Crime in Lesotho

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Lesotho Police car. Lesotho police car (Sani Pass).JPG
Lesotho Police car.

Crime in Lesotho has high rate, ranging from carjacking, home invasion, robbery, sexual assault etc. Most of the reported crime incidents in the country are of opportunity for immediate gain.



Most of the crime in Lesotho happen in urban areas. [1] Crime rate in Maseru is five times higher than other districts and crime rate in Leribe and Mafeteng are also generally higher than other districts. [2]

Law enforcement agency

Lesotho Mounted Police Service is the national police force dealing with crime in the country.

Types of crime

Organized crimes in the country usually involve people from South Africa in which they focus on human trafficking and vehicle theft. [2]

See also

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Lesotho is a source and transit country for women and children subjected to trafficking in persons, specifically conditions of forced labor and forced prostitution, and for men in forced labor. Women and children are subjected within Lesotho to involuntary domestic servitude and children, to a lesser extent, to commercial sexual exploitation. Basotho victims of transnational trafficking are most often taken to South Africa. Long-distance truck drivers offer to transport women and girls looking for legitimate employment in South Africa. En route, some of these women and girls are raped by the truck drivers, then later prostituted by the driver or an associate. Many men who migrate voluntarily to South Africa to work illegally in agriculture and mining become victims of labor trafficking. Victims work for weeks or months for no pay; just before their promised "pay day" the employers turn them over to authorities to be deported for immigration violations. Women and children are exploited in South Africa in involuntary domestic servitude and commercial sex, and some girls may still be brought to South Africa for forced marriages in remote villages. Some Basotho women who voluntarily migrate to South Africa seeking work in domestic service become victims of traffickers, who detain them in prison-like conditions and force them to engage in prostitution. Most internal and transnational traffickers operate through informal, loose associations and acquire victims from their families and neighbors. Chinese and reportedly Nigerian organized crime units, however, acquire some Basotho victims while transporting foreign victims through Lesotho to Johannesburg, where they "distribute" victims locally or move them overseas. Bathoso children who have lost at least one parent to HIV/AIDS are more vulnerable to traffickers' manipulations; older children trying to feed their siblings are most likely to be lured by a trafficker's fraudulent job offer.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Women in Lesotho</span> Overview of the status of women in Lesotho

In 2017, 1.1 million women were living in Lesotho, making up 51.48% of the population. 33% of women are under 15 years of age, 61.4% are between 15 and 64 years old and 5.3% are over 64 years old. They received full legal status in 2008 with the passage of The Lesotho Bank Savings and Development Act of 2008. Women in Lesotho die at a disproportionate rate from HIV/AIDs. Historically, women have wielded power as heads of households, with control over household financial decisions. The government has taken steps to ensure more equal representation of genders in government with quotas, and women in Lesotho are more highly educated than men. Still, domestic abuse, sexual violence, lack of social mobility, and aforementioned health crises are persistent issues. Social and economic movements, like the mass immigration of men to South Africa, and the rise of the garment industry, have contributed to both the progress and problems facing women in Lesotho today.


  1. "Crime Information for Tourists in Lesotho". Country Reports. Retrieved 25 March 2020.
  2. 1 2 "Lesotho 2019 Crime & Safety Report". Overseas Security Advisory Council. 26 March 2019. Retrieved 25 March 2020.