charge at Howard University. [6]
Jackson made headlines in the medical community for discovering the injection of magnesium sulphate as an effective treatment for rheumatism in 1911. [9] In 1904, Jackson, Henry McKee Minton, and two other fellow African American medical professionals became the founding members of Sigma Pi Phi, the first black Greek Letter organization, with the goal of uniting other like-minded black professionals in the North. He authored three books: Evolution and Life: A Series of Lay Sermons, [10] The Man Next Door, [11] and Jim and Mr. Eddy: A Dixie Motorlogue. [12]
Jackson was heavily involved with the National Negro Health movement during his years as director of the School of Public Health at Howard University until his death in 1942. The movement itself was established in 1915 by Booker T. Washington, who was impressed by the Negro Organization Society of Virginia's implementation of a “clean-up week” in 1913, and sought to bring similar ideals of sanitation and hygiene to a wider national African American audience with National Negro Health Week. [13] Jackson championed this idea, acting as a director of the movement for much of his later life, most likely beginning in the 1920s and continuing into the early 1930s. [2] Jackson was extremely concerned with the relatively high mortality rates of African Americans—specifically those in the poverty-stricken South—and personally believed that educating the African American community on matters of public health and hygiene was the most effective way to uplift the race in all aspects of life. He received most of his notoriety and authority in the African American community from his involvement with the movement, and was even asked to be a delegate to the White House Conference on Child Health and Protection by then-President Hoover in 1930. [14]
Although primarily based out of Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., Jackson made several tours through the South, speaking at African American public schools and community youth centers on matters of hygiene [15] and disease prevention [16] and visiting hospitals to determine the state of Negro health care throughout the country. [17] His findings from the latter tours were published in several journals and included calls to action for the government and the public to improve clinical facilities for Southern African Americans by allocating more money, better equipment, more qualified staff, and—most importantly—preventative educational components. [17]
Jackson also used his platform as a public health columnist in several African American regional newspapers to report on his findings of the state of Negro health in America, which were overwhelmingly described as disappointing or atrocious. The audience he reached through his journalistic work—in publications like the Pittsburgh Courier, the New York Amsterdam News, the Baltimore Afro-American, and the Chicago Defender—was overwhelmingly middle-class, Northern African Americans. His regular columns ranged from health advice (“Afro Health Talk” in the Baltimore Afro-American) to opinion pages (“Week-End Mosaics” in the Pittsburgh Courier), but all were ultimately concerned with the social stature of African Americans.
In his article “The Need of Health Education Among Negroes,” he underscored the notion that “no man, whatever his motive may be, can help lift up his brother without lifting up himself.” [7] In other words, educating the African American community in public health and hygiene would not only lift the race itself by reducing rates of mortality and illness, it would also benefit the whites who would inevitably find themselves in contact with blacks. However, it was abundantly clear that, in Jackson's eyes, not all African Americans shared equal responsibility for the sub-par health of the race as a whole. Most often, the blame for harmful ignorance of public health issues fell on the shoulders of the poor Southern blacks. In turn, Jackson asserted that it was up to black medical leaders to “save a great people who really know very little about how to save themselves.” [17]
Most of Jackson's writing—both for the lay public and medical community—included implications of classism and elitism that set Southern blacks lower on the hierarchy than wealthier blacks in cosmopolitan northern cities. On at least one occasion in “Week-End Mosaics,” Jackson assured his largely educated Northern readership that their illness and death rates were no worse off than those of Northern whites, and that they were thusly not to blame for high Negro mortality. Southern blacks, on the other hand, he claimed “have no appreciation of [life] and use it to no more purpose than does the dumb animal.” [18] As such, he called upon the educated black masses—much like he did with the black medical community—to reach the “poor unfortunate neglected members of our race” and teach them “that better living means better health, longer life, a finer happiness and a greater power for doing the things which we all as a race want to do…[to] make us unafraid and unconquerable.” [18]
In 1928, he reported for The Philadelphia Tribune on a German study in which the blood of Jews, Ukrainians, and Russians was tested and analyzed for differences. Jackson wrote that variations were observed (like how quickly the blood reacted with different chemicals, which they chalked up to “oxidation”) but the implications and significance of these findings was left simply at the fact that people of difference “races” or ethnicities are, in fact, “chemically different.” Regardless of the vagueness of the study and its probable ties to Nazi-backed eugenic exploration, Jackson clearly took a great interest in the experiment and hopefully suggested that “racial identity may be fixed by chemical analysis” in the future. [19] He additionally implied that determining racial makeup through objective measures could potentially prove “more unpopular with whites than with Negroes,” either because it will reveal less pure bloodlines in whites, or chemical superiority in blacks. [19]
