Continuous Discharge Certificate

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A Continuous Certificate of Discharge or Continuous Discharge Certificate (C.D.C.) is a seafarer's identity document issued by his country. [1] This document certifies that the person holding this is a seaman as per The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, as amended 2010. Every seafarer must carry this document while on board, which is also an official and legal record of his sea experience. The master of the vessel signs the document each time a seaman is signed off from the vessel certifying his experience on board.

A C.D.C. granted under STCW rules is valid for five years and may be renewed on expiration or within six months prior to date of expiration, on a request from the holder, for a further period up to five years at a time if the holder is a serving seaman and his C.D.C. has not been cancelled, withdrawn or suspended under these rules. If the period of validity of CDC of a seaman expires during the voyage, it is valid until the end of the voyage.

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Seaman Service Book (SSB) is a continuous record of a seaman’s service issued in Pakistan. This document certifies that the person holding is a seaman as per the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, as amended from time to time. Seaman Book is one of the compulsory document for applying crew transit visas. The record of employment on board of a merchant ship is recorded in a Seaman Service Book. Different countries issue to their seafarers the similar service book with different names i.e. Seaman Record Book, Seaman Discharge Book etc. In Pakistan Government Shipping Office issue this book under section 120 of Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 2001. It is mandatory for all seafarers serving on board ship, whether they are on the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate or not, to hold a "Seaman Service Book and Seaman Identity Document" (SID).


  1. "Merchant Shipping (Continues Discharge Certificate-cum-Seafarers Identity Document) Rules, 2001". Ministry of Shipping, Government of India. Retrieved 19 April 2018.