Congruence-permutable algebra

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In universal algebra, a congruence-permutable algebra is an algebra whose congruences commute under composition. This symmetry has several equivalent characterizations, which lend to the analysis of such algebras. Many familiar varieties of algebras, such as the variety of groups, consist of congruence-permutable algebras, but some, like the variety of lattices, have members that are not congruence-permutable.



Given an algebra , a pair of congruences are said to permute when . [1] :121 An algebra is called congruence-permutable when each pair of congruences of permute. [1] :122 A variety of algebras is referred to as congruence-permutable when every algebra in is congruence-permutable. [1] :122


In 1954 Maltsev gave two other conditions that are equivalent to the one given above defining a congruence-permutable variety of algebras. This initiated the study of congruence-permutable varieties. [1] :122

Theorem (Maltsev, 1954)

Suppose that is a variety of algebras. The following are equivalent:

  1. The variety is congruence-permutable.
  2. The free algebra on generators in is congruence-permutable.
  3. There is a ternary term such that

Such a term is called a Maltsev term and congruence-permutable varieties are also known as Maltsev varieties in his honor. [1] :122


Most classical varieties in abstract algebra, such as groups [1] :123, rings [1] :123, and Lie algebras [ citation needed ] are congruence-permutable. Any variety that contains a group operation is congruence-permutable, and the Maltsev term is .[ citation needed ]


Viewed as a lattice the chain with three elements is not congruence-permutable and hence neither is the variety of lattices. [1] :123

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bergman, Clifford (2011). Universal Algebra: Fundamentals and Selected Topics. Chapman and Hall/CRC. ISBN   978-1-4398-5129-6.