Antoni Karwowski

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Antoni Karwowski
Karwowski Antoni.JPG
Antoni Karwowski in studio
Born (1948-04-14) April 14, 1948 (age 76)
Nationality Polish
Known for Painting, Performance art, Installation art, Video art, Visual poetry
Movement Art Abstraction

Antoni Karwowski (born 14 April 1948) is a Polish lyrical abstraction, neo-figuration painter and performance artist. [1]


Early life and family

Antoni Karwowski was born and raised in Grajewo, Eastern Poland near Biebrza National Park. His father, Józef Karwowski, was a social worker. His mother, Larysa (née Zub), was a hairdresser. He has one younger brother, Maciej.[ citation needed ]

Karwowski grew up in a multigenerational family under the strong influence of his father and Russian grandfather, Szymon Zub. His father gave him his first drawing lesson, and his grandfather wrote poetry and sang old Russian songs.[ citation needed ] His later work was influenced by Polish and Russian culture and traditions, and his childhood surrounded by the wilderness.[ citation needed ]

Painting and performance art

Regaty painting by Karwowski Regaty by Antoni Karwowski.jpg
Regaty painting by Karwowski

After graduating high school, Karwowski started painting more, and he experimented with different forms of art. He changed homes and universities several times while looking for a place where he could fully develop his talents.[ citation needed ] He worked as a miner while conducting his search and later joined the Fine Arts Faculty at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, where he became a professional artist. [2]

In the early 1980s, Karwowski and Zbigniew Oleszynski started a Polish performance group known as "Group A". [3] Since then, Karwowski has been heavily engaged in performance art, both as an organizer and a participant. From 2003, he has organized the International Performance & Intermedia Festival in Szczecin.

Throughout his career, Karwowski has created his own style of which a Berlin art critic said, "From his images comes colorful light, which is created by perfection in his workshop. The metaphor of this light gives magical, surreal meaning to figurative elements in his paintings. The power of his paintings, aside from the illuminating colors, comes from the richness of symbolic meanings and certain multilayers by which Karwowski’s paintings are far from simple decorative function." [4]

Karwowski's paintings focus on color and light. His paintings are housed in various private collections in Europe. He has also been commissioned by compound corporations and institutions, such as the Clinic in Dortmund [5] (Germany) in 2005. For the clinic, he created 53m-long wall panels that have received attention from a wide audience. [6]

"Walking the dogs" Spacer z psami by Antoni Karwowski.jpg
"Walking the dogs"

Art Exhibitions

1981 – “Palacyk” - Wroclaw (Poland) 1985 - "Nagra Malare" - Vanersborg (Sweden)
1987 - "Bridge West & East" - Antwerpen (Belgium)
1988 - XV Festival of Polish Contemporary Art - Szczecin (Poland)
1988 - "Fine Art Gallery" - Trollhattan (Sweden)
1990 - "En-Garde Gallery" - Aarhus (Denmark)
1992 - Municipal Gallery - Nakskov (Denmark)
1992 - "Gaia Cztery Sezony" - Gerlesborg (Sweden)
1993 – “Cztery Zywioly” – Museum Greifswald (Germany)
1994 - "Forum Gallery" – Leverkusen (Germany)
1994 - "Anders Gallery" - Lünen (Germany)
1996 – “Forum Ost – West” – Bergisch Gladbach (Germany)
1999 - National Museum in Szczecin - Szczecin (Poland)
1999 - Galerie am Domplatz – Münster (Germany)
1999 - Ostholstein Museum – Eutin (Germany)
2001 – "Wystawa malarstwa, Reimus gallery - Essen (Germany)
2001 - "RAUMTRIEB 2001", art festival – Berlin (Germany)
2001 – “Kunst am limit”, "Pussy Galore" - Berlin (Germany)
2001 - Europäisches Kulturzentrum - Köln (Germany)
2002 - "Distance 777", 68elf gallery – Köln (Germany)
2002 - Berliner Landtag – Berlin (Germany)
2003 - V International Baltic Biennial – Szczecin (Poland)
2004 – Project "MOTION" - Berlin (Germany)
2005 - Polish Art Fair 2005 - Poznan (Poland)
2005 - Art Platform - Tel Aviv (Israel)
2005 - "Galerie automatique" - Berlin-Strasbourg
2006 - Museum Contemporary Art – Naples (Italy)
2006 - Museum of Art - Santa Fe (Argentina)
2007 - "ZERO Gallery" - Berlin (Germany)
2007 – "Anders Gallery" - Lünen (Germany)
2010 - "Anders Gallery" - Lünen (Germany)

Selected Performance projects

1980 – Public Space Action ”My Tram” – Torun (Poland) 1981 - "Koncert na Kaprala i grzalke" Teatr Otwarty "Kalambur" – Wroclaw (Poland)
1993 - "The Last Breath of Aborigine” – Gerlesborg (Sweden)
1998 - "Middle ages anatomy" & "Gilgamesz – Enkidu’s Dream” - Ermelerspeicher Gallery, Schwedt, (Germany)
1998 - “Sentimental trip on east" - Moltkerei Werkstatt, Cologne (Germany)
2001 - "Salz arm" - Berlin (Germany)
2005 - "Reading White Books " - Tel Aviv (Israel)
2010 - "Extension Series 2" - Grim Museum 2, Berlin (Germany)
2010 - "My Tram" - Szczecin (Poland) [7]
2011 - La Porta 2011 - Barcelona (Spain)

Cultural Projects involvement

1980 - 1981 Cooperated as artist with Open Theatre Centre "Kalambur" in Wroclaw (Poland) 1981 - 1986 Organized and kept Centre of Art in Swinoujscie (Poland)
1992 - 1994 Co-organizer international project "Gaia the four elements"
1995 - 1999 Originator International Performance festival "Trawnik" (Poland – Germany)
2002 - 2005 Co-organizer international performance project “Private impact”
2003 - 2009 Curator International Performance & Intermedia festival – Szczecin (Poland)


  1. "Antoni Karwowski : contemporary Polish Painter - Singulart". Retrieved 2020-11-26.
  2. Malarstwo Antoniego Karwowskiego, Bogdan Bombolewski, Spojrzenia, listopad 1982
  3. Przedstawiamy – grupa A
  4. Berliner Zeitung, 2005
  5. "Kunst > Strahlentherapie am Klinikum Dortmund - Dr. Med. R. Rohn & Kollegen". Archived from the original on 2014-09-02. Retrieved 2010-01-16.
  6. "Antoni Karwowski i Galeria Obrazów Artinside - malarstwo współczesne w zasięgu ręki". Retrieved 2020-11-26.

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