Arianna in Nasso (Mayr)

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Arianna in Nasso is an 1815 "azione drammatica", or scenic cantata in one act by Simon Mayr to a libretto by Giovanni Schmidt. [1] It was premiered at the Teatro San Carlo, Naples, on 19 February 1815 with the role of Ariadne sung by Isabella Colbran who had requested Mayr to compose the piece for her to showcase her skills. [2] [3]

Simon Mayr German composer

Johann(es) Simon Mayr, also known in Italian as Giovanni Simone Mayr or Simone Mayr, was a German composer.

Isabella Colbran singer

Isabella Angela Colbran was a Spanish opera singer known in her native country as Isabel Colbrandt. Many sources note her as a dramatic coloratura soprano but some believe that she was a mezzo-soprano with a high extension, a soprano sfogato. She collaborated with opera composer Gioachino Rossini in the creation of a number of roles that remain in the repertory to this day; they were married on 22 March 1822. She was the composer of four collections of songs.


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  1. Giornale di Venezia 1815 "Colbran una cantata, intitolata Arianna in Nasso poesia del sig. Schimt, musica di Mayr."
  2. John Allitt Giovanni Simone Mayr: vita, musica, pensiero 1995 p.251 "Comunque il 1815 cominciò al San Carlo il 19 febbraio con la rappresentazione di Arianna a Nasso (libretto di Giovanni Schmidt), un' " azione drammatica" o cantata scenica con Isabella Colbran come protagonista."
  3. Napoli nobilissima 2007 "Un mese prima di questa, approfittando della presenza di Mayr a Napoli, la Colbran si farà confezionare su misura una ... Arianna in Nasso, allestita al San Carlo, è in effetti una lunga, grande scena che offre all'attrice la possibilità di sfruttare le sue doti di interprete appassionata. Cori, danze e intervento di Bacco, servono solo da apparato di contorno per questa ulteriore, solenne, dichiarazione di supremazia della Colbran sul palcoscenico del San Carlo."