
Last updated
Armbian Desktop image Armbian-desktop.png
Armbian Desktop image
Developer Armbian community
OS family Linux (Unix-like)
Working stateCurrent
Source model Open source
Latest release 24.8 [1] / 1 September 2024;5 months ago (1 September 2024)
Available in English
Update method APT
Package manager dpkg
Platforms ARM, RISCV64, AMD64
Kernel type Monolithic
Userland GNU
License GPLv2
Official website

Armbian is a computing build framework that allows users to create system images with configurations for various single-board computers (SBCs). [2] Armbian's objective is to unify the experience across ARM single-board computers, while maintaining performance with hardware-specific optimizations. [3]


Armbian comes in two distinct versions: one Debian-based, the other is based on a lightweight Ubuntu version. [4]


Version table with releases. [5]

22.11.12022-11-30 bullseye jammy
23.5.12023-05-27 bookworm jammy
24.2.22024-02-??bookwormmaybe noble?
24.5.12024-05-27bookworm noble

Supported hardware

Armbian supports a plethora of single-board computers. As of January 2024, it supports at least 164 different ones. [6]

ARM ARM64 standard aarch64
Intel / AMD Intel / AMDstandard amd64
QEMU QEMU ARM64staging aarch64
QEMU QEMU x86staging amd64
RISC-V RISC-V staging riscv64
Sinovoip Bananapi CM4 io and M25platinum aarch64
Sinovoip Bananapi M2 Prostandard aarch64
Sinovoip Bananapi M25standard aarch64
Sinovoip Bananapi M5 and M2Pstandard aarch64
BigtreetechBIGTREETECH CB1platinum aarch64
JetHomeJetHub D1/D1+standard aarch64
JetHomeJetHub H1standard aarch64
Nvidia Jetson Nano staging aarch64
KhadasKhadas Edge 2platinum aarch64
KhadasKhadas VIM1standard aarch64
KhadasKhadas VIM1Splatinum aarch64
KhadasKhadas VIM2standard aarch64
KhadasKhadas VIM3standard aarch64
KhadasKhadas VIM3Lstandard aarch64
KhadasKhadas VIM4platinum aarch64
Libre computer La Fritestandard aarch64
Libre computer Le Potato standard aarch64
Lenovo Lenovo X13Sstaging aarch64
SipeedLicheePi 4Astaging riscv64
MekotronicsMekotronics R58 Mini PCstaging aarch64
MekotronicsMekotronics r58xstaging aarch64
MekotronicsMekotronics r58x 4Gstaging aarch64
FriendlyElecNanoPC T6staging aarch64
FriendlyElec Nanopi Duostandard armhf
FriendlyElec Nanopi Duo 2standard armhf
FriendlyElec Nanopi R5Sstaging aarch64
FriendlyElec Nanopi R6S / R6Cstandard aarch64
Hardkernel Odroid C2standard aarch64
Hardkernel Odroid M1standard aarch64
Hardkernel Odroid N2 / N2+standard aarch64
Hardkernel Odroid XU4 / HCxstandard armhf
OlimexOlimex Teres A64standard aarch64
OrangepiOrange Pi 4 and LTSstandard aarch64
OrangepiOrange Pi 5 / 5B / 5 Plusstandard aarch64
OrangepiOrange Pi Onestandard armhf
OrangepiOrange Pi Primestandard aarch64
OrangepiOrange Pi R1standard armhf
Pine64 Pine64 and LTSstandard aarch64
Pine64 Pinebook Pro standard aarch64
Pine64 RockPro64standard aarch64
RadxaRadxa E25staging aarch64
RadxaRock 3astandard aarch64
RadxaRock 5standard aarch64
RadxaRockpi 4standard aarch64
RadxaRockpi Estandard aarch64
RadxaRockpi Sstandard aarch64
RadxaZerostandard aarch64
Texas Instruments TI SK-AM62Bstandard aarch64
Texas Instruments TI SK-AM64Bstandard aarch64
Texas Instruments TI SK-TDA4VMstandard aarch64
Asus Tinkerboard / Sstandard armhf
Libre computer Tritium H3 standard armhf
Libre computer Tritium H5 standard aarch64
Xiaomi Xiaomi Pad 5 Prostaging aarch64


  1. "Armbian 24.8 Yelt". 1 September 2024. Retrieved 1 September 2024.
  2. Proven, Liam (2022-03-03). "Linux-on-an-SBC project Armbian releases version 22.02". The Register . Retrieved 2023-08-25.
  3. Evenden, Ian (2022-03-01). "Raspberry Pi 64-bit Armbian Gets New Release". Tom's Hardware . Retrieved 2023-08-25.
  4. Rudra, Sourav (2023-12-08). "Armbian 23.11 Release Supports New Boards And Adds New OS Builds". Retrieved 2023-12-09.
  5. "Armbian OS rolling releases". 2024-02-05. Retrieved 2024-02-05.
  6. "Armbian Linux for ARM development boards". 2024-01-20. Archived from the original on 2024-01-20. Retrieved 2024-01-20.