Cone bush

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Nepean cone bush (Isopogon dawsonii), infructescence after blooming Isopogon dawsonii cone.jpg
Nepean cone bush (Isopogon dawsonii ), infructescence after blooming
Male of Sun Cone Bush (Leucadendron sessile) inflorescences in full bloom Leucadendron sessile flower.jpg
Male of Sun Cone Bush (Leucadendron sessile) inflorescences in full bloom

Cone bush, conebush, or cone-bush is a common name for various plants, usually dicotyledonous shrubs that bear their flowers and seeds in compact, cone-shaped inflorescences and infructescences. The plants that the name most frequently applies to are members of the Proteaceae, and in particular the Australian genus Isopogon [1] and the African genus Leucadendron . [2]

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  1. Rowell Raymond J. Ornamental Flowering Shrubs in Australia. Publisher: University of New South Wales. 1991. ISBN   978-0868400846
  2. Manning, John (2008). Field Guide to Fynbos. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. ISBN   9781770072657.