In algebraic geometry, the Cartier isomorphism is a certain isomorphism between the cohomology sheaves of the de Rham complex of a smooth algebraic variety over a field of positive characteristic, and the sheaves of differential forms on the Frobenius twist of the variety. It is named after Pierre Cartier. Intuitively, it shows that de Rham cohomology in positive characteristic is a much larger object than one might expect. It plays an important role in the approach of Deligne and Illusie to the degeneration of the Hodge–de Rham spectral sequence. [1]
Let k be a field of characteristic p > 0, and let be a morphism of k-schemes. Let denote the Frobenius twist and let be the relative Frobenius. The Cartier map is defined to be the unique morphism
of graded -algebras such that for any local section x of . (Here, for the Cartier map to be well-defined in general it is essential that one takes cohomology sheaves for the codomain.) The Cartier isomorphism is then the assertion that the map is an isomorphism if is a smooth morphism.
In the above, we have formulated the Cartier isomorphism in the form it is most commonly encountered (e.g., in the 1970 paper of Katz). [2] In his original paper, Cartier actually considered the inverse map in a more restrictive setting, whence the notation for the Cartier map. [3]
The smoothness assumption is not essential for the Cartier map to be an isomorphism. For instance, one has it for ind-smooth morphisms since both sides of the Cartier map commute with filtered colimits. By Popescu's theorem, one then has the Cartier isomorphism for a regular morphism of noetherian k-schemes. [4] Ofer Gabber has also proven a Cartier isomorphism for valuation rings. [5] In a different direction, one can dispense with such assumptions entirely if one instead works with derived de Rham cohomology (now taking the associated graded of the conjugate filtration) and the exterior powers of the cotangent complex. [6]
In mathematics, de Rham cohomology is a tool belonging both to algebraic topology and to differential topology, capable of expressing basic topological information about smooth manifolds in a form particularly adapted to computation and the concrete representation of cohomology classes. It is a cohomology theory based on the existence of differential forms with prescribed properties.
In mathematics, a sheaf is a tool for systematically tracking data attached to the open sets of a topological space and defined locally with regard to them. For example, for each open set, the data could be the ring of continuous functions defined on that open set. Such data is well behaved in that it can be restricted to smaller open sets, and also the data assigned to an open set is equivalent to all collections of compatible data assigned to collections of smaller open sets covering the original open set.
In algebraic geometry, motives is a theory proposed by Alexander Grothendieck in the 1960s to unify the vast array of similarly behaved cohomology theories such as singular cohomology, de Rham cohomology, etale cohomology, and crystalline cohomology. Philosophically, a "motif" is the "cohomology essence" of a variety.
In mathematics, Hodge theory, named after W. V. D. Hodge, is a method for studying the cohomology groups of a smooth manifold M using partial differential equations. The key observation is that, given a Riemannian metric on M, every cohomology class has a canonical representative, a differential form that vanishes under the Laplacian operator of the metric. Such forms are called harmonic.
In mathematics, especially in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds, coherent sheaves are a class of sheaves closely linked to the geometric properties of the underlying space. The definition of coherent sheaves is made with reference to a sheaf of rings that codifies this geometric information.
In mathematics, Kähler differentials provide an adaptation of differential forms to arbitrary commutative rings or schemes. The notion was introduced by Erich Kähler in the 1930s. It was adopted as standard in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry somewhat later, once the need was felt to adapt methods from calculus and geometry over the complex numbers to contexts where such methods are not available.
In mathematics, crystals are Cartesian sections of certain fibered categories. They were introduced by Alexander Grothendieck (1966a), who named them crystals because in some sense they are "rigid" and "grow". In particular quasicoherent crystals over the crystalline site are analogous to quasicoherent modules over a scheme.
In mathematics, sheaf cohomology is the application of homological algebra to analyze the global sections of a sheaf on a topological space. Broadly speaking, sheaf cohomology describes the obstructions to solving a geometric problem globally when it can be solved locally. The central work for the study of sheaf cohomology is Grothendieck's 1957 Tôhoku paper.
