Andrea Cau

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Andrea Cau is an Italian vertebrate paleontologist. He specializes in the study of dinosaur cladistics. Cau named the unique dromaeosaurid theropod, Halszkaraptor in 2017. He also reanalyzed the theropod Balaur , placing it as a basal avialan (primitive bird) rather than a dromaeosaur. [1] [2]

Halszkaraptor escuilliei fossil Halszkaraptor escuilliei.jpg
Halszkaraptor escuilliei fossil

Personal life

Cau graduated in 2017 with a PhD in Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences.

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  1. Cau Brougham Naish (June 18, 2015). "The phylogenetic affinities of the bizarre Late Cretaceous Romanian theropod Balaur bondoc (Dinosauria, Maniraptora): dromaeosaurid or flightless bird?". PeerJ. 3 (3): e1032. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1032 . PMC   4476167 . PMID   26157616. S2CID   1124579.
  2. "Andrea Cau". PeerJ.