Baltic Assembly Prize for Literature, the Arts and Science

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The prize awarding ceremony in 2010 Flickr - Saeima - Baltijas Asamblejas balvu pasniegsanas ceremonija.jpg
The prize awarding ceremony in 2010

The Baltic Assembly Prize for Literature, the Arts and Science is an award given annually by the Baltic Assembly for achievements in three categories: literature, art and science.


The prize is an annual award given to a citizen of Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania "for outstanding achievements" in three categories: literature, art and science. It was awarded for the first time in 1994 and consists of a statuette, a diploma and a sum of money, presently (2016) 5,000 euro. It is awarded during the formal session of the assembly. A joint jury consisting of three persons per prize make the decision on whom to award the prize. The purpose of the award is according to the Baltic Assembly to "demonstrate the common interests of the countries in this region in upholding of their national identity and self-esteem; create an opportunity to learn about the achievements of the neighbouring countries; maintain a continuous interest among the people in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania about developments in the Baltic States; strengthen cooperation among the Baltic States in the fields of literature, the arts and science; encourage more and more people to become interested in the intellectual values and languages of the Baltic nations; and raise the level of literature, the arts and science in the Baltic States." [1] [2] [3] [4]

List of recipients of the Baltic Assembly Prize for Literature

The following list is based on the official webpage of the Baltic Assembly. [5]

YearRecipient of the awardCountryRationale
1994 Tõnu Õnnepalu Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his novel "The Border Land""
1995 Uldis Bērziņš Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his collections of poetry "Stepsounds of Insects", "Time" and "Poetry""
1996 Judita Vaičiūnaitė Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for her poetry collection "Wreaths of Zemyna""
1997 Jaan Kaplinski Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for the essays and poetry of the past three years"
1998 Sigitas Geda Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for the poetical metamorphoses during the past three years"
1999 Jaan Kross Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his novel "Standstill Flight""
2000 Jānis Rokpelnis Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his collection of poems "Lyrics", (1999)"
2001 Justinas Marcinkevičius Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his recent lyrical poetry, particularly for the collection of poems "Carmina Minora""
2002 Jaan Tätte Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his plays "The Bridge and Happy Everyday!""
2003 Vytautas Bubnys Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his novel "In a Dove’s Flutter""
2004 Pēters Brūveris Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his poetry book "The Landscape of Language" and publications during the past three years"
2005 Hasso Krull Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his collection of poetry “Meeter ja Demeeter” (“Metre and Demeter”)"
2006 Nora Ikstena Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for her book "The Undefined One"(2006), and for the unique collaboration with the Latvian poet Imants Ziedonis, as well as for humanism and the significant work in the field of culture"
2007 Marcelijus Martinaitis Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his books “K.B. Suspected” (2004) and “Silent discourses” (2006)"
2008 Knuts Skujenieks Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his Works in eight volumes, which contain high-quality poetry of particular value, written in prison and in a camp for political prisoners in Mordovia, where poet as Soviet dissident, spent seven years"
2009 Inga Ābele Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for the novel “Paisums” (eng. Tide) (2008)"
2010 Ene Mihkelson Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for her collected poetry “Torn” (Tower, 2010)"
2011 Arvydas Juozaitis Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his book "Riga - No One's Civilization" (2011)"
2012 Aivars Kļavis Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his tetralogy “On the Other Side of the Gate” (Viņpus vārtiem, 1995-2012)"
2013 Donaldas Kajokas Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his poetry “To the deaf little donkey”, 2011, and the novel “The Lake and its escorting persons”, 2012"
2014 Peeter Sauter Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his novel “Do Not Leave Me Alone” (“Ära jäta mind rahule”), 2012"
2015 Māris Bērziņš Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his novel “The Taste of Lead”, 2015"
2016 Sigitas Parulskis Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his latest creative work, his broad and sharp worldview, his ability to grasp fundamental issues and his contemporary poetics"
2017 Vladas Braziūnas Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his poetic discoveries made while delving into the Baltic worldview and the linguistic heritage of the Lithuanian, Latvian and other languages and as well as for his translations from Latvian and other languages and outstanding international projects on modern poetry"
2018 Gundega Repše Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for the idea and concept of the historical novel series “Us. Latvia. XX century”, the curating of the publication of 13 novels in the series, as well as for the novel “Bogene” as one of the novels in the series"
2019 Leelo Tungal Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for her autobiographic trilogy "Comrade Kid" (Tänapäev, 2018), with a special emphasis on the last book of the series "A Woman’s Touch" (Tänapäev, 2018), where Stalin’s era is depicted through the eyes of a child"
2020 Birutė Jonuškaitė Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for her novel cycle "Maranta" and "Maestro", which belong with the long, branched-out texts that weave numerous storylines and created detailed characters, which possess the versatility and depth of the classic canon, and which raise the language to the appropriate heights also for the hefty book of conversations "Laikas ir likimai" ("Time and Destiny")"
2021 Vahur Afanasjev Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his novel “Serafima ja Bogdan” (“Serafima and Bogdan”, published in 2017)"
2022 Kai Aareleid Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for her novel “Vaikne ookean” (“Pacific Ocean”, published in 2021)"
2023 Antanas A. Jonynas Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for the collection of sonnets Naujieji sonetai"

