DLL injection

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In computer programming, DLL injection is a technique used for running code within the address space of another process by forcing it to load a dynamic-link library. [1] DLL injection is often used by external programs to influence the behavior of another program in a way its authors did not anticipate or intend. [1] [2] [3] For example, the injected code could hook system function calls, [4] [5] or read the contents of password textboxes, which cannot be done the usual way. [6] A program used to inject arbitrary code into arbitrary processes is called a DLL injector.


Approaches on Microsoft Windows

There are multiple ways on Microsoft Windows to force a process to load and execute code in a DLL that the authors did not intend:

Approaches on Unix-like systems

On Unix-like operating systems with the dynamic linker based on ld.so (on BSD) and ld-linux.so (on Linux), arbitrary libraries can be linked to a new process by giving the library's pathname in the LD_PRELOAD environment variable, that can be set globally or individually for a single process. [38]

For example, on a Linux system, this command launches the command "prog" with the shared library from file "test.so" linked into it at the launchtime:


Such a library can be created in the same way as other shared objects. With GCC, this involves compiling the source file containing the new globals to be linked, with the -fpic or -fPIC option, [39] and linking with the -shared option. [40] The library has access to external symbols declared in the program like any other library.

On macOS, the following command launches the command "prog" with the shared library from file "test.dylib" linked into it at the launchtime: [41]


It is also possible to use debugger-based techniques on Unix-like systems. [42]

Sample code

Copying a LoadLibrary-loaded DLL to a remote process

As there is no LoadLibrary() call to load a DLL into a foreign process you have to copy a locally loaded DLL into remotely allocated memory. The following commented code shows how to do that.

