Collage (geology)

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In geology a collage is a tectonostratigraphic unit characterized by its heterogeneity in terms of its lithology, rock ages, or both. The term is usually applied to Precambrian tectonostratigraphic units. Collages form by plate tectonic processes like accretion and continental collision. The sutures of the former Tethys Ocean is found around a large collage. [1]

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In geology, a terrane is a crust fragment formed on a tectonic plate and accreted or "sutured" to crust lying on another plate. The crustal block or fragment preserves its distinctive geologic history, which is different from the surrounding areas—hence the term "exotic" terrane. The suture zone between a terrane and the crust it attaches to is usually identifiable as a fault. A sedimentary deposit that buries the contact of the terrane with adjacent rock is called an overlap formation. An igneous intrusion that has intruded and obscured the contact of a terrane with adjacent rock is called a stitching pluton.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Stevan Karamata</span> Serbian geologist (1926–2015)

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  1. Şengör, A.M. Celâl (1987). "Tectonics of the Thethysides: Orogenic collage development in a collisional setting". Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences . 15: 213–244.