Cauchy wavelet

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In mathematics, cauchy wavelets are a family of continuous wavelets, used in the continuous wavelet transform.



The Cauchy wavelet of order is defined as:

where and
therefore, its Fourier transform is defined as


Sometimes it is defined as a function with its Fourier transform [1]

where and for almost everywhere and for all .

Also, it had used to be defined as [2]

in previous research of Cauchy wavelet. If we defined Cauchy wavelet in this way, we can observe that the Fourier transform of the Cauchy wavelet

Moreover, we can see that the maximum of the Fourier transform of the Cauchy wavelet of order is happened at and the Fourier transform of the Cauchy wavelet is positive only in , it means that:
(1) when is low then the convolution of Cauchy wavelet is a low pass filter, and when is high the convolution of Cauchy wavelet is a high pass filter.
Since the wavelet transform equals to the convolution to the mother wavelet and the convolution to the mother wavelet equals to the multiplication between the Fourier transform of the mother wavelet and the function by the convolution theorem.
(2) the design of the Cauchy wavelet transform is considered with analysis of the analytic signal.

Since the analytic signal is bijective to the real signal and there is only positive frequency in the analytic signal (the real signal has conjugated frequency between positive and negative) i.e.

where is a real signal (, for all )
And the bijection between analytic signal and real signal is that

where is the corresponded analytic signal of the real signal , and is Hilbert transform of .

Unicity of the reconstruction

Phase retrieval problem

A phase retrieval problem consists in reconstructing an unknown complex function from a set of phaseless linear measurements. More precisely, let be a vector space, whose vectors are complex functions, on and a set of linear forms from to . We are given the set of all , for some unknown and we want to determine .
This problem can be studied under three different viewpoints: [1]
(1) Is uniquely determined by (up to a global phase)?
(2) If the answer to the previous question is positive, is the inverse application is “stable”? For example, is it continuous? Uniformly Lipschitz?
(3) In practice, is there an efficient algorithm which recovers from ?

The most well-known example of a phase retrieval problem is the case where the represent the Fourier coefficients:
for example:

, for ,

where is complex-valued function on
Then, can be reconstruct by as


and in fact we have Parseval's identity


where i.e. the norm defined in .
Hence, in this example, the index set is the integer , the vector space is and the linear form is the Fourier coefficient. Furthermore, the absolute value of Fourier coefficients can only determine the norm of defined in .

Unicity Theorem of the reconstruction

Firstly, we define the Cauchy wavelet transform as:


Then, the theorem is as followed

Theorem. [1] For a fixed , if exist two different numbers and the Cauchy wavelet transform defined as above. Then, if there are two real-valued functions satisfied

, and

, ,

then there is a such that .

implies that



Hence, we get the relation

and .

Back to the phase retrieval problem, in the Cauchy wavelet transform case, the index set is with and , the vector space is and the linear form is defined as . Hence, determines the two dimensional subspace in .

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  1. 1 2 3 Mallat, Stéphane; Waldspurger, Irène (2015). "Phase retrieval for the Cauchy wavelet transform". Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications. 21 (6): 1251–1309. arXiv: 1404.1183 . doi: 10.1007/s00041-015-9403-4 .
  2. Argoul, Pierre; Le, Thien-phu (2003). "Instantaneous Indicators of Structural Behaviour Based on the Continuous Cauchy Wavelet Analysis". Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 17 (1): 243–250. Bibcode:2003MSSP...17..243A. doi: 10.1006/mssp.2002.1557 .