Conditioned disjunction

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Conditioned disjunction
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Truth table
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In logic, conditioned disjunction (sometimes called conditional disjunction) is a ternary logical connective introduced by Church. [1] [2] Given operands p, q, and r, which represent truth-valued propositions, the meaning of the conditioned disjunction [p, q, r] is given by


In words, [p, q, r] is equivalent to: "if q, then p, else r", or "p or r, according as q or not q". This may also be stated as "q implies p, and not q implies r". So, for any values of p, q, and r, the value of [p, q, r] is the value of p when q is true, and is the value of r otherwise.

The conditioned disjunction is also equivalent to

and has the same truth table as the ternary conditional operator ?: in many programming languages (with being equivalent to a ? b : c). In electronic logic terms, it may also be viewed as a single-bit multiplexer.

In conjunction with truth constants denoting each truth-value, conditioned disjunction is truth-functionally complete for classical logic. [3] There are other truth-functionally complete ternary connectives.

Truth table

The truth table for :


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  1. Church, Alonzo (1956). Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Princeton University Press.
  2. Church, Alonzo (1948). "Conditioned disjunction as a primitive connective for the propositional calculus". Portugaliae Mathematica. 7: 87–90.
  3. Wesselkamper, T. C. (1975). "A sole sufficient operator". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic. XVI (1): 86–88. doi:10.1305/ndjfl/1093891614.