Casciotta d'Urbino

Last updated
Casciotta d'Urbino DOP
Country of origin Italy
Region Marche
Town Urbino
Source of milk Cow and sheep
TextureSemi-soft and crumbly
Weight800g–1.2 kg
Aging timeTypically 2 weeks to 1 month
CertificationD.O.: 1982
DOP: 12 June 1996

Casciotta d'Urbino or Casciotta di Urbino is a type of caciotta cheese made in the province of Pesaro and Urbino, in the Marche region of Italy.


This cheese is generally made of between 70 and 80% sheep's milk with 20–30% cow's milk.

Local legend has it that the name came about from a mis-pronunciation of "caciotta" by a local civil servant, some say it is derived from the local dialect.

See also
