Bebi (vizier)

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Stela of the Gatekeeper Maati MET DP352181.jpg
Stela mentioning a treasurer Bebi, likely Bebi in his early career.
Successor Dagi
Dynasty 11th Dynasty
Pharaoh Mentuhotep II
Bebi (vizier)Bebi (vizier)Bebi (vizier)
in hieroglyphs
Era: Middle Kingdom
(2055–1650 BC)

Bebi was an ancient Egyptian vizier under king Mentuhotep II in the Eleventh Dynasty.

He is known with certainty only from a relief fragment found in the mortuary temple of the king at Deir el-Bahari. [1] The fragment is now in the British Museum. The short caption to the figure of Bebi reads: vizier, zab-official, the one belonging to the curtain Bebi. Bebi might have been the first Middle Kingdom official with that title. His successor was Dagi. Perhaps Bebi started his career as treasurer: indeed, a treasurer with the name Bebi is known from the stela of a minor official called Maati, now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (acc. no. 14.2.7). [2] [3]

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  1. BM 1906,1013.5; on the BM website
  2. H. E. Winlock: The Rise and Fall of the Middle Kingdom in Thebes, New York 1947, p. 5, pl. 2; Allen: The high officials of the early Middle Kingdom, In: n. Strudwick/J. H. Taylor (editors): The Theban Necropolis, p. 22
  3. Stela of the Gatekeeper Maati, Metropolitan Museum of Art
