Betula pubescens 'Pendula'

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Betula pubescens 'Pendula'
Genus Betula
Species Betula pubescens
Cultivar 'Pendula'

Betula pubescens 'Pendula', or Weeping Downy Birch, is a weeping tree and a cultivar of Betula pubescens , the Downy Birch. It was first described by Schelle in 1903. [1] No trees are known to survive of this cultivar. [2]



A weeping tree with a leader and with pendulous branches.


Very little is known of this cultivar and it never seems to have been widely cultivated.


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The Field Elm cultivar Ulmus minor 'Viminalis Marginata', a variegated form of Ulmus minor 'Viminalis', was first listed as Ulmus campestris var. viminalis marginataHort. by Kirchner in 1864. Both Van Houtte and Späth marketed an U. campestris viminalis marginata in the late 19th century.

The elm cultivar Ulmus 'Crispa Aurea' was first mentioned by Schelle & Beissner in 1903, as Ulmus montana crispa aurea.

The Wych Elm cultivar Ulmus glabra 'Latifolia Aurea' was listed by Schelle in Beissner et al. Handbuch der Laubholz-Benennung 84. 1903, but without description.

The European White Elm cultivar Ulmus laevis 'Aureovariegata', a yellow-variegated form, may have been the tree first listed, without description, in Hortus Regius Monacensis (1829) as Ulmus effusa variegata, grown at the Munich Botanic Garden. An Ulmus effusa fol. variegatis (Hort.) was first described c.1890 by the Späth nursery of Berlin, which distributed the tree in the late 19th century. The name U. effusa f. aureovariegata appeared in Beissner and Schelle's Handbuch der Laubholz-Benennung, 1903, without description.

The European White Elm cultivar Ulmus laevis 'Punctata' was mentioned in 1873, 1889, and later in 1903 as U. effusa f. punctata, but without description.

The elm cultivar Ulmus 'Nemoralis' was listed by Schelle in Beissner et al. (1903), as U. campestris f. nemoralisHort. Considered "possibly U. carpinifolia " by Green.

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  1. Beissner, L., Schelle, E. & Zabel, H. (1903). Handbuch der Laubgehöl-Benennung: 625pp. Parey, Berlin.
  2. 1 2 Govaerts, R., Michielsen, K. & Jablonski, E. (2011). Untraced Weeping Broadleaf cultivars: an overview. Belgische Dendrologie Belge Archived March 22, 2012, at the Wayback Machine 2009: 19-30.