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Infructescence (fruiting head) is defined as the ensemble of fruits derived from the ovaries of an inflorescence. It usually retains the size and structure of the inflorescence. [1]

In some cases, infructescences are similar in appearance to simple fruits. These are called multiple fruits. One example is the infructescence of Ananas , which is formed from the fusion of the berries with receptacle tissues and bracts. [2] [3]

The mature infructescence of a grain, such as wheat or maize, is known as an ear. The infructescence of Ficus is called a syconium. [4]

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  1. "infructescence", The Free Dictionary, retrieved 2022-03-18
  2. "Multiple Fruits, Pineapple Multiple Fruit, Examples of Multiple Fruits, Types of Multiple Fruits". Retrieved 2022-03-18.
  3. "Multiple Fruits". Archived from the original on 2022-01-08. Retrieved 2022-03-18.
  4. "Definition of SYCONIUM". Retrieved 2022-03-18.