In mathematics, specifically in algebraic geometry, the Grothendieck–Riemann–Roch theorem is a far-reaching result on coherent cohomology. It is a generalisation of the Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem, about complex manifolds, which is itself a generalisation of the classical Riemann–Roch theorem for line bundles on compact Riemann surfaces.
In mathematics, the Leray spectral sequence was a pioneering example in homological algebra, introduced in 1946 by Jean Leray. It is usually seen nowadays as a special case of the Grothendieck spectral sequence.
In mathematics, a Hodge structure, named after W. V. D. Hodge, is an algebraic structure at the level of linear algebra, similar to the one that Hodge theory gives to the cohomology groups of a smooth and compact Kähler manifold. Hodge structures have been generalized for all complex varieties in the form of mixed Hodge structures, defined by Pierre Deligne (1970). A variation of Hodge structure is a family of Hodge structures parameterized by a manifold, first studied by Phillip Griffiths (1968). All these concepts were further generalized to mixed Hodge modules over complex varieties by Morihiko Saito (1989).
In mathematics, the term Riemann–Hilbert correspondence refers to the correspondence between regular singular flat connections on algebraic vector bundles and representations of the fundamental group, and more generally to one of several generalizations of this. The original setting appearing in Hilbert's twenty-first problem was for the Riemann sphere, where it was about the existence of systems of linear regular differential equations with prescribed monodromy representations. First the Riemann sphere may be replaced by an arbitrary Riemann surface and then, in higher dimensions, Riemann surfaces are replaced by complex manifolds of dimension > 1. There is a correspondence between certain systems of partial differential equations and possible monodromies of their solutions.
In mathematics a stack or 2-sheaf is, roughly speaking, a sheaf that takes values in categories rather than sets. Stacks are used to formalise some of the main constructions of descent theory, and to construct fine moduli stacks when fine moduli spaces do not exist.
In algebraic geometry and algebraic topology, branches of mathematics, A1homotopy theory or motivic homotopy theory is a way to apply the techniques of algebraic topology, specifically homotopy, to algebraic varieties and, more generally, to schemes. The theory is due to Fabien Morel and Vladimir Voevodsky. The underlying idea is that it should be possible to develop a purely algebraic approach to homotopy theory by replacing the unit interval [0, 1], which is not an algebraic variety, with the affine line A1, which is. The theory has seen spectacular applications such as Voevodsky's construction of the derived category of mixed motives and the proof of the Milnor and Bloch-Kato conjectures.
In mathematics, especially in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds, coherent sheaf cohomology is a technique for producing functions with specified properties. Many geometric questions can be formulated as questions about the existence of sections of line bundles or of more general coherent sheaves; such sections can be viewed as generalized functions. Cohomology provides computable tools for producing sections, or explaining why they do not exist. It also provides invariants to distinguish one algebraic variety from another.
In mathematics, p-adic Hodge theory is a theory that provides a way to classify and study p-adic Galois representations of characteristic 0 local fields with residual characteristic p. The theory has its beginnings in Jean-Pierre Serre and John Tate's study of Tate modules of abelian varieties and the notion of Hodge–Tate representation. Hodge–Tate representations are related to certain decompositions of p-adic cohomology theories analogous to the Hodge decomposition, hence the name p-adic Hodge theory. Further developments were inspired by properties of p-adic Galois representations arising from the étale cohomology of varieties. Jean-Marc Fontaine introduced many of the basic concepts of the field.
This is a glossary of algebraic geometry.
In mathematics, the Hodge–de Rham spectral sequence is an alternative term sometimes used to describe the Frölicher spectral sequence. This spectral sequence describes the precise relationship between the Dolbeault cohomology and the de Rham cohomology of a general complex manifold. On a compact Kähler manifold, the sequence degenerates, thereby leading to the Hodge decomposition of the de Rham cohomology.
In mathematics, especially algebraic geometry, the decomposition theorem of Beilinson, Bernstein and Deligne or BBD decomposition theorem is a set of results concerning the cohomology of algebraic varieties. It was originally conjectured by Gelfand and MacPherson.
In mathematics, the base change theorems relate the direct image and the inverse image of sheaves. More precisely, they are about the base change map, given by the following natural transformation of sheaves: