Atina Grossmann

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Atina Grossmann (born 4 November 1950) is a professor at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. [1] [2] Her research relates to transnational Jewish refugee stories "Soviet Central Asia, Iran, and India: Sites of Refuge and Relief for European Jews During World War II." [3]

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History of the Jews during World War II

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Occupation of Poland (1939–1945) Occupation of Poland during WWII

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<i>Bandenbekämpfung</i> Aspect of war fighting

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Michael A. Meyer

Michael Albert Meyer is a German-born American historian of modern Jewish history. He taught for over 50 years at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is currently the Adolph S. Ochs Emeritus Professor of Jewish History at that institution. He was one of the founders of the Association for Jewish Studies, and served as its president from 1978–80. He also served as International President of the Leo Baeck Institute from 1992–2013. He has published many books and articles, most notably on the history of German Jews, the origins and history of the Reform movement in Judaism, and Jewish people and faith confronting modernity. He is a three-time National Jewish Book Award winner.

Knowledge of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe To what extent the Holocaust was known contemporaneously

The question of how much Germans and other Europeans knew about the Holocaust while it was ongoing continues to be debated by historians. With regards to Nazi Germany, some historians argue that it was an open secret amongst the population whilst others highlight a possibility that the German population were genuinely unaware of the Final Solution. Peter Longerich argues that the Holocaust was an "open secret" by early 1943, but some authors place it even earlier. However, after the war, many Germans claimed that they were ignorant of the crimes perpetrated by the Nazi regime, often using the stereotypical phrase "davon haben wir nichts gewusst".

1992 Mölln arson attack

The Mölln arson attack was the first fatal case of far-right extremists setting fire to migrants' homes in Germany. On the night of 22 November 1992, 2 German men with neo-Nazi ties set fire to the 2 houses of Turkish families in Mölln, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. 3 Turks died in the attack while 9 others were injured.


  1. "Prof. Atina Grossmann Named as Davis Fellow". The Cooper Union. Retrieved 5 January 2016.
  2. "Fellow Dr. Atina Grossmann". United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Retrieved 5 January 2016.
  3. "Atina Grossmann". The Cooper Union. Retrieved 5 January 2016.