Annales Polonici Mathematici

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In pursuit of its statutory goals, the Polish Mathematical Society (PTM) began publishing its own journal in 1921, which, beginning with volume two, was called Annales de la Société Polonaise de Mathématique, with Stanisław Zaremba as editor. By the outbreak of World War II, 17 volumes of this journal had been published. It was published in congressional languages, but the "Supplements" printed for some volumes were in Polish. They included, among other things, documents from the life of the Society, such as statutes, reports and minutes.[ citation needed ]

The journal was reissued after the war and by 1952 PTM had published another 8 volumes. In 1953, all mathematical publications of the PTM, including Annales, were taken over by the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. [2] A new journal, Annales Polonici Mathematici, was created on the basis of Annales, and its first issue was published in 1954.


  1. "Annales Polonici Mathematici" . Retrieved 2023-10-19. See introduction, pane "Editor" and pane "Editorial committee".
  2. Janusz Kowalski. "Polish Mathematical Society (PTM)" (PDF). Retrieved 2008-05-05.