List of recipients of the Baltic Assembly Prize for the Arts

The following list is based on the official webpage of the Baltic Assembly. [5]

YearRecipient of the awardCountryRationale
1994 Eimuntas Nekrošius Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his stage productions of recent years (in particular plays by Chekhov, Shakespeare, Pushkin, Gogol)"
1995 Peeter Mudist Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for paintings of the past two years"
1996 Pēteris Vasks Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his Concerto for Cello and Symphony Orchestra, string music “Quasi una sonata” with piano solo, Third String Quartet and music for three poems of Czeslaw Milosz for a vocal group"
1997 Gidons Krēmers Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for promoting the musical culture of the Baltic States throughout the world"
1998 Erkki-Sven Tüür Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for the musical creativity during the past three years"
1999 Mindaugas Bauzys Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for the roles during the past three years which have revealed him as an artist-creator"
2000 Veljo Tormis Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his compositions during the past three years"
2001 Ilmars Blumbergs Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his creative achievements and originality of style presented in the set designs for Mozart’s "The Magic Flute" and the exhibition “Windows”"
2002 Biruta Baumane Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for her professional achievements demonstrated at a large-scale solo exhibition at the exhibition hall "Arsenāls" in 2002 and for her rich contribution to the development of painting, as well as for her autobiographical book "I Am Living" (2002)"
2003 Jaan Toomik Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his creative work as artist and organiser of art activities in recent years"
2004 Mindaugas Navakas Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for promoting art processes in the Baltic States"
2005 Vilnius String Quartet Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for their particular understanding of cultural mission, consistent work and broad scope of their undertakings"
2006 Andres Tali Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his works that touch existential problems of human life, and in the shallowness and rush of today's world find time and place for the most human questions of loneliness and relations, truth and lie"
2007 Silvija Radzobe Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for her contribution to preparing the book “Theatre Production in the Baltic States” (2006), namely, for initiating, managing and executing this project"
2008 Petras Vyšniauskas Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for the presentation of the Baltic Jazz in the world, fruitful and intensive activity, important to the stage of Baltic Jazz and other genres, work comprising concert tours, teaching, recording and the preparation of various projects"
2009 Marko Mäetamm Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his high professional and successful exhibitions and achievements of the last years on the Baltic and international scene"
2010 Antanas Žukauskas Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for professionally communicating the past values in fine art, striking the right balance between the modern and the traditional, and for promoting the Baltic identity in the world"
2011 Andris Nelsons Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his outstanding achievements in promoting the performing arts and creating a positive image of Latvia and the Baltic States in the world"
2012Visible Solutions LLCFlag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for the artistic achievements in integrating Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian art scenes into one arena of discussion"
2013 Peeter Vähi Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for composing the Oratorio „Maria Magdalena“, 2011, that is composed on gospel texts in original Coptic language"
2014 Alvis Hermanis Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his creative directorial achievements conducting numerous theatre plays and particularly theatre play “Oblomow”, 2011"
2015 Modestas Pitrėnas Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his creative endeavours to advance the idea of interaction amongst the cultures of all the three Baltic States and to further their cultural promotion on the European and global scale by conducting numerous plays and concerts in performance venues and theatres in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia"
2016 Kristijonas Vildžiūnas Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his film “Seneca’s Day”, which is the first Estonian-Latvian-Lithuanian co-production project (2016)"
2017 Laima Slava Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for the excellent professional contribution to the theory development of the art science, as well as for the outstanding achievement in the book publishing sector, especially in publishing of art books, which significantly have enriched the current cultural landscape and furthermore foster the international recognition of Latvian culture"
2018 Jurgita Dronina Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for her impressive performances on the greatest stages of the world"
2019 Normunds Šnē Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "the performance at the concert in honour of 100-year anniversary of the Baltic states in the prominent Baltic Sea Festival in Stockholm's Berwaldhallen on August 28, 2018, with Sinfonietta Rīga and Tallinn Chamber Orchestra"
2020 Kristīne Briede and Audrius Stonys Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania
"for meditative documentary essay "Bridges of Time" (2018), which was co-produced by Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian studios and portrays the less-remembered generation of cinema poets of the Baltic New Wave"
2021 Ginta Gerharde-Upeniece Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for the direction of the international exhibition project “Wild Souls. Symbolism in the Art of the Baltic States”"
2022 Šarūnas Sauka Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his phantasmagorical nightmare visions and hallucinations, which are rooted in reality, fed by biblical and literary visual images of hell, paradise, and purgatory, which have evolved through the history of fine arts"
2023 Peeter Laurits Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his outstanding and versatile work as an artist and for his project Biotoopia"

List of recipients of the Baltic Assembly Prize for Science

The following list is based on the official webpage of the Baltic Assembly. [5]

