Computer-induced medical problems

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Computer-induced health problems can be an umbrella term for the various problems a computer user can develop from extended and incorrect computer use. A computer user may experience many physical health problems from using computers extensively over a prolonged period in an inefficient manner. The computer user may have poor etiquette when using peripherals, for example incorrect posture. Reportedly, excessive use of electronic screen media can have ill effects on mental health related to mood, cognition, and behavior, even to the point of hallucination. [1]



In today's world, using computers is a necessity for the majority of people but not many people actually consider the medical consequences that working with computers can cause, such as damaged eyesight, bad posture, arthritis in fingers and computer stress injuries that can be caused by sitting in one position for a prolonged time. The above problems are more commonly associated with old age but due to many factors such as poor component design, proximity of the user to the screen and an excess of consecutive working hours mean that the above problems can feature in both young and old computer users. This is an extremely important issue as computers become more important in every corner of employment the medical effects caused by them will elevate unless sufficient research is performed and time is dedicated into eliminating and reducing these problems as much as possible.

It is estimated that today at least 75% of all jobs involve some level of computer use; this means three-quarters of the workforce are being exposed to numerous health problems, the same can be said of students and educators who do not go through any day without access to a computer for academic work. The figure for people working with and using computers recreationally is to increase considerably in the coming years so it is crucially important that these problems are identified and resolved sooner rather than later in an effort to reduce if not eradicate these problems.

Common computer-induced medical problems

Notable physical medical problems that can arise from using computers include carpal tunnel syndrome, computer vision syndrome, and musculoskeletal problems. [2]

Carpal tunnel syndrome

The medical problem associated with computer-related work is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). CTS is a stress-related injury caused by repetitive movement of joints, especially the wrist, and can lead to numerous musculoskeletal problems. It has become very common among Computer professionals due to poorly placed computer components and extensive typing over a long period. Studies conducted show that one in eight computer professionals experience CTS. [3] This study was conducted over 21 companies and the majority of affected people said that they experienced acute and in some cases severe pain due to CTS. The main cause of CTS seems to be debatable, however, with many sources saying that the syndrome is predominantly caused by the acute positioning of the wrist while typing and this problem is exacerbated by the need for the user to be crouching towards the screen while typing. Different research conducted cites the mouse as being the main cause of CTS [3] as it was found that among the fingers the right thumb was revealed to be more susceptible to CTS due to the acute position of the thumb while using the mouse. CTS, although prevalent, seems to be very difficult to ameliorate or cure due to the consistency in the design of computer components such as the mouse and the keyboard, but some companies are leading the way with technologies such as touch screen monitors which will reduce stress on the hand and wrist. Employers in major companies are also taking measures to ameliorate CTS by implementing frequent work breaks and work rotation procedures to ensure that employees aren't working on a single computer for hours on end "a higher level of intensity of computer work results in higher risk for CTS". [4] which causes severe stress on the joints and thus can lead to CTS

Cumulative trauma disorders are caused by "people who sit at PC workstations or visual display terminals in fast-paced, repetitive keystroke jobs. Their fingers, wrists, arms, necks, and back may become so weak and painful that they cannot work". [5] Many people do not think about this when they look at their computer while using it. It is important to note that everything down to the keyboard has a design process behind it focusing on user interface. [6]

Computer vision syndrome

In many cases, frequent computer users develop computer vision syndrome, which is a degenerative eye problem which can result in severely reduced eyesight (myopia), blurred vision, overall eye tiredness and even glaucoma. Computer Eye Syndrome is an umbrella term for many problems but the causes of these problems can be easily identified. When using a computer due to the size and setup of the monitor and components it is necessary for the user to be within at least two feet of the monitor when performing any type of computational work. This presents many problems especially in older monitors due to an elevated amount of monitor glare, poor display quality and insufficient picture display refresh rates. Although these problems are more evident in older computers the newer models are not free from these problems either. Studies have been conducted. [7] They state "Treatment requires a multidirectional approach combining ocular therapy with adjustment of the workstation" [7] which shows these problems are quite easily solved with minimal investment from computer manufacturers through producing higher quality monitors with better resolution and refresh rates. The most common form of computer vision syndrome is a condition termed dry eye, which results in itchy, sore and even the illusion that something is stuck in your eye. This condition is often caused by extensively long period looking at a computer screen.

Video screens have a design process for user interface. Video screens can cause eyestrain from prolonged viewing. Cathode ray tubes are what are used to display the information on your computer. These send off radiation. This is a concern that has been taken into account when designing better computer screens for user interface. [5] [6]

Musculoskeletal problems

Another medical issue caused by the use of computers is back and posture problems. These problems relate to musculoskeletal disorders caused by the need for the user to be crouched and hunched towards the monitors and computer components due to the design and positioning of these particular computer peripherals. This hunching forward of the user causes posture and back problems but is also the cause of severe and acute pain in the upper back, particularly pain in the neck and or shoulders. A study [8] was conducted where 2146 technical assistants installed a computer program to monitor the musculoskeletal pain they suffered and answered questionnaires on the location and severity of the pain. The study showed interesting results, as it detailed how in the majority of cases any pain suffered was aggravated and exacerbated by the use of computer peripherals like the mouse and keyboard but overall the pain did not originate from using computers. "Moreover, there seems to be no relationship between computer use and prolonged and chronic neck and shoulder pain". [8] This is a positive study for computer manufacturers but although the pain may not originate from computer peripherals there is no doubt that the pain is exacerbated by their use and this revelation alone should lead computer manufacturers to pioneer new technologies that reduce the risk of posture or musculoskeletal problems aggravated by the use of poorly designed and linearly designed computer peripherals.