#include<Windows.h>#include<TlHelp32.h>#include<iostream>#include<memory>#include<system_error>#include<charconv>#include<vector>#include<cassert>#if defined(_MSC_VER)#pragma warning(disable: 6387)#endifusingnamespacestd;usingXHANDLE=unique_ptr<void,decltype([](void*h){h&&h!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE&&CloseHandle((HANDLE)h);})>;usingXHMODULE=unique_ptr<remove_reference_t<decltype(*HMODULE())>,decltype([](HMODULEhm){hm&&FreeLibrary(hm);})>;MODULEENTRY32WgetModuleDescription(HMODULEhmModule);size_tmaxReadableRange(void*pRegion);stringgetAbsolutePathA(charconst*fileName,charconst*err);DWORDdumbParseDWORD(wchar_tconst*str);wstringgetAbsolutePath(wchar_tconst*makeAbsolute,charconst*errStr);[[noreturn]]voidthrowSysErr(charconst*str);constexprwchar_tconst*LOADER_DLL_NAME=L"loaderDll.dll";constexprcharconst*LOADER_THREAD_PROC="loadLibraryThread";intwmain(intargc,wchar_t**argv){try{if(argc<3)returnEXIT_FAILURE;wchar_tconst*processId=argv[1],*remoteLoadedDll=argv[2],*initData=argc>=4?argv[3]:L"";DWORDdwProcessId=dumbParseDWORD(processId);XHANDLExhProcess(OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,dwProcessId));if(!xhProcess.get())throwSysErr("can't open remote process with unlimited access");XHMODULExhmLocalLoader;MODULEENTRY32WmeLocalLoader;for(;;){xhmLocalLoader.reset(LoadLibraryW(LOADER_DLL_NAME));if(!xhmLocalLoader.get())throwSysErr("can't locally load loader DLL");// get module starting address and sizemeLocalLoader=getModuleDescription((HMODULE)xhmLocalLoader.get());// try to allocate memory range in the foreign process with the same size the DLL in our process occupiesif(VirtualAllocEx(xhProcess.get(),meLocalLoader.modBaseAddr,meLocalLoader.modBaseSize,MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE))break;// allocation failed, free libraryxhmLocalLoader.reset(nullptr);// try to reserve address range which the library occupied before to prevent// recycling of that address range with the next LoadLibrary() call.if(!VirtualAlloc(meLocalLoader.modBaseAddr,meLocalLoader.modBaseSize,MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_NOACCESS))throwSysErr("can't reserve address range of previously mapped DLL");}LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINEloaderThreadProc=(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)xhmLocalLoader.get(),::LOADER_THREAD_PROC);if(!loaderThreadProc)throwSysErr("can't get procedure entry point");// coppy all readable DLL-contents to the destination processif(SIZE_Tcopied;!WriteProcessMemory(xhProcess.get(),meLocalLoader.modBaseAddr,meLocalLoader.modBaseAddr,meLocalLoader.modBaseSize,&copied)&&GetLastError()!=ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY)throwSysErr("can't copy loader DLL to remote process");// create two concatenated C strings that contain the DLL to load as well as the parameter// given to the remotely loaded DLLwstringdata(getAbsolutePath(remoteLoadedDll,"can't get absolute path to DLL to be remotely loaded"));data+=L'\0';data+=initData;data+=L'\0';size_tdataSize=data.size()*sizeof(wchar_t);autoinitStrErr=[](){throwSysErr("failed to copy initialization data to loader DLL");};void*remoteData;// remotely allocate memory large enough to hold at least our both stringsif(!(remoteData=VirtualAllocEx(xhProcess.get(),nullptr,dataSize,MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE)))initStrErr();// write our both strings to remote memoryif(SIZE_Tcopied;!WriteProcessMemory(xhProcess.get(),remoteData,data.data(),dataSize,&copied)||copied!=dataSize)initStrErr();// create a remote DLL loader thread; the given entry point has the same address in our process as well as the remote address// give this thread the address of our both remotely copied stringsXHANDLExhRemoteInitThread(CreateRemoteThread(xhProcess.get(),nullptr,0,loaderThreadProc,remoteData,0,nullptr));if(!xhRemoteInitThread.get())throwSysErr("failed to create remote initializaton thread");// wait on our remote loader thread to finish// it should that very soon as its only task is to copy the strings for the remotely loaded DLL and load this DLL itselfif(WaitForSingleObject(xhRemoteInitThread.get(),INFINITE)==WAIT_FAILED)throwSysErr("can't wait for remote initialization thread");DWORDdwInitThreadExitCode;if(!GetExitCodeThread(xhRemoteInitThread.get(),&dwInitThreadExitCode))throwSysErr("can't get initialization thread's success code");// check for remote loader's exit-code, it should be NO_ERROR (0)if(dwInitThreadExitCode!=NO_ERROR)throwsystem_error((int)dwInitThreadExitCode,system_category(),"LoadLibrary() error in remote loader dll");}catch(exceptionconst&se){cout<<se.what()<<endl;}}MODULEENTRY32WgetModuleDescription(HMODULEhmModule){// returns the absolute path to for a given module handleautogetModulePath=[](HMODULEhm,charconst*err)->wstring{wchar_tmodulePath[MAX_PATH];if(DWORDdwRet=GetModuleFileNameW(hm,modulePath,MAX_PATH);!dwRet||dwRet>=MAX_PATH)throwSysErr(err);returnmodulePath;};// local DLL's module pathwstringmoduleAbsolute(getModulePath(hmModule,"can't get absolute path for local loader DLL"));XHANDLExhToolHelp(CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE,GetCurrentProcessId()));autotoolHelpErr=[](){throwSysErr("can't list modules in injecting process");};if(xhToolHelp.get()==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)toolHelpErr();MODULEENTRY32Wme;me.dwSize=sizeofme;if(!Module32FirstW(xhToolHelp.get(),&me))toolHelpErr();for(;;){// has the current image in the snapshot the same path like the DLL which is given by the module handle// no need to compare case insensitive because we got both paths from the kernel so that they should exactly matchif(getModulePath(me.hModule,"can't get absolute path for toolhelp-enumerated DLL name")==moduleAbsolute)returnme;me.dwSize=sizeofme;if(!Module32NextW(xhToolHelp.get(),&me))toolHelpErr();}}[[noreturn]]voidthrowSysErr(charconst*str){throwsystem_error((int)GetLastError(),system_category(),str);}DWORDdumbParseDWORD(wchar_tconst*str){// idiot's from_chars because there's no from_chars for unicode charactersDWORDdwRet=0;while(*str)dwRet=dwRet*10+(unsignedchar)(*str++-L'0');returndwRet;}wstringgetAbsolutePath(wchar_tconst*makeAbsolute,charconst*errStr){// get absolute path of a given relative pathwstringpath(MAX_PATH,L'\0');DWORDdwLength;if(!(dwLength=GetFullPathNameW(makeAbsolute,MAX_PATH,path.data(),nullptr)))throwSysErr(errStr);// if deRet == MAX_PATH we might miss a zero-termination character, treat this as an errorelseif(dwLength>=MAX_PATH)throwinvalid_argument(errStr);path.resize(dwLength);returnpath;}

The main issue solved here is that a locally loaded DLL copied to a remote process must occupy the same addresses as in the injecting process. The above code does this by allocating memory for the same address range as occupied before in the injecting process. If this fails the DLL is locally freed, the former address range is marked as reserved, and the LoadLibrary() call is tried again. By reserving the former address range the code prevents that the next LoadLibrary() attempt will assign the same address range as used before.

