Bruno Vallespir (born 1960) is a French engineer, and Professor of Enterprise Modelling at the University of Bordeaux, working in the fields of production management, performance evaluation and enterprise modeling. [1]
Vallespir received his PhD in at the University of Bordeaux with the thesis, entitled "Exploitation des systèmes de production discrets-continus: contribution à une méthode de conception."
Vallespir started his academic career at the University of Bordeaux, where in 2004 he was appointed Professor of Enterprise Modelling as successor of Guy Doumeingts. He is member of several IFIP working groups, including the WG 5.7 workgroup on Integrated Production Management. He has participated in the INTEROP NoE and the development of the Model Driven Interoperability (MDI) Framework. [1]
Vallespir published several books and articles in his field of expertise.: [2] [3]
Articles, a selection:
The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is a global organisation for researchers and professionals working in the field of computing to conduct research, develop standards and promote information sharing.
Enterprise integration is a technical field of enterprise architecture, which is focused on the study of topics such as system interconnection, electronic data interchange, product data exchange and distributed computing environments.
Enterprise modelling is the abstract representation, description and definition of the structure, processes, information and resources of an identifiable business, government body, or other large organization.
Jean Leonardus Gerardus (Jan) Dietz is a Dutch Information systems researcher, Emeritus Professor of Information Systems Design, and part-time Professor of Enterprise Engineering at the Delft University of Technology, known for the development of the Design & Engineering Methodology for Organizations. and his work on enterprise ontology.
Gerardus Maria "Sjir" Nijssen is a Dutch computer scientist, former professor of computer science at the University of Queensland, consultant, and author. Nijssen is considered the founder of verbalization in computer science, and one of the founders of business modeling and information analysis based on natural language.
Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology (GERAM) is a generalised enterprise architecture framework for enterprise integration and business process engineering. It identifies the set of components recommended for use in enterprise engineering.
François B. Vernadat is a French and Canadian computer scientist, who has contributed to Enterprise Modelling, Integration and Networking over the last 25 years specialising in enterprise architectures, business process modelling, information systems design and analysis, systems integration and interoperability and systems analysis using Petri nets.
Peter Bernus is a Hungarian Australian scientist and Associate Professor of Enterprise Architecture at the School of Information and Communication Technology, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.
James G. "Jim" Nell is an American engineer. He was the principal investigator of the Manufacturing Enterprise Integration Project at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and is known for his work on enterprise integration.
Jacobus Nicolaas (Sjaak) Brinkkemper is a Dutch computer scientist, and Full Professor of organisation and information at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences of Utrecht University.
Enterprise interoperability is the ability of an enterprise—a company or other large organization—to functionally link activities, such as product design, supply chains, manufacturing, in an efficient and competitive way.
The GRAI method, GRAI is short for Graphs with Results and Actions Inter-related, and the further developed GRAI Integrated Methodology (GIM) is a modeling method of Enterprise modelling.
Model Driven Interoperability (MDI) is a methodological framework, which provides a conceptual and technical support to make interoperable enterprises using ontologies and semantic annotations, following model driven development (MDD) principles.
Kurt Kosanke is a German engineer, retired IBM manager, director of the AMICE Consortium and consultant, known for his work in the field of enterprise engineering, Enterprise integration and CIMOSA.
Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture (PERA) is a 1990s reference model for enterprise architecture, developed by Theodore J. Williams and members of the Industry-Purdue University Consortium for Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
Theodore Joseph Williams was an American engineer and Professor of Engineering at Purdue University, known for the development of the Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture.
Guy Doumeingts is a French engineer, Emeritus professor at the University of Bordeaux 1 and former Director of "Laboratoire d’Automatique, Productique Signal et Image" control theory, known for the development of the GRAI method and his contributions to the field of Enterprise modelling.
The history of business architecture has its origins in the 1980s. In the next decades business architecture has developed into a discipline of "cross-organizational design of the business as a whole" closely related to enterprise architecture. The concept of business architecture has been proposed as a blueprint of the enterprise, as a business strategy, and also as the representation of a business design.
Gregory Zacharewicz is Full Professor at École des mines d'Alès in Alès, France. He recently joined the LGI2P laboratory in 2018 to develop research based on simulation. He was previously Associate Professor at the University of Bordeaux (2007-2018), where he conducted research on modeling, interoperability and simulation of business and social organization. He worked with Bruno Vallespir and Guy Doumeingts and under the direction of Claudia Frydman and Norbert Giambiasi.