Chain sequence

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In the analytic theory of continued fractions, a chain sequence is an infinite sequence {an} of non-negative real numbers chained together with another sequence {gn} of non-negative real numbers by the equations

Complex analysis Branch of mathematics studying functions of a complex variable

Complex analysis, traditionally known as the theory of functions of a complex variable, is the branch of mathematical analysis that investigates functions of complex numbers. It is useful in many branches of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, number theory, analytic combinatorics, applied mathematics; as well as in physics, including the branches of hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, and particularly quantum mechanics. By extension, use of complex analysis also has applications in engineering fields such as nuclear, aerospace, mechanical and electrical engineering.

In complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, a generalized continued fraction is a generalization of regular continued fractions in canonical form, in which the partial numerators and partial denominators can assume arbitrary complex values.


where either (a) 0  gn < 1, or (b) 0 < gn  1. Chain sequences arise in the study of the convergence problem both in connection with the parabola theorem, and also as part of the theory of positive definite continued fractions.

In the analytic theory of continued fractions, the convergence problem is the determination of conditions on the partial numeratorsai and partial denominatorsbi that are sufficient to guarantee the convergence of the continued fraction

In mathematics, a quadratic form is a polynomial with terms all of degree two. For example,

The infinite continued fraction of Worpitzky's theorem contains a chain sequence. A closely related theorem [1] shows that

converges uniformly on the closed unit disk |z|  1 if the coefficients {an} are a chain sequence.

An example

The sequence {¼, ¼, ¼, ...} appears as a limiting case in the statement of Worpitzky's theorem. Since this sequence is generated by setting g0 = g1 = g2 = ...  = ½, it is clearly a chain sequence. This sequence has two important properties.

generates the same unending sequence {¼, ¼, ¼, ...}.


  1. Wall traces this result back to Oskar Perron (Wall, 1948, p. 48).

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