Carlsbad 1907 chess tournament

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The Carlsbad 1907 chess tournament was one of four well-known international chess tournaments held in the spa city of Carlsbad (Bohemia, then Austria-Hungary Empire). The other tournament years were 1911, 1923 and 1929. [1]

The 1907 tournament was held at the Kurhaus (Kaiserbad) imperial bath hotel. Twenty-one great masters, under the direction of Viktor Tietz, played from August 20 to September 17, 1907. [1]

The results and standings: [2]

1Flag of Russia.svg  Akiba Rubinstein  (Russian Empire)x½½0½½111½1101111½11115
2Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918).svg  Géza Maróczy  (Austria-Hungary)½x0½½½½11½1½111½1½11114½
3Flag of the German Empire.svg  Paul Saladin Leonhardt  (German Empire)½1x½01½1½½½1½11½½110113½
4Flag of Russia.svg  Aron Nimzowitsch  (Russian Empire)1½½x1½½½½½00½01½1111112½
5Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918).svg  Carl Schlechter  (Austria-Hungary)½½10x½0½0½½½½111½111112½
6Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918).svg  Milan Vidmar  (Austria-Hungary)½½0½½x11½101110½1110012
7Flag of the German Empire.svg  Richard Teichmann  (German Empire)0½½½10x011½½11½½0½½1111½
8Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918).svg  Oldřich Duras  (Austria-Hungary)000½½01x00½111111111011½
9Flag of Russia.svg  Gersz Salwe  (Russian Empire)00½½1½01x½½00½11½111½11
10Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918).svg  Heinrich Wolf  (Austria-Hungary)½½½½½001½x½½111½100½½10½
11Flag of the United States.svg  Frank James Marshall  (United States)00½1½1½½½½x1½00½0011110
12Flag of Russia.svg  Fedor Duz-Khotimirsky  (Russian Empire)0½01½0½01½0x10110101110
13Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918).svg  Rudolf Spielmann  (Austria-Hungary)10½½½00010½0x01½01111
14Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918).svg  Savielly Tartakower  (Austria-Hungary)00010000½0111x0½101119
15Flag of France.svg  Dawid Janowski  (France)000001½0001001x111011
16Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918).svg  Johann Berger  (Austria-Hungary)0½½½0½½00½½0½½0x110½½
17Flag of Russia.svg  Mikhail Chigorin  (Russian Empire)00½0½010½0111000x0101
18Flag of the German Empire.svg  Jacques Mieses  (German Empire)½½0000½0011001001x110
19Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Adolf Georg Olland  (Netherlands)000000½00101001100x11
20Flag of the German Empire.svg  Erich Cohn  (German Empire)001001000½00000½100x15
21Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Paul Johner  (Switzerland)00000101½½00000½0100x


  1. 1 2 "Czech Coal Carlsbad Chess Tournament 2007". Archived from the original on 5 December 2008. Retrieved 23 January 2009.
  2. "Karlsbad". Archived from the original on 24 May 2008. Retrieved 23 January 2009.