Beatriz Hevia

Last updated
Beatriz Hevia
Beatriz Hevia.jpg
Head of the Constitutional Council
In office
7 June 2023 7 November 2023
Occupation Politician
Profession Lawyer

Beatriz Isabel Hevia Willer (born 30 October 1992) is a Chilean politician and lawyer. In the 2023 Chilean Constitutional Council election held on May 7, 2023, she was elected Constitutional Council member. On July 7 she was elected by her peers, with 33 votes in favor and 17 against, to be President of the Constitutional Council. [1] [2] Her election as president was done after Ninoska Payauna declined to run following the revelation that she had been fined for theft when she was 18 years old. [1] [2]

She comes from a family of cattle farmers with her father being at one point director of the Agriculture and Ranching Society of Osorno (Spanish : Sociedad Agrícola y Ganadera de Osorno). [1] Her parents are Gerardo Hevia Hott and Loreto Willer Ellwanger, both descendants of German settlers in Osorno. Hevia finished highschool in Instituto Alemán de Osorno and studied law in the University of the Andes. [1]

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  1. 1 2 3 4 "Perfil: Lo que hay que saber de Beatriz Hevia (P. Rep.), elegida presidenta del Consejo Constitucional". Ex-Ante (in Spanish). 2023-06-07. Retrieved 2023-07-04.
  2. 1 2 Verdejo, Rodrigo (2023-06-07). "Consejo Constitucional designa a Beatriz Hevia como presidenta y a Aldo Valle como vicepresidente". La Tercera (in Spanish).