Despite his occasional favoritism of Northern African Americans and apparent eugenic interests, Jackson did not spare even the most refined and economically advantaged blacks personal hygiene advice, particularly in his “Afro Health Talk” column. Although he was touted in this publication specifically as a “Health Authority and Stomach Specialist,” his column explored all matters of preventative medicine, and often linked health issues with the societal perceptions or stereotypes of African Americans. For example, in a column about tuberculosis prevention, Jackson blamed “ignorance, carelessness, indifference, immorality, vicious living and unwillingness to accept advice” for the “untutored” black community's mortality rates from tuberculosis. [20] But even more so, it was the fault of “the social and economic maladjustment born of a slimy race prejudice indigenous to America” that prevented “all citizens, black and white, [from facing] life and death on equal terms.” [20]
In the United States, the social hygiene movement was an attempt by Progressive era reformers in the late 19th and early 20th century to control venereal disease, regulate prostitution and vice, and disseminate sexual education through the use of scientific research methods and modern media techniques. Social hygiene as a profession grew alongside social work and other public health movements of the era. Social hygienists emphasized sexual continence and strict self-discipline as a solution to societal ills, tracing prostitution, drug use and illegitimacy to rapid urbanization. The movement remained alive throughout much of the 20th century and found its way into American schools, where it was transmitted in the form of classroom films about menstruation, sexually transmitted disease, drug abuse and acceptable sexual behavior in addition to an array of pamphlets, posters, textbooks and films.
The March Against Fear was a major 1966 demonstration in the Civil Rights Movement in the South. Activist James Meredith launched the event on June 5, 1966, intending to make a solitary walk from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jackson, Mississippi via the Mississippi Delta, starting at Memphis's Peabody Hotel and proceeding to the Mississippi state line, then continuing through, respectively, the Mississippi cities of Hernando, Grenada, Greenwood, Indianola, Belzoni, Yazoo City, and Canton before arriving at Jackson's City Hall. The total distance marched was approximately 270 miles over a period of 21 days. The goal was to counter the continuing racism in the Mississippi Delta after passage of federal civil rights legislation in the previous two years and to encourage African Americans in the state to register to vote. He invited only individual black men to join him and did not want it to be a large media event dominated by major civil rights organizations.
Hubert Henry Harrison was a West Indian-American writer, orator, educator, critic, race and class conscious political activist, and radical internationalist based in Harlem, New York. He was described by activist A. Philip Randolph as "the father of Harlem radicalism" and by the historian Joel Augustus Rogers as "the foremost Afro-American intellect of his time." John G. Jackson of American Atheists described him as "The Black Socrates".
Alvin Francis Poussaint is an American psychiatrist known for his research on the effects of racism in the black community. He is a noted author, public speaker, and television consultant, and dean of students at Harvard Medical School. His work in psychiatry is influenced greatly by the civil rights movement in the South, which he joined in 1965.
Sigma Pi Phi (ΣΠΦ), also known as The Boulé, is an African American professional fraternity. Founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1904, it is arguably the oldest fraternity for African Americans, between it and Alpha Phi Alpha founded at Cornell University. The fraternity does not have collegiate chapters and is designed for professionals in mid-career or older. Sigma Pi Phi has over 5,000 members and 139 chapters throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, The Bahamas, Colombia and Brazil.
Louis Tompkins Wright was an American surgeon and civil rights activist. In his position at Harlem Hospital he was the first African-American on the surgical staff of a non-segregated hospital in New York City. He was influential for his medical research as well as his efforts pushing for racial equality in medicine and involvement with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which he served as chairman for nearly two decades.
The Philadelphia Negro is a sociological and epidemiological study of African Americans in Philadelphia that was written by W. E. B. Du Bois, commissioned by the University of Pennsylvania and published in 1899 with the intent of identifying social problems present in the African American community.
Henry McKee Minton was an African-American medical doctor who was one of the founders of Sigma Pi Phi and was Superintendent of the Mercy Hospital of Philadelphia for twenty-four years.
