Application profile

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In the information sciences, an application profile consists of a set of metadata elements, policies, and guidelines defined for a particular application. [1]


The elements may come from one or more element sets, thus allowing a given application to meet its functional requirements by using metadata from several element sets - including locally defined sets. For example, a given application might choose a subset of the Dublin Core that meets its needs, or may include elements from the Dublin Core, another element set, and several locally defined elements, all combined in a single schema. An application profile is not complete without documentation that defines the policies and best practices appropriate to the application. As another example, the legal document standard Akoma Ntoso is universal scope and very flexible, which creates the risk of ambiguous representations. Therefore, when AKN is to be used in a local domain, it can be advisable to reduce the overall flexibility and complexity by specifying a uniform usage of a subset of AKN XML elements for the given use case. [2]



Example profiles

An International Z39.50 Specification for Library Applications and Resource Discovery [3]
the UK e-Government Metadata Standard. An application profile of Dublin Core.

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  1. "Dublin Core metadata glossary". 26 August 2003. Archived from the original on 21 June 2006. Retrieved 2006-06-08.
  2. Flatt, Amelie; Langner, Arne; Leps, Olof (2022). Model-Driven Development of Akoma Ntoso Application Profiles - A Conceptual Framework for Model-Based Generation of XML Subschemas (1st ed.). Heidelberg: Sprinter Nature. ISBN   978-3-031-14131-7.
  3. "The Bath Profile". 13 March 2000.