In another study, [9] It was found that women are at a greater risk than men to develop musculoskeletal problems. Two explanations given were that "women appear to consistently report more neck and upper extremity symptoms than men", and that women may assume more taxing positions while working than men do due to differences in anthropometrics.

Mental problems

Public Health England said children who spend too long on the internet face social problems such as loneliness, depression and anxiety. [10]

According to Dr. Victoria Dunckley, excessive use of electronic screen media can have ill effects on mental health related to cognition, and behavior—and may even result in psychosis in the form of hallucination. [1] She calls this "Electronic Screen Syndrome" (ESS). She claims the root of these symptoms appears to be linked to repeated stress on the nervous system, making self-regulation and stress management less efficient. She says interacting with screens shifts the nervous system into fight-or-flight mode which leads to dysregulation as an inability to modulate one's mood, attention, or level of arousal in a manner appropriate to one's environment.


Modern medical treatment for computer-induced medical problems like carpal tunnel syndrome include splints, surgery, corticosteroids, and physiotherapy therapy. [11] Acupuncture for carpal tunnel syndrome has also been shown to be effective. [12]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Carpal tunnel syndrome</span> Medical condition

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Musculoskeletal injury</span> Damage of muscular or skeletal systems

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nerve compression syndrome</span> Human disease

Nerve compression syndrome, or compression neuropathy, or nerve entrapment syndrome, is a medical condition caused by chronic, direct pressure on a peripheral nerve. It is known colloquially as a trapped nerve, though this may also refer to nerve root compression. Its symptoms include pain, tingling, numbness and muscle weakness. The symptoms affect just one particular part of the body, depending on which nerve is affected. The diagnosis is largely clinical and can be confirmed with diagnostic nerve blocks. Occasionally imaging and electrophysiology studies aid in the diagnosis. Timely diagnosis is important as untreated chronic nerve compression may cause permanent damage. A surgical nerve decompression can relieve pressure on the nerve but cannot always reverse the physiological changes that occurred before treatment. Nerve injury by a single episode of physical trauma is in one sense an acute compression neuropathy but is not usually included under this heading, as chronic compression takes a unique pathophysiological course.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Median nerve palsy</span> Medical condition

Injuries to the arm, forearm or wrist area can lead to various nerve disorders. One such disorder is median nerve palsy. The median nerve controls the majority of the muscles in the forearm. It controls abduction of the thumb, flexion of hand at wrist, flexion of digital phalanx of the fingers, is the sensory nerve for the first three fingers, etc. Because of this major role of the median nerve, it is also called the eye of the hand. If the median nerve is damaged, the ability to abduct and oppose the thumb may be lost due to paralysis of the thenar muscles. Various other symptoms can occur which may be repaired through surgery and tendon transfers. Tendon transfers have been very successful in restoring motor function and improving functional outcomes in patients with median nerve palsy.

This article is about physical therapy in carpal tunnel syndrome.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Carpal tunnel surgery</span> Surgery to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel surgery, also called carpal tunnel release (CTR) and carpal tunnel decompression surgery, is a nerve decompression in which the transverse carpal ligament is divided. It is a surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and recommended when there is constant (not just intermittent) numbness, muscle weakness, or atrophy, and when night-splinting no longer controls intermittent symptoms of pain in the carpal tunnel. In general, milder cases can be controlled for months to years, but severe cases are unrelenting symptomatically and are likely to result in surgical treatment. Approximately 500,000 surgical procedures are performed each year, and the economic impact of this condition is estimated to exceed $2 billion annually.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ergonomic hazard</span> Physical conditions that may pose a risk of injury

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Forward head posture</span> Spinal condition

Forward head posture (FHP) is an excessively kyphotic (hunched) thoracic spine. It is clinically recognized as a form of repetitive strain injury. The posture can occur in dentists, surgeons, and hairdressers, or people who spend time on electronic devices. It is one of the most common postural issues. There is a correlation between forward head posture and neck pain in adults, but not adolescents.

Nerve glide, also known as nerve flossing or nerve stretching, is an exercise that stretches nerves. It facilitates the smooth and regular movement of peripheral nerves in the body. It allows the nerve to glide freely along with the movement of the joint and relax the nerve from compression. Nerve gliding cannot proceed with injuries or inflammations as the nerve is trapped by the tissue surrounding the nerve near the joint. Thus, nerve gliding exercise is widely used in rehabilitation programs and during the post-surgical period.

Rounded shoulder posture (RSP), also known as “mom posture”, is a common postural problem in which the resting position of the shoulders leans forward from the body’s ideal alignment. Patients usually feel slouched and hunched, with the situation deteriorating if left untreated. A 1992 study concluded that 73% of workers aged 20 to 50 years have a right rounded shoulder, and 66% of them have a left rounded shoulder. It is commonly believed that digitalisation combined with the improper use of digital devices have resulted in the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles, which contribute to bad posture. Symptoms of RSP will lead to upper back stiffness, neck stiffness and shoulder stiffness. It can be diagnosed by several tests, including physical tests and imaging tests. To prevent RSP from worsening, maintaining a proper posture, doing regular exercise, and undergoing therapeutic treatments could be effective. If the situation worsens, patients should seek help from medical practitioners for treatments. If RSP is left untreated, chronic pain, reduction in lung capacity and worsened psychosocial health are likely to be resulted.


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