YearRecipient of the awardCountryRationale
1994 Andris Caune Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for research series on the history of Riga conducted in 1991-1994"
1995 Juozas Kulys Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his research series on biochemistry and biophysics"
1996 Juhan Maiste Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for research series on “The Classical Tradition in Estonian Art: 1530-1830”"
1997 Rimute Rimantiene Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for archaeological investigations on the history and art of the Baltic States"
1998 Jānis Krastiņš Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his achievements in researching Riga’s Art Nouveau architecture"
1999 Janina Kursite Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for the publications during the past three years and a monograph on the mythical elements in Baltic folklore, literature and art"
2000 Silvestras Gaiziunas Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his scholarly work and activity in developing cultural ties among Baltic, Scandinavian and European nations"
2001 Raimo Pullat Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his research works dealing with the history of Estonia, the Baltic States and towns in the 18th century and in 1917-1941"
2002 Algirdas Gaizutis Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his significant contribution to art research and a book of essays "A Glance" (2001)"
2003 Elita Grosmane Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for her comprehensive scholarly monograph "Baroque Sculpture of Kurzeme: 1660-1740""
2004 Arvo Krikmann Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his empirical research on the cognitive theory of figurative language “The Contribution of Contemporary Theory of Metaphor to Paremiology” and for presenting a theoretical concept relating to the developments in the theory of metaphor"
2005 Evalds Mugurevics Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his research on the medieval chronicles about Livonia"
2006 Gediminas Valkiūnas Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for the monograph "Avian Malaria Parasites and Other Haemosporidia" and activities towards consolidation of links between parasitologists in the Baltic States and Scandinavian countries"
2007 Tarmo Soomere Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his cycle of researches on analyses of ship waves in the Baltic Sea as a source of danger to the coastal environment"
2008 Lembit Vaba Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for researcher of the Baltic Sea language space, of the ancient Baltic loan words in Baltic-Finnish languages. He has compiled the English-Estonian-Latvian-Lithuanian-Russian Dictionary (2005), mapped the Estonian-Latvian language border and rediscovered Estonian language enclaves in southern regions of Latvia"
2009 Leonardas Sauka Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his „Eglė Žalčių Karalienė” (en. Eglė, Queen of Adders), the fundamental study into the folklore heritage of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and other countries (Vol. 1-4, Vilnius: LLTI, 2007-2008). The study strengthens the Baltic identity and enhances pride in the traditions of all the Baltic nations"
2010 Jānis Stradiņš Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for his book “The Beginnings of Science and Higher Education in Latvia” (2009)"
2011 Andres Ilmar Kasekamp Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his volume "History of the Baltic States" (2010)"
2012 Algis Petras Piskarskas Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his pioneering research in the field of laser physics and nonlinear optics, for development of innovative laser instruments and fruitful international collaboration in European area and world-wide"
2013 Renāte Blumberga Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for the research carried out using both archive materials and information gathered on expeditions on the topic of the history and cultural history of the Liv people, the second titular nationality of Latvia"
2014 Vidas Gražulevičius Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his achievements in materials chemistry and engineering, for the active collaboration with the scientific partners from the Baltic States initiating and implementing research projects"
2015Eva-Clarita Pettai and Vello Pettai Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for their monograph “Transitional and Retrospective Justice in the Baltic States”"
2016 Maija Dambrova Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for her scientific work on energy metabolism and her contribution to research of the mechanisms of action of the metabolic drug meldonium"
2017 Andres Metspalu Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for his innovative, diverse and lasting contribution to gene technology and molecular diagnostic"
2018 Els Heinsalu Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia "for her significant contribution in the theory of complex systems and stochastic processes"
2019 Jūras Banys Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for his outstanding contribution to research and innovations in ferroelectricity and phase transition as well as his devout leadership and professional scientific achievements"
2020 Roberts Eglītis Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for work cycle: "Theoretical predictions of new materials for energy storage and harvesting"
2021 Virginijus Šikšnys Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania "for exceptional achievements in biomedical sciences – pioneering research in CRISPR-Cas9 Genome editing"
2022Gustavs Strenga, Andris Levāns, Renāte Berga, and Laura Kreigere-LiepiņaFlag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for the collective monograph "Rīgas jezuītu kolēģijas grāmatu krājuma (1583–1621) katalogs: Krājuma vēsture un rekonstrukcija", ("Catalogue of the Riga Jesuit College Book Collection (1583–1621): History and Reconstruction of the Collection") (2021)
2023Arnolds Laimonis KlotiņšFlag of Latvia.svg  Latvia "for two monographs exploring Latvian music life and creativity during and after World War II"

See also


  1. "Baltic Assembly Prize for Literature, the Arts and Science". Baltic Assembly . Retrieved 5 November 2016.
  2. "Prize winners of the Baltic Assembly Prizes for Literature, the Arts and Science 2015". Baltic Assembly. Archived from the original on 5 November 2016. Retrieved 5 November 2016.
  3. "The Baltic Assembly". Riigikogu . Retrieved 5 November 2016.
  4. "Baltic Assembly Prize for Literature awarded to Māris Bērziņš". Saeima . Retrieved 5 November 2016.
  5. 1 2 3 "Prize winners, 1994 – 2016". Baltic Assembly . Retrieved 5 November 2016.