British Record (Rod Caught) Fish Committee

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The British Record (Rod Caught) Fish Committee -(BRFC) is the official organisation taking responsibility for all angling fish records within the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands, collectively known as the "British Records". Since 2009 the BRFC has been part of the Angling Trust [1]


BRFC Committee

The committee is composed of volunteers, including specialists in marine and specialist in freshwater fish, all with specialist knowledge of angling and the natural world and experience working with a background of various organisations, such as the scientific advisors to the Environment Agency and the Natural History Museum, angling organisations such as (SFSA)- Scottish Federation of Sea Anglers. The committee will inspect each claim and adjudicate on its credibility before publishing a list of British Record Fish at regular intervals. [2]

BRFC Historical Timeline

1968 BRFC Purge of British records

Formed in 1968, one of the first and most noted decisions was to purge the existing British Record list at the time, to virtually start from scratch, only allowing records that could be verified with photographic evidence, witnesses, tested weighing scales, correct species identification, and other evidential factors. [3] Amongst the casualties were the barbel record of 14lb 6oz shared by Tryon, [4] Wallis [5] and Wheeler, [6] the 10lb 8oz chub of Dr.J.A Cameron, [7] the 4lb 11oz crucian carp of H.C. Hinson, [7] the 1lb 8oz 5dr dace caught by R.W.Humphrey in 1932, [7] a 4lb 8oz silver bream by C.R. Rhind, [7] but most famously of all the 47lb 11oz Loch Lomond pike caught by T.Morgan in 1945, [7] due to not having a photograph of the fish. [4]

1980 Chris Yates's carp

The second controversial event was when the BRFC refused to accept Chris Yates 51lb 8oz carp capture in 1980 because at the time the fishes body needed to be provided as evidence, [3] and Yates had returned the carp to the water alive and well. Following this decision, the rule to provide dead fish as evidence was rescinded.

2000 Wels catfish record frozen

On 23 October 2000, The BRFC decided that no further claims would be considered for the Wels catfish (Silurus glanis) to prevent the importation of record sized illegal fish. [8] R Garner's 62lb specimen caught at Withy Pool, Henlow in 1997 has been frozen in time as a snapshot of the record as it stood at that time in 2000. [8] On 9 November 2023, the BRFC reinstated the Wels catfish record to the British record fish list (see below). [9]

2007 Grass carp record frozen

On 31 October 2007, The BRFC decided that no further claims would be considered for the Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) to prevent the importation of record sized illegal fish. [8] Phillip Kingsbury's 44lb 8oz specimen caught at Horton Church Lake in 2006 has been frozen in time as a snapshot of the record as it stood at that time in 2007. [8]

2015 Cultivated records

In 2015, The BRFC decided to remove the option of 'cultivated' from the game fish record list. [10]

2016 Big Rig

In December 2016, The Angling Times reported that the carp "Big Rig" had been rejected as a record on the basis that it had been cultivated, as in being fed to a record weight before being released into the venue where it was finally caught. This was the first time the BRFC had rejected a record coarse fish on the grounds of it being cultivated. The carp had been caught at 69lb 13oz by Tom Doherty on 26 Sept 2016 at The Avenue, RH Fisheries in Shropshire and was subsequently caught again later by Robby Harrison at the largest weight for a carp caught in British waters of 71lb 4oz on 23 Oct 2016, [11] of which also rejected as an official British record.

2016 Michael Mitchell's 34lb 12oz rainbow trout

In October 2016, Michael Mitchell landed a 34lb 12oz rainbow trout from Loch Earn in Scotland using maggots. The BRFC rejected the fish as a record on the basis that it had been cultivated, such as being fed to a record weight artificially. The BRFC had withdrawn the cultivated option for record game fish in April 2015. [12]

2017 Captain Jack

In November 2017, Carpfeed reported that the carp record claim for "Captain Jack" had been rejected on the basis that the scales were measuring inaccurately; in fact after testing of the scales by a neutral party, they were found to be weighing eight ounces more than they should. The record claim of 68lb 8oz was reduced to 68lb, one ounce below the current record. [13]

2017 Big Plated

In November 2017, Carpfeed reported that an 83lb 4oz Mirror carp named "Big Plated" had been landed by an anonymous angler from the Carp Lake at the Wingham syndicate in Kent. Due to the condition of the fish the record was not claimed (see rule 11 below) and the fish was returned. [14]

Dec 2017 - BRFC Additional reasons for claim rejection

Original reasons why a record fish claim may be rejected:-

[Note 1: Even if closed season is no longer applicable today, an unfair advantage was gained at that time.] [Note 2: It is only fair that records are only accepted if caught at a venue where it would be possible for any member of the public can seek approval for fishing.]

BRFC additional advice to claimants added 01/12/2017:- Following the Big Rig episode, the British Record fish committee advised any future potential freshwater record claimants, the following issues would be considered and scrutinised during the confirmation process: [13]

This is to prevent any attempts to introduce record-size fish via imports, as in the case of the Wels catfish, or manipulate records by cultivating record-size fish as was the case with Big Rig. [13]

2021 Jensen Price carp

On 19 July 2021, at an online BRFC ratification meeting, it was decided to reject Jensen Price's carp of 73lb 8oz caught from Holme Fen fishery, as it contravened BRFC additional advice to claimants added 01/12/2017, about unnatural growth rate of carp being unsustainable if naturally fed. [16]

2024 Wels catfish record reinstated

On 9 November 2023, after discussion with the Catfish Conservation Group, the BRFC decided to reinstate the Wels catfish record to the British record fish list, after being frozen for 23 years, with claims open for fish over 130lb. [9]

Fish Records

For a list of historical fish records see: Angling records in the UK. A majority, though not all of these records have been recognised by the BRFC. BRFC recognised record lists are accessible directly from the links below.

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  1. "British Record Fish Committee Aims and Objectives". Angling Trust. 16 October 2013.
  2. 1 2 "Procedures for claiming a British Record for a rod caught fish". Angling Trust. 16 October 2013.
  3. 1 2 "Mark Wintle's response to the record fish list debate". Angling Times. 28 July 2009. Archived from the original on 12 August 2016.
  4. 1 2 "Record barbel 1894". 2011. Archived from the original on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  5. "FWK Wallis". Fallon's Angler. 2015.
  6. Henry Milward (1939). Record Fish Caught by Fair Angling in the British Isles 1939 - Henry Milward & Sons (Editor). A.N.Holden & Co.Ltd.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 "December 1966 Coarse fish record list". 16 December 2014.
  8. 1 2 3 4 "BRFC Coarse Fish Records" (PDF). 2019.
  9. 1 2 "Record listing for Wels catfish reinstated". 26 February 2024.
  10. "BRFC Game Fish Record List June 2019" (PDF). BRFC. 2019.
  11. 1 2 "Britains biggest carp denied official record". Angling Times. 2016.
  12. "BRFC Game Fishing Records - Dec 2016". Angling Trust. 2017.
  13. 1 2 3 4 "***Captain Jack not accepted as a record!***". Carpfeed. 1 December 2017.
  14. "83lb 4oz British carp banked from Wingham in Kent". Carpfeed. 2017.
  15. "Aims and Procedures for Records". 2001.
  16. "The BRFC met remotely via online meeting facility on 19th July 2021". 20 July 2021.