Chaetopodella (subgenus)

Last updated

Scientific classification

Duda, 1920 [1]
Type species
Limosina scutellaris
Haliday, 1836 [2]

Chaetopodella is a subgenus of flies belonging to the family Sphaeroceridae, the lesser dung flies. [3] [4]


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  1. Duda, Oswald (1920). "Vorläufige Mitteilung zur Kenntnis der aussereuropäischen Arten der Gattungen Leptocera Olivier = Limosina Macq. und Borborus Meigen (Dipteren)". Zoologische Jahrbücher. 43: 433–446.
  2. 1 2 Haliday, Alexander Henry (1836). "British species of the Dipterous tribe Sphaeroceridae". Entomological Magazine. 3: 315–336.
  3. Rohček, Jindřich; Marshall, Stephen A.; Norrbom, Allen L.; Buck, Matthias; Quiros, Dora Isabel; Smith, Ian (2001). Rohček, Jindřich (ed.). World Catalog of Sphaeroceridae (Diptera). Opava: Slezské Zemské Muzeum. pp. 1–414. ISBN   978-8086224213 . Retrieved 3 September 2017.
  4. Marshall, Stephen A.; Roháček, Jindřich; Dong, Hui; Buck, Matthias (2011). "The state of Sphaeroceridae (Diptera: Acalyptratae): a world catalog update covering the years 2000–2010, with new generic synonymy, new combinations, and new distributions" (PDF). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae. Pragae. 51 (1): 217–298. ISSN   0374-1036 . Retrieved 24 October 2017.
  5. 1 2 3 Papp, László (2008). "New genera of the Old World Limosininae (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae)" (PDF). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 54(supplement 2): 47–209. Retrieved 24 October 2017.
  6. Richards, O. W. (1939). "Some African Sphaeroceridae (Borboridae) in the collection of the British Museum (Diptera)". Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. B. The Royal Entomological Society of London. 8: 68–73.
  7. Duda, Oswald (1925). "Die außereuropäischen Arten der Gattung Leptocera Olivier - Limosina Macquart (Dipteren) mit Berücksichtigung der europäischen Arten" (PDF). Archiv für Naturgeschichte. Abteilung A. 90 (11 (1924)): 5–21. Retrieved 21 October 2017.
  8. Richards, O. W. (1980). Crosskey, R. W. (ed.). 57. Family Sphaeroceridae. In Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region. 1437 pp. (p. 614-626). London: British Museum (Natural History). ISBN   978-0565008215.
  9. 1 2 3 4 Hayashi, T; Papp, László (2007). "Oriental species of Chaetopodella Duda (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae)" (PDF). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 53 (2): 117–130. Retrieved 5 November 2017.
  10. Séguy, Eugène (1933). "Contribution l'Ètude de la faune du Mozambique. Voyage de M. P. Lesne (1928-1929). 13. e Note. - Dipteres (2.e partie)". Memórias e estudos do Museu zoológico da Universidade. 1. 67: 1–78.