Virginia Margaret Alexander was an American physician, public health researcher, and the founder of the Aspiranto Health Home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
In the United States, black genocide is a historiographical framework and rhetorical term used to analyze the past and present impact of systemic racism on African Americans by both the United States government and white Americans. The decades of lynchings and long-term racial discrimination were first formally described as genocide by a now-defunct organization, the Civil Rights Congress, in a petition which it submitted to the United Nations in 1951. In the 1960s, Malcolm X accused the US government of engaging in human rights abuses, including genocide, against black people, citing long-term injustice, cruelty, and violence against blacks by whites.
John C. Bowers, Jr. was an African American entrepreneur, organist and vestryman at St. Thomas African Episcopal Church, and a founding member of the first Grand United Order of Odd Fellows for African Americans in Pennsylvania. He was active in the anti-slavery movement in Philadelphia, and involved in the founding of several organizations including the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society. "A fervent abolitionist and outspoken opponent of colonization, [he] was much in demand as a public speaker."
Edith Irby Jones was an American physician who was the first woman president of the National Medical Association and a founding member of the Association of Black Cardiologists. She was honored by many awards, including induction into both the University of Arkansas College of Medicine Hall of Fame and the inaugural group of women inducted into the Arkansas Women's Hall of Fame. She was the first African American to be accepted as a non-segregated student at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and the first black student to attend racially mixed classes in the American South. She was the first African American to graduate from a southern medical school, first black intern in the state of Arkansas, and later first black intern at Baylor College of Medicine.
Black Cross Nurses is an international organization of nurses which was founded in 1920, based upon the model of the Red Cross. The organization was the women's auxiliary of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League and was established to provide health services and education to people of African descent.
William J. Thompkins was a physician and health administrator in Kansas City, Missouri and served as Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia from 1934 to his death. He first received national notice when he challenged Jim Crow Laws in Oklahoma in Federal Courts in the early 1910s. He was a successful physician and was appointed superintendent of the Old General Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri and the Assistant Commissioner of Health in that City. He wrote an influential study of the relationship between housing conditions and tuberculosis in blacks and was active in Democratic politics which garnered him attention at the highest levels of the party. He became president of the National Negro Democratic Association and was a major campaigner for the Democratic Presidential Candidates in campaigns from 1928 until 1940, gaining national level party appointments in 1932, 1936, and 1940. In 1934 he was appointed Recorder of Deeds for Washington, DC. This position was the highest federal appointment given to an African American, a tradition which was started with Frederick Douglass' appointment to the position in 1881.
The history of African Americans or Black Philadelphians in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has been documented in various sources. People of African descent are currently the largest ethnic group in Philadelphia. Estimates in 2010 by the U.S. Census Bureau documented the total number of people living in Philadelphia who identified as Black or African American at 644,287, or 42.2% of the city's total population.
Paul Bertau Cornely was an American physician, public health pioneer, and civil rights activist. In 1934, he became the first African American to earn a doctoral degree in public health. He was elected President of the American Public Health Association in 1970.
Alma Vessells John was an American nurse, newsletter writer, radio and television personality, and civil rights activist. Born in Philadelphia in 1906, she moved to New York to take nursing classes after graduating from high school. She completed her nursing training at Harlem Hospital School of Nursing in 1929 and worked for two years as a nurse before being promoted to the director of the educational and recreational programs at Harlem Hospital. After being fired for trying to unionize nurses in 1938, she became the director of the Upper Manhattan YWCA School for Practical Nurses, the first African American to serve as director of a school of nursing in the state of New York.. In 1944, John became a lecturer and consultant with the National Nursing Council for War Service, serving until the war ended, and was the last director of the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses from 1946 until it dissolved in 1951. Her position at both organizations was to expand nursing opportunities for black women and integrate black nurses throughout the nation into the health care system.
Henry Bozeman Jones was an African American artist, writer, print-maker, illustrator, teacher, athletic coach and school counselor. He was known primarily for his portraits and landscapes.
William Clarence Hueston Sr. was an American lawyer, magistrate, and community leader. Hueston was the first African-American graduate from the University of Chicago Law School. He served as the first African-American judge in Gary, Indiana, as president of the Negro National Baseball League, and as the first African-American Assistant Solicitor in the United States Post Office Department within the Hoover administration. Hueston practiced law in private firms and was an influential activist for African-American civil rights throughout his life. An active member of fraternal organizations, Hueston served as education commissioner and grand secretary within the Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks of the World.
Lula Gertrude Warlick was an American nurse, educator, and nursing administrator, based in Philadelphia for much of her career.
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