The main drawback with that approach is that the DLL copied into the foreign process is that there aren't any other DLL library dependencies of that DLL loaded into the foreign address space or pointers, f.e. function calls, to DLLs loaded by the foreign process are adjusted according to the dependencies of the copied DLL. Luckily DLLs usually have preferred loading addresses which are honored by the kernel's loader. Some DLLs like kernel32.dll are reliably loaded in the early beginning when the process address space is occupied by the executable image and its depending DLLs. These normally have reliable and non-conflicting addresses. So the copied DLL can use any kernel32.dll calls, f.e. to load another DLL with full advantages of a locally loaded DLL, i.e. having all relative library-dependencies. The path to that DLL is copied to the foreign address space and given as a void-parameter to the thread-function. The above implementation also allows to have additional parameters, which are passed to the remotely copied DLL after the string with the DLL to remotely loaded to passed to that DLL.

The following code is the source of the remotely copied loader DLL which only does kernel32.dll calls:

#include<Windows.h>#include<atomic>usingnamespacestd;BOOLAPIENTRYDllMain(HMODULEhModule,DWORDul_reason_for_call,LPVOIDlpReserved){returnTRUE;}DWORDWINAPIloadLibraryThread(LPVOIDlpvThreadParam);// MSVC / clang-cl mangling#if defined(_M_IX86)#pragma comment(linker, "/export:loadLibraryThread=?loadLibraryThread@@YGKPAX@Z")#elif defined(_M_X64)#pragma comment(linker, "/export:loadLibraryThread=?loadLibraryThread@@YAKPEAX@Z")#else#error unsupported platform#endifDWORDWINAPIloadLibraryThread(LPVOIDlpvThreadParam){// use atomics to prevent the "optimizer" from replacing my code with// wsclen or memcpy library calls to external addresses actually not valid// with this copied DLL// ignore any atomic load barriers since this hasn't to be fastatomic_wchar_tconst// path to the library to load from inside*libPath=(atomic_wchar_t*)lpvThreadParam,// pointer to the parameters given to this library*data=libPath;// advance data to the actual parameterswhile(*data++);HANDLEhOutboundEvent;// create named event to notify the remote DLL that data has already copied // necessary because the remote DLL execution begins directly after LoadLibrary()Sif(!(hOutboundEvent=CreateEventA(nullptr,FALSE,FALSE,"nasty hackers")))returnGetLastError();// size of the paramers given to the DLLsize_tdataSize=0;while(data[dataSize++]);if(dataSize>=MAX_PATH)returnERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;// clean LoadLibrary() with all DLL-dependenciesHMODULEhm=LoadLibraryW((wchar_t*)libPath);if(!hm)returnGetLastError();// get address of parameters export from the loaded DLLwchar_tvolatile(&initData)[MAX_PATH]=*(wchar_t(*)[MAX_PATH])GetProcAddress(hm,"initData");// the loaded DLL doesn't provide such an export, i.e. its not relying on parameters ?if(!initData)returnNO_ERROR;// copy parameters to the DLLfor(size_ti=0;i!=dataSize;initData[i]=data[i],++i);// notify that parameters availableif(!SetEvent(hOutboundEvent))returnGetLastError();returnNO_ERROR;}

The last code shows an example of a DLL loaded by the loader DLL which prints the parameters to a file.

#include<Windows.h>#include<fstream>#include<atomic>usingnamespacestd;#if defined(_MSC_VER)#pragma warning(disable: 6387) // returned handle could be null#endif#if defined(_M_IX86)#pragma comment(linker, "/export:DllMain=_DllMain@12")#elif defined(_M_X64)#pragma comment(linker, "/export:DllMain=_DllMain@12")#else#error unsupported platform#endifusingnamespacestd;DWORDWINAPImyThread(LPVOIDlpvThreadParam);BOOLAPIENTRYDllMain(HMODULEhModule,DWORDdwReason,LPVOIDlpReserved){switch(dwReason){caseDLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:// create thread since there is no export called from the loader DLLCreateThread(nullptr,0,myThread,nullptr,0,nullptr);default:break;}returnTRUE;}extern"C"__declspec(dllexport)wchar_tinitData[MAX_PATH]={0};DWORDWINAPImyThread(LPVOIDlpvThreadParam){// wait for initData to be filled by loader DLL// skip that if you don't rely on any initData// as the named event "nasty hackers" has been created by our own DLL's// LoadLibrary() we're just connecting to a named event, but not creating oneif(WaitForSingleObject(CreateEventA(nullptr,FALSE,FALSE,"nasty hackers"),INFINITE)!=WAIT_OBJECT_0)return0;// write parameters in a file to test function// the following code doesn't work when the DLL is non-statically linked for unknown reasonswofstreamwofs;wofs.open("c:\\Users\\xxx\\test.txt",ofstream::out|ofstream::trunc);wofs<<initData<<endl;return0;}

One important fact is that there are no exports called from the loader DLL, but instead all initialization is done from DllMain. The only export is that of initData, which receives the parameters given by the injecting process through the loader DLL. And one must be aware that the thread created from a DllMain-function isn't scheduled until after its DLL_THREAD_ATTACH-function has succeeded. So there may not be any synchronization from inside DllMain with the created thread.


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