Central Greene School District

Last updated

Central Greene School District
Map of Greene County Pennsylvania School Districts.png
250 South Cumberland Street
, Greene County , Pennsylvania , 15370-0472
United States
District information
Students and staff
District mascotRaiders
Other information
Website cgsd.org

The Central Greene School District is a small, rural public school district located in Greene County, Pennsylvania. The district serves: the Borough of Waynesburg and Franklin Township, Perry Township, Washington Township, Wayne Township and Whiteley Township. It encompasses approximately 168 square miles (440 km2). In 1962, the district was created through an agreed joining of school administrations in each six townships served. The district is located about sixty miles south of Pittsburgh and twenty miles north of Morgantown, West Virginia. According to the 2000 federal census data, Central Greene School District served a resident population of 16,681. By 2010, the district's population declined to 15,902 people. [1] In 2009, the district residents' per capita income was $14,354, while the median family income was $39,358. [2] The educational attainment levels for the population 25 and over were 84.8% high school graduates and 15.8% college graduates. [3]


Central Greene School District operates three schools: Waynesburg Central Elementary School, Margaret Bell Miller Middle School and Waynesburg Central High School. The facilities include a pool, a football stadium, an auditorium, a soccer field and indoor basketball courts that are used as a community center for the Waynesburg area. High school students may choose to attend Greene County Career and Technology Center for training in the construction and mechanical trades. The Intermediate Unit IU1 provides the district with a wide variety of services like specialized education for disabled students and hearing, speech and visual disability services and professional development for staff and faculty.


Central Greene School District offers a variety of clubs, activities and interscholastic sports.


The district funds:

Middle School Sports

According to PIAA directory July 2012 [4]

Closed school

On August 9, 2011, the Central Greene School Board voted [5] to close Perry Elementary as a cost-saving measure. All elementary students in the district were shifted to attend Waynesburg Central Elementary School.


  1. US Census Bureau, 2010 Census Poverty Data by Local Educational Agency, 2011
  2. US Census Bureau, American Fact Finder, 2009
  3. proximityone (2014). "School District Comparative Analysis Profiles".
  4. Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletics Association (2012). "PIAA School Directory".
  5. Host, Cara (August 10, 2011). "Perry Elementary School Closed". Observer-Reporter. Retrieved July